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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. My favorite part of the James - Barner story is that the Ducks were short at RB after Blount was suspended from the Boise game. Coaches asked if anyone played RB in high school. A backup DB named Kenjon Barner raised his hand, and the rest is history.
  2. I was there Screaming "why can't we tackle that guy?"
  3. Love Cooper Kupp. He absolutely torched Oregon at home in 2015. Great SI article:
  4. When I read the headline I immediately thought of a night game and flying creatures Still got football on my mind
  5. Naw, kinda has an "Escape from NY" vibe, with snow. Actually looks like a freeway overpass!
  6. They can "arm-chair DE" KT all they want. But lacking heart and effort sure ain't it. Classic projection and smoke screen for outside motives
  7. For as dysfunctional and at times disinterested it appears the PAC12 can be, it's not this: Wow
  8. Comments from his parents also seem to place Oregon as a strong contender: Five-Star Prospect Lebbeus Overton, Top-Ranked Football Recruit, Reclassifying to 2022 Class by Tom VanHarren of ESPN
  9. Pretty tough for a 5-7 team to produce a Heisman
  10. All from a guy named "Jimbo" Who coddled Jameis? Sure Bro
  11. Yeah, we know what that's like. Still goes down as a L. I also think they were undefeated at the time too. Guy lost only one or two games his whole career.
  12. Not to split hairs, but Dorseys last game was losing the Natty to tOSU in 2003 I believe. Still tremendous college career
  13. I also have a crush He's simply amazing! And those golden locks...
  14. Didn't play a snap in two years!!! I think alot of these guys are just tired of sitting want to play. MC refused to play any nonstarters
  15. Played all four years - check Got his degree - check Proved he could be a lead back - check Maybe just wants to be his own man? Maybe doesn't want to split time anymore? I wish he'd stay, but I wish him luck
  16. I think he's trying to make a point. KTs comments were dumb and unnecessary If he wants to be a brand as he claims, alienating a whole bunch if people is a poor strategy
  17. Likely means Verdell is coming back for his 12th year?
  18. These guys just want a chance to play. Mario refused to rotate players. I'd leave too. Hopefully Lanning will reverse that trend
  19. I thought is was a very narrow (if not stupid) thing to say. Sure there is the Nike connection. But only Oregonians think a degree from UO matters to anyone more than any other. The rest of the world doesn't care about the west coast. Denigrating an Alabama degree is very Huskie of him
  20. I like your optimism. The defensive play on both sides was incredible. There isn't a team in the PAC that's even close. Oregon has a loooong way to go. Georgia has one of the best front 7s I've ever seen and their safety was the D MVP and an All-American? If we get half way there, I'll be ecstatic
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