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Everything posted by Duck1984

  1. Is the strength of our defense as obvious as our weakness? Gap control doesn’t get Heisman votes.
  2. I already spent the grandkid’s Christmas gift funds on tickets and airfare Jon. I have assured my wife that I will recover the money with a quick trip to the sports book desk before the game Jon. Can I get a little support here Jon?
  3. I booked flights today. May hold off on hotel as my wife gets offers from MGM Grand occasionally.
  4. I expect the Ducks to meet Alabama at the last game of the season. Mario’s plan, right?
  5. I won’t have a problem with beating OSU teams three times in a season.
  6. 2015 Rose Bowl win vs FSU will always be my favorite.
  7. Well done analysis Joshua! It seems that UCLA gave the Ducks all they could handle with a game plan built on schemes and execution. Faceless opponents approach, with an experienced roster. But the Duck coaches appear to have out-schemed Chip, but with less experienced talent. The exception was AB, who had enough talent and experience to lead the Duck offense to a victory. It’s hard not to be optimistic about this team and coaching staff going forward.
  8. Is there a better quarterback, defense, and coaching staff combo among any opponent left on the schedule than that of our beloved Ducks? Maybe! But not certainly.
  9. Charles, yes and no. If by entertaining you mean holding our attention, then I cannot think of another Duck team that allowed opponents to think they could beat us for the full 60 minutes every game. So yes, this has been the most entertaining Duck team ever. On the other hand, if you want entertaining to mean bringing pleasure, then no. The 2014/15 Duck team that dismantled Florida State at the Rose Bowl gave many of us fans the most pleasure.
  10. Seriously, no other optimists have bought their PAC12 championship game tickets? Anybody else want to see the Ducks roll ASU to advance to the BCS playoff game vs tOSU?
  11. Charles, everyone knows that crow tastes bitter when you could have chosen Duck.
  12. Lee Corso is now 4 - 2 picking against the Ducks on Game Day. I doubt he picks an opponent next year at Autzen.
  13. The 2021/22 Ducks will be remembered for beating OSU teams three times in one season (tOSU twice, and OSU once).
  14. Anybody else buy their tickets to the Pac12 championship game?
  15. Beavs leading the Utes by two scores in the 4th quarter, putting up 42 points so far. Jonathan Smith is my leading Pac12 coach of the year candidate.
  16. Corso is still trying to figure out the new Duck Cristobal.
  17. I could see getting to 8, but can’t imagine this offense scoring 63. I imagine Cristobal will start playing prevent offense once up by 17.
  18. Thank you for sharing this Charles. Nice to see the players thoughts align with ours!
  19. If neither team loses another game before the playoffs, we may face them again. I would enjoy beating them twice in a season.
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