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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I thought you might get a chuckle from this. It was out and went viral months ago, but this angle is superb, and for those who did not see it--here is your opportunity. The only time I suggest something with orange in it...
  2. Yeah, since I wrote the post...site loading on mobile as gone back to a faster, normal speed. This is what I hate about this advertising platform that I'm locked into--they make changes all the time that affect things, and mess it up for us. I am usually complaining right away, and they deny it was them, and then the problem goes away after I complain. (Not them....right!) But this time I did not get to my complaints very quickly, and I assume enough other publishers did complain--and the problem has been fixed. Bastards. Whoops, I mean, "Bah-Humbug!"
  3. Thanks. I've had the audio from video on desktop, and the other issues on the mobile phone.
  4. Omigosh! What an adorable boxer! We had one, and she died abruptly from a heart condition, but boy--the energy she brought. They LOVE children, but hate water. If they could not even walk on wet sidewalks...they would. Our boxer before Abbie, and she was just wonderful. Life is a game...
  5. I swear...if I am not dealing with a Spammer trying to get in, an OBD member acting like a petulant child who wants special treatment, or a damn technology issue...it would not be a normal day managing a forum! I do need to know, either in the comments to this thread, or to my email charles@fishduck.com if you have either of these issues or more. 1. I eliminated the videos going on automatically about ten days ago by throwing a fit with our advertising platform provider who plugged them in without my permission, and now had to remove them. Bastards. Now, over the last three days I get an ad video giving me a ten second audio burst if I dawdle too long reading a post. If this bugs you too? You will know I have a LOW tolerance level for this nonsense, and I bugged them again to get this one removed too. It looks like as of today--it is gone. Of course they deny that anything was different. (Right!) 2. Suddenly the forum on my mobile phone is loading SUPER-SLOW, and I don't know if it is my phone, our forum hosting company or the damn advertising platform again.. Are YOU having this problem? I do not have the patience for this stuff!
  6. Many of you may recall how I lost Abbie five years ago and wrote a tribute to her. She was in my Chip Kelly videos, and was such a character! In Memory: A Tribute to “Abbie,” the Beloved Mascot of... FISHDUCK.COM Charles Fischer of FishDuck.com remembers “Abbie,” the site’s official mascot, in a memorial tribute to her.
  7. Wow. I cannot believe all the great advice in this thread, and it is pretty valuable to me, as I need to learn how to cook more items with my recently new single status. I want to do a bit of Carnivore diet in the future, but at the least learn how to cook a great steak, and the tips here were incredible. If anyone is up for giving me an in-person, one-on-one cooking lesson in Eugene....I'll buy the steaks and share them. charles@fishduck.com No, Charles. The Smoke Alarm is NOT a Food Timer.
  8. My Duck-Buddies....those pictures are GREAT! My daughter just stopped by, and we were going..."oooohhhh" to those pictures above. So heartwarming... Time for another Christmas Abbie photo!
  9. B1G Recruiting Rankings No. 5 Ohio State No. 6 Oregon No. 12 Michigan No. 15 Penn State No. 17 Nebraska No. 18 Wisconsin No. 21 USC No. 27 Stanford No. 32 Iowa No. 34 Purdue No. 35 Maryland No. 37 Rutgers No. 40 Illinois No. 42 Minnesota No. 45 Washington As great a coach as DeBoer is...you eventually cannot overcome this.
  10. That tugs at my heart. I had two wonderful cats as well, but they would not let me dress them up!
  11. Although I should not jump-the-gun on 2025 recruiting, but instead...
  12. I'm talking about 2025 QB, who will be one of next year's highest rated quarterback, Akili Smith Jr. (Gosh I love keyboarding that name!) That first throw...wowsa.
  13. Got a picture of your pet with Christmas garb? Share it! Or any pet picture for that matter, as it is fun. Don't know how to upload the picture? The directions are at the top of the forum and you can look at them right here for reference. Often I will just right-click on a photo, "Copy" and then "Paste" into a post. Takes seconds is all! My beloved Abbie (above) was such a sweet dog who endured a ton from me... My daughter set this one up, and she told me, "Dad, this is why dogs bite people."
  14. 1976? I was living in Corvallis still, (grew up there, and my father was a professor there) and I was loving to hate Oregon. Then I ended up going to Oregon and turning from the Dark Side... Don, it was great fun to meet you and the others at the OBD Get-Together and talk about Our Beloved Ducks for hours. So much fun, and I do look forward to doing that again. THANKS for your guest articles, as you, Jon Joseph and Mike Whitty came to the rescue when other writers had other life events that prevented them from finishing out the football season. I so enjoy the perspective of other fellow Greybeards, and your involvement adds to the rich collective wisdom of this community. Thank you. Charles and a 2015 FishDuck Student Writer
  15. Funny how it all worked out. See my post from December 9th, (Post No. 11) and how I believed we were making room for better options, and that is precisely what happened. Pellum and McClelland were flipped from USC and Ohio State, and these are huge WR additions for Oregon. I admit that I too, can get twisted up from the changes in recruiting, but I need to trust DANO to get it done. I waited all year to see--and he got it done on signing day. Whew!
  16. The new PAC-Conference is not a power conference, but simply a Mountain West+ in my view.
  17. Great series of articles by Mike Whitty, that comes to a logical conclusion today. I've learned a ton from his research, and am grateful for all the time he put into creating these articles for us.
  18. I have had feedback on this thread, and wish to update it. There is a time to discuss all the negative aspects of what college athletics is turning into, there is ALWAYS a time to go negative--when things are negative, as it makes sense and that is what we do here. But I have found over the years that a percentage of people are just "Negative-Nellies" who always look at the gloomy side of things, and when there isn't gloom--they pull from another topic to pour cold water on the good news or happy events occurring. I have had this happen a number of times over the last dozen years, and my mistake with those people was letting them "say whatever, and whenever" and thus coming to forum or to the comments below the articles turned into a buzz-kill. I had serious discussions with other key members about how to address it. I created the Rule No. 31c about venting. Writing negative when negative occurs is fine, writing about negative when negative events occur is fine, but pulling out the negative when you have a happy event is venting. The bottom line is that I have to protect the atmosphere of the site, as I do other behaviors, and hence why the rule No. 31c was created. My Mistake? Now it is the next day? My regret is doing this in public, as that is not our protocol. But I have a temper concerning my own personal "hot" topics, and people pulling negative out during positive events is near the top of my list. I lost my head and was wrong to denigrate DanLduck in public. I should have hid the thread immediately, and discussed things with him like the mature man that I was not at that moment. I made a mistake, and compounded it in the thread. I publicly apologize to DanLduck for the mistake, and resolve to get better. I make this mistake about once a year, and after doing it so many times--I should be able to recognize within myself when I am over-reacting at the moment, and need to take it private. This is why I say..."none of us wear halos here." We all make mistakes with the rules, and I am not exempt....which is crazy when you consider that I MADE THE RULES! It is humbling to realize my error, but as I tell everyone else when they make a mistake..."we acknowledge it, learn from it, move forward and forget about it." Age 67 and still learning...
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