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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. I agree this was the game. I can not definitively say it was a bad call. But, it sure looked like a bad call. The game should never be in the hands of the refs that late in the game. Especially when playing in the Pac12. A few better decisions earlier in the game would have made this call more manageable. I'm confident our brilliant, young, first year coach, will use this as a learning experience and do better in the future. That being said... Washington has themselves a good coach. They will remain a substantial rival in the future. Our Ducks, UW, and Utah will all be very competitive in the years to come.
  2. Crepea definitely has an ego and it shows in his questioning. But, without him asking the hard questions we would get the same report from the coach every week. No one else asks those questions. At least this way we can see/hear DL talk about his players. We learn how much he cares for this team. We understand how quick witted and intelligent Coach Lanning is. I for one enjoy getting to understand the coach this way. I respect him more by how he answers Crepea's questions than if those questions were never asked. I'm not a fan of Crepea's personality either. But, his character flaws contrast nicely to DL's attributes. This makes for some great quotes.
  3. Coach DL handled those questions about as well as he could. He knows this team (including coaches) have some work to do. I appreciate the depth of some of those questions. He definitely knows he is dealing with a knowledgeable fan base that demands more than just coaches talk. I appreciate that he protects his players the way he does without making excuses for them.
  4. Give them credit. Mario and his Mini-me brought in a lot of OL talent and their line play was above average with them at the helm. But, Klemm has taken that same talent to another level. Lets just hope he can keep recruiting that level of talent to Oregon. Early indication is he will!
  5. Bryce comes from a good family. I went to high school with his dad and his grandpa was my PE teacher in Junior High. Both good athletes and solid people. Cool to see this kid live out his dreams.
  6. I think many Georgia fans would love to come watch a game in Eugene. But, it is fairly obvious that the AD does not. They already defaulted on one home and home agreement with the Ducks. Quickly followed up with that neutral site (Atlanta) game offer. The SEC as a whole does not like to travel west of the Mississippi. Sucks for all the fans on both sides.
  7. Yes, the future looks bright! Especially if there is enough money to keep Dilly around. This offense, with a defense that creates havoc, would be unstoppable.
  8. They are easy to spot. They'll be the car refusing to get out of the fast lane, backing up traffic. All Washington drivers are just as bad as the Huskies when it comes to entitlement. Just another reason to hate Washington.
  9. Charles, you have a way of putting my thoughts into politically correct terms. Thank you.
  10. I will take that bet. I will as well.., and I don't typically gamble.
  11. I think it is just nerves. He's a smart kid. Physically gifted. He has all the tools. He looks cool and collected on the side lines, engaging with teammates, early in games. Fourth quarter comes around and his whole demeaner changes. He looks like he is about to vomit while warming up. Then goes out there and plays stiff and looks lost. I hope he can somehow overcome his fears.
  12. Cartm25 This is great stuff! Thank you. Two things stand out to me. One good, one bad. Good= Look how efficient the offense is. 53% of drives end in touchdowns. Basically 4 points every time the offense takes the field! Bad= We're only getting 1.5 points a game from turnovers and special teams. Virtually no big plays outside of our offense. Both Chip and Helfrich had years that were at 5 points a game. Our defense really needs to be creating some of that havoc we heard so much about.
  13. The reporters teed up the question pretty well. But, Lanning without hesitation addressed it and promptly drove it 390 straight down the fairway. He is 100% a Duck. I feel confident in saying he will be here for quite some time. Long enough to have some buildings named after him.
  14. Based on TD's it's Bo's. Based on votes... it'll be Stroud.
  15. I appreciate your glass half-full optimism! Mine on the other hand is 3/4 empty. I would love for you to be right.
  16. I agree with this as long as Bo leaves. I feel the likelihood of that happing is about 90%. But, if somehow we can beg him (or NIL him) into another year. I think year two could be another forward step towards a championship. Most position groups will be better. Many worry about the OL. But, there is a lot of really good young O-linemen who have been getting significant playing time this year. The drop-off in that group may not be that pronounced.
  17. Ha! No Tardis machine. I may have hit 88 mph on my Ducati more than a few times. But it has always been lacking the flux capacitor and necessary gigawatts to transport me in time. Even fortune cookies get it right sometimes! Trust me it was pure luck!
  18. Two or three coaching cycles at ASU may only be 18-24 months!
  19. Coach Lanning seems like a stand up guy who happens to be an outstanding and visionary coach. If the interviews with his family are correct. He will be loyal to the UO as long as the UO is happy with him. I do not feel he has another "Dream Job". Pretty much all of the schools I really consider as a step up on the coaching chain seem to have found their forever guy. Saban is not leaving Bama until he calls it quit (3-4 years baring health issues). Smart isn't leaving Georgia. Day has tOSU locked up. Swinney is a forever guy at Clemson. Harbaugh will never leave Michigan without being forced out. There is only one school that I would consider a step up (as far as coaches go) that will likely have an opening in the next couple years. That is Notre Dame. I personally can't stand them. But, like it or not they are a true Blue Blood that likely will be needing a coach fairly soon... and Indiana isn't far from Coach Lanning's family Missouri. Even then there is no guaranty that is a job that would spike his interest. I'm fairly confident that as long as OU supports DL with facilities and the money for high level staff, he will stay. Of course that all goes out the window if Sauphia decides she hates the winters here in the PNW. Nothing says MOVE faster than an unhappy wife! We need to buy here some spa days at Gervais.
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