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Everything posted by Quackanadian

  1. Inventions exist to be improved upon. Chip was a total game changer. IMHO, his NFL experience tempered him a bit, but the the new generation keeps improving upon his widely copied concepts. I wonder if this is why Clemson seems to be "slowing down". Lots of game film to study for that offense. Go Ducks.
  2. I love the picture of Niagara Falls, Alan. I have a few from that angle with my kiddos, as that's from the Canucklhead side.
  3. Alabama helped him. 11 five star recruits starting and a bunch of 5 star back ups.
  4. Ty Thompson. I hope the kid turns a corner soon. I am not sure of a 5 star recruit that has underperformed like this when placed in a game, other than Tate Martell.... Yikes.
  5. If the Ducks run the table, maybe we'll get to see a week 1 rematch.
  6. No kidding!!!! Sparty gonna crush Dub's soul...
  7. Cada McNamara will be transfering from Michigan soon, so the portal QB will still be available...
  8. Guess who will be Nick Saban's next OC guys????
  9. I agree with the article's assessment, especially after an early morning eastern time zone re-watch. The Ducks did move the ball well early on, so that line vs a fresh 5 star D line did pretty well at first. The offensive sets were refreshing vs Cristoballin' up the gut on 3rd and long. Georgia now has a passing game that I haven't seen from them... maybe ever??? Bama better have taken notice! I didn't expect this kind of beat down. I didn't expect that many missed friggin' tackles. Just get better every week and develop every week. Also, maybe Bo "Pick Six" Nix should ride the pines as the "senior mentor". Good grief.
  10. Always a puncher's chance! Right now, I am warming up by re-watching the Ducks smack around the Suckeyes from last year. Cbeers!
  11. I grew up on Lake Superior. I never ever thought somebody would quote Gordon Lightfoot's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.... Thanks for the smile.
  12. The one where Mariota is sprinting to the end zone and DA Thomas forgets to block the streaking Tree defender.... then the Ducks go for it on 4th down and miss... no points... lose by a FG....
  13. Mario's scheme of trying to bully the middle, especially against a D like Georgia, would have been a colossal failure IMHO. Ironically, he was smart enough to use the edges quite effectively against the Suckeyes only a year ago. There are some big boys on the line at Oregon, but I am not sure the current super seniors have the foot speed a-la Sewell to make the pros.
  14. I can't wait to see (hope to see?) a coaching team that doesn't run out clock so early and play "not to lose" football. MC was atrocious at this, and it makes me wonder if - simply - no other coach stood up to the ju-jitsu practicing, lineman sized, relentlessly moving human being and told him "this style of coaching" is maybe "not the best". Maybe people were scared of him. Being both a Michigan fan and Oregon fan, I would love to be the fly-on-the-wall in Josh Gattis' presence, having gone as OC from one over-bearing and play-call controlling coach in Harbaugh to another in MC. I am curious if we see Miami do the same kind of stuff way too early in games. Cheers.
  15. Oregon 38, Dawgs 35 plus 2 turnovers Ducks 3 Sacks 376 passing yards Ducks I am pretty hopeful here, i know.
  16. Ducks 14, Dawgs 13. Low scoring, all defense affair.
  17. How many of those are Mariota games, I wonder...
  18. I will add that it is a little strange that DL's defence is what made him famous.... so keeping a "new format" or "scheme" will actually take him away from what made him successful.... Or will it ADD to the success???
  19. Absolutely a good move! Destroyed? Come on now....
  20. We are all so super sensitive to so many things now... and worried about getting "called out" on it on social media.... for what seems like a small percentage of people over reacting to anyone and anything. Why should anyone worry about cheerleader photos when... - onlyfans is a thing now. this is just a private way to pay to 'stare'... - being an 'influencer' on social media is a full time, high paying job now. Most of these are scantily clad women who make huge money of this... - people still support both women and men (or any "sex" in between) when they are barely clothed for many reasons. I think anything can be done in a tasteful and respectful manner. So can cheerleader photos. Cheers!
  21. SEC style referee tactics.
  22. It will be hard to forget those gloveless and needless fumbles, that's for sure.... I am very much looking forward to a return of a modern offence.
  23. Hey now!!!!... I gots my MD degree from Sasquatch State!!!! And my sister was the enforcer on the ice for Kelowna College.... And i love to hate me some purple....
  24. Log, you are right about Mario. Hype and motivation off the charts. Teach old school lineman techniques a plenty. But his skill players will get frustrated in year 2 and transfer out, just like they sadly did at Oregon.
  25. When college football had the 6 big conferences (I am thinking Big East here), we loved to idea of a playoff so that we could see undefeated mid 90's Nebraska actually play USC - when they were powerful - for once in a bowl game. We all wanted to see Michigan or Ohio State take on Florida State or Texas, or even see Miami play someone other than Nebraska for a competitive bowl game. With "Super Conferences" on the rise, many of these teams in today's landscape will struggle to put a 6 win season together. More conferences equals more 10-0 teams, and more theoretical "who can beat who" beer night philosophical ponderings. Super conferences will leave some classic blue bloods bleeding endlessly. Unless the new model can come up with some sort of draft system, or NIL cap rules, there will forever be zero parity in college football. So, regardless of the teams you swallow into your conference, you will always have the Bamas, Ohio States, Clemsons and Georgias eating the most at the table. Former super powers will likely get eaten up, and stay middle class. Cheers.
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