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Everything posted by webfootfan

  1. He didn't use the word ALL fans and if you read fan comments on his site, you might see why he thinks the way he does. I am a diehard Duck fan, and think that only those who are actually IN the Pac 12, AKA now Pac 2 , should have control of the assets. The Pac 2 is not going to be allowed to give those who left nothing...the courts will decide that. I read both of you, like and respect both of you. I think Canzano was basing his comment on the feedback he gets all the time. I am not in favor of anybody getting screwed any more than they already have been. But teams that have left the Pac 12 for greener pastures, in my view, should not be making decisions about the conference they left. .
  2. According to Mike Farrell, UCLA made a NIL offer that was substantially better than Oregon's. Considering that he may have to sit at UCLA as well, is likely giving up the chance to compete in the playoffs, and either way would have a new OC and new coach, I'm inclined to believe that $$$$ were an important issue. Still have no ill will towards the kid, who by all counts is a great person, not just a great player. But it's a reminder that kids change their minds and until they sign, who knows what will happen.
  3. Great news. too bad Moore couldn't accept that few true freshman start . Imagine what he could have learned under Bo, a guy who knows the ups and downs. We will have a chance to play in the CFB playoffs most years. UCLA....not so much.
  4. My problem is that this was a lesson that he was supposed to have learned from the Husky game. 2 losses directly attributable to terrible decision making- today's was worse than the last time. Going for it on our own 29 yr line against the league's best rush defense and our QB legs not functioning ???? Is this arrogance or just inexperience ? but how many games does it take to lose to understand there is a time and a place for going for it on 4th down?
  5. Dillingham is driving me crazy with these trick plays...not that he uses them but WHEN. Last week he used it when we were driving for a TD and we were on the what, 4 yr line? Then this one...unbelievably bad call and doing it with TT as his first play? We were on our own 10 yard line, for crying out loud.
  6. I would much rather each athlete be paid a set amount...the same amount. Hard feelings about the guy getting a million vs the guy getting nothing would be gone, along with some of the other obvious problems. Boosters would have less power to decide who is signed , and frankly, we wouldn't be buying players. It just feels scummy the way it is now. Can't fault a kid who has nothing to going to the school that pays the most, but may not actually be the birds fit for him.
  7. I like a site that simply requires us to disagree with each other without attacking anyone. and yeah, attacking can be very lite but still be an attack. Well done, Charles.
  8. If MC can grow into realizing he is not a great game day coach, and have someone else either take that over, if he can let the offensive coordinator handle the offense, then i think there is a great chance for him to take them to the playoffs. I just have no reason to believe that will happen.
  9. Beyond disappointed.
  10. IMHO, he does not work hard enough to make as much of his natural talents as he could. It will hold him back.
  11. His Dec 6th tweet said " stay the course."
  12. You know this charity work is hogwash because employees of these non profits rarely make 50m k a yr unless they are in upper management. So we are to believe that doing a little charity work is of more value than the employee who does it 40 to 50 hrs a week? Pay for play. Absolutely.
  13. A. Outstanding character, outstanding recruiter, young and enthusiastic, trained under some of the best. Everybody he has worked for thinks he is an incredible young man who will do great things.
  14. The more I read about Lanning, the more I hear his own words, the more I like the guy. I think most of us will be calling this a home run, or at least a triple, before too long. This guy is not a typical 35 yr old. His wife had osteosarcoma at the age of 28. He stood before a group at an awards show and gave credit to his wife that was more than just 5 words. He has worked his butt off wherever he has been and everybody...kids, other coaches, administration, all seem to think he is exceptional. He comes across as humble, and appears to have his ego in check. He was listed as # 8 in recruiting , and recruited a 5 star QB. Not bad for a defensive guy. Let's hope for a strong OC hire to balance out his experience. I am gonna root like heck for the guy.
  15. Go listen to some of Lanning's speeches.....like the one when he was a finalist for the Broyles award. I find him to be super impressive and every person he has worked for has nothing but incredible things to say. He is one of the top recruiters in college football and like Cristobal can not be outworked. Has 3 young kids and a wife he brags on more than i have seen any other coach do. Sure , we need a strong OC....now let's go get one.
  16. I started out thinking that neither Wilcox or Lanning would be good hires. After reading as much as I could find on both, i changed my mind on both. Wilcox seems to have done as well as anyone could with a Cal school that does not think football is all that important. He appeared to impress the heck of everyone in his interview and with the support that the Ducks would provide, would expect great things . Lanning is a go getter and appears to have a work ethic like MC's, as well as being an awesome recruiter. I see folks bashing his defense bonafides based on 1 game, but despite that 1 game, his team's defense is # 1 in college football .....hard to bash the best. And his experience level as a head coach is the same as Chip's was....non existent. can anyone confirm that his mother lives in Hillsboro? that would be Oregon ties, if true.
  17. MC is a very very good coach. He EXCELS in several important things and they add to the programs, wherever he goes. What he does not excel at, however is game day coaching, some decision making. This is not new. I expect him to do very well at Miami but it will take time. I had not thought of HaywardDucks's point regarding Miami already # 11 in recruiting...so this is not a massive improvement for them and HayDuck is spot on there. I expect the boosters will start wondering if they got their money's worth after year 2. ( Since a family member through marriage is fronting a ton of this money, they may not be as impatient as other boosters are. ) Overall, i believe they will give him some time and we know MC will not be outworked. But the one thing that they don't appear to grasp is that he WILL be outcoached repeatedly, unless there is substantial improvement in that aspect, something we did not see at all. I do wish him well, and will be cheering for him .
  18. I can not understand why in the world we would want to hire a guy who hates to recruit! MC was one of the best at that, if not the best. To go to one of the worst at recruiting makes zero sense. Yes, other than Saban, they all have their weaknesses. But come on, get someone who can recruit. Maybe we don't have to have a top 5 recruiter, but he should at least be in the top 20, no?
  19. So, Jon Joseph and David Marsh, Who do you 2 guys think would be a good fit for the Ducks? For not just the head coach, but the OC and DC?
  20. Darn it all, Charles, now you are making us look inward! For the record, thanks for pushing me to do so.
  21. Justin Hopkins is reporting on twitter that a recruit MC saw today was told directly by MC that he was staying at Oregon. So many " reports"....who knows what the truth actually is?
  22. I have to admit, if this is true, i am ticked off. The coaches screw over the kids every chance they get and a guy who portrays himself as different...actually isn't. MC was given everything he needed here. He claimed to be here for the long haul. He was doing it his way. Turns out his way wasn't really any different than WT. Just awful for recruiting. sigh. But on the positive side, maybe we can get a coach who likes to throw the ball.
  23. I have a hard time believing that MC would bail like this at the last minute, doing serious damage to the Ducks. At the same time, if he stays, i want him to commit to having an offense that works! I want him to get some help with game management, and get someone who can develop QB's. All coaches have an ego...it's the nature of the beast. But the best coaches admit their weaknesses ( if they can see them) and do something about them. Hire the best OC available and let them run the offense.
  24. Cristobol could have put this to rest with these simple words, " i love Oregon and we are staying. " He didn't say that and i wonder why. Leverage for a better contract? or is there something to these rumors. He did not say ever that he was staying. so if you want him to go, you are hopeful. If you want him to stay, you are worried.
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