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Everything posted by Duck1984

  1. Players might want to be careful about flipping off Uncle Phil.
  2. https://www.shopmiamihurricanes.com/miami-hurricanes/all-adidas-items/t-34648359+c-929908+z-9504-4288147470
  3. The reason this took so long was that Mario had to give Miami a game plan for the transition, and his first three plays were dives between the tackles.
  4. Correct. Should have said the “last” time the schools have played. My apologies!
  5. Mario told Cyrus the truth. Oregon is a great place to play football, get a degree, and be supported in future business opportunities. Cyrus doesn’t need Mario to succeed. He can get support from the Oregon program to achieve his goals regardless of the head coach.
  6. I will never apologize for being a lifelong Duck, but I appreciate all who contribute to the cause. Go Ducks!
  7. Uncle Phil can make or break any coach, player, or recruit that represents his beloved O. Gotta love his unconditional love for the O. Go Ducks!
  8. The offense isn’t clicking for the Ducks. Not much ball movement, and not much designed to create options for bigs. Without good shooting, these Ducks struggle.
  9. Willie Taggert got his chicken. He won.
  10. Pretty sure this has been disproved. Was it Scott Frost that said it was too hard to recruit to Oregon? Kelly and Helfrich thought this approach was right, but were proved wrong by Taggert and Cristobal. Recruiting is hard work, and more offers to top recruits results in higher recruiting rankings than being selective with offers.
  11. I trust that Pat Kilkenny and Uncle Phil have a plan.
  12. It takes a special Coach and a special quarterback to win a championship in football. The other players matter, but not nearly as much. The Ducks may have been a special quarterback away from beating Stanford and Utah in the regular season, but also lacked a special coach to get a Pac12 championship and a CFB playoff invite. Coach C is a genuine and admirable man, and possibly the hardest working coach in college football. He wins recruits. His attention to detail and focus on the little things may be his blindside. As a game coach, he seems to lack the ability to see or feel shifts in the emotions of the players. I wish him well in Miami.
  13. Remember the last Alamo Bowl for the Ducks? I don’t. It has been erased from memory. This year could be special, as Oklahoma hired former coaching legend Bob Stoops to help with the head coaching transition. Oregon should hire coaching legend Mike Bellotti to help with our transition to set up a rematch of the only time the schools have played. Dennis Dixon lead the Ducks on a come from behind victory over Adrian Peterson’s Sooners. The game is most remembered for a disputed recovery of Luke Bellotti’s onside kick. Video review was unable to overcome the call on the field. Ducks went on to score to take the lead for good. Oklahoma and Stoops will seek revenge at the Alamo Bowl. I hope the Ducks find a way to care at all.
  14. Mario is a smart guy. Mario is an honest guy. Mario has an agent. An agent is expected to work to get a client the best possible deal. Miami seems to be working with the agent on their best and final offer. Mario’s bosses are free talk to him. They are free to offer him and his agent their best deal. Mario will consider offers and make a decision that is best for him and his family. That is the deal.
  15. Kiffin got his new contract at Ole Miss, $7.5 million annually. I hope we are only replacing our OC, and wouldn’t mind taking the one from Alabama for either the OC or HC position.
  16. Regardless of the performance grade in the last Utah loss, KT kept the Oregon to NFL conversation alive all year. That counts big time with big time recruits. Thank you KT for being another in the list of great pro potential Ducks. Now get some chicken.
  17. Seems Saban is not ready to turn over his mastership title to a disciple yet.
  18. A Championship game rematch, for sure. That means Alabama will be at 1, Georgia at 2 or 3, playing either Michigan or Cincinnati. Alabama gets the other, or a wildcard Notre Dame at 4 if Michigan loses to Iowa.
  19. We agree that KT was not playing his assignment. He appeared to be playing for stats, specifically sacks, and got a sack plus a few tackles. Not what the team needed to win, in my opinion.
  20. KT was playing hero ball, rather than assignment ball. Coach sent me in to replace a starting linebacker in a high school game where the opponent was getting the edge freely resulting in long scoring runs. I had barely practiced in D, but was a solid assignment receiver. Coach gave me D player of the game after a come from behind win. I had two tackles, but kept outside contain mostly by taking two steps and standing my ground. Winning requires role players that want to win more than the other guys. Utah is a great example.
  21. Utah didn’t need a need a new game plan for the second game. The first game plan that attacked Duck personnel weakness was solid, and the Duck personnel packages didn’t change much.
  22. I don’t want to remember the Alamo!
  23. Allegiant stadium is where this optimist lost hope for the 2021 Ducks. But I am looking forward to Atlanta in 2022!
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