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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. Dangit! Curiosity got the best of me, and I had to look up our fumbles lost stat. Please don’t hate me for jinxing it. It’s a big fat Zero! OBD sit alone as the only FBS team to not lose a fumble yet. Crazy enough, USC and Cal are tied for 2nd w 1 lost. FBS Fumbles Lost
  2. Just curious, which of our defensive backs aren’t 4 and 5 stars? I thought we were pretty well stocked.
  3. I am old enough to remember when Juwan Johnson was a spritely WR transfer from Penn St.. He was also Herbert’s favorite target in the Rose Bowl. Mari0 was a real handicap. Just sayin…
  4. @Chas Man That is some 13-D chess. I think you’re def right that coaches aren’t going to show anything interesting in garbage time. TT should have all the non-interesting stuff down cold, but he clearly doesn’t.
  5. Could you imagine OBD going into a semi-final w a 12-game win streak against a GA team even more seasoned?
  6. @JMac Great thread! Not to be a know-it-all, but I’ve been saying from day one that a 12-1 Ducks are the hottest ticket in CFP.
  7. @Mic Are you responsible for all the TARDIS jokes on this forum of late?? If so, many
  8. My take on Ty is that he’s an emotional leader who thrives in tough situations. If you recall his HS tape, it was all big plays and comebacks. If I’m TY, I am going to crush it in the 2-min drill in practice and wow the coaches. And I am going to be non-plussed about garbage time. Who could blame him?
  9. 100% How did #4 Clemson get crushed by a pathetic ND? ND lost to the Furd. You read that right—the 3-5 (2-5 if take out the ND game) Furd. The committee will take notice. That only leaves tOSU/Michigan, TCU, and GA as possible P5 undefeated champions, and OBD would def be in if we win out. In fact, a semi-final, (real) neutral site rematch of GA v UO might just be the most watched ncaa football game of all time.
  10. OK, I can do my own research… At 7-2, OBD are tied for 4th in FBS against the spread. That is crazy good considering they have been favored to win all but 1 game. Shocking side note: the Beavs are tied with us at 4th! Personal side note: Tulane is #1!!! My mom is a Tulane alum, and they have been laughable my whole life. GO GREEN WAVE!!! College Football Team ATS Trends - All Games WWW.TEAMRANKINGS.COM Free college football team ats trends and splits in simple, easy to read tables. This page tracks all games results.
  11. So you’re saying there’s a chance!! I am also on my 3rd local craft IPA, from Inglewood’s finest.
  12. TRIGGER WARNING!! I watched the start of the UM FSU game, and it triggered my PTSD from the Mari0 years. Regressive QB play… shudder Inordinate number of injuries… shudder Great recruiting stats… shudder Former UO RB tearing his opponent a new one… shudder I had to turn it off.
  13. Now that I think about it, why don’t we hear more about the teams’ ATS records? That goes a long ways toward evaluating a team’s performance in games it’s supposed to win. Seriously, what would the top 25 look like if ATS were factored in? @Charles Fischer This seems like a question you might be uniquely qualified to answer. Does the MSM avoid talking about spreads bc of the gambling aspect? Is there a site somewhere that evaluates the ATS top 25?
  14. Oregon is 7-2 against the spread. That is phenomenal!! The CFP committee will be looking at that stat in the room.
  15. I have said this on other threads, and I will stick by it no matter what Canzano says, the 12-1 Ducks are in the CFP. Yes, there are a million scenarios that would squeeze them out, but IMHO those scenarios are all less likely than the Ducks winning out.
  16. Hmmm… I remember Washington getting penalized on that play for taking a bow, not for a throat slash. Maybe he did both? Or maybe I was so upset about the unjustice of the call I subconsciously minimized the offense?
  17. Nix has 11 rushing TDs. I repeat: 11 rushing TDs.
  18. @Pennsylvania Duck Great comparison. And Mariota played South Dakota State in game 1.
  19. Excellent letter by Walton. His point about environmental sustainability was new to me and totally spot-on.
  20. Please don’t hate me, but I am thrilled to see the Beavs on the CFP rankings.
  21. @Pennsylvania Duck The Walsh rating is interesting, and it doesn’t surprise that the Ducks are leading the nation based on just my own non-expert eye test. What does surprise me is seeing Arizona nipping at our heals in 2nd place. They are going to be dangerous when they get their defense figured out.
  22. What’s happening to Jimbo Fisher at A&M makes me sooooooooo happy. Let me count the ways… 1) Jimbo coached the world’s most overrated undefeated team to a Rose Bowl beatdown at the hands of the Ducks (and Tony Washington’s spooky forced fumble). 2) Jimbo’s FSU teams were all talent and no training (i.e. all hat and no cattle). 3) Jimbo left FSU for A&M bc he was losing on the field and in the locker room. 4) FSU hired Slick Willy as Jimbo’s replacement—hahahahahahaha. (Footnote: Slick Willy and Jimbo share the same agent.) 5) The highest ranked (and most expensive) recruiting class in ncaaf (that was expected to somehow entertain itself in College Station, TX) has imploded during Jimbo’s watch. I’m sure I will think of points 6-10 here soon…
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