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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. I don't know.... Bo looks more like a DUCK to me! Ha! Ty..? So far he kind of reminds me of a Penguin. But, I'm still hoping he learns to fly.
  2. If we can make Autzen feel like AUTZEN the Bruins will collapse. But, if Chip gets his team to silent the crowd it will be a long night for our Ducks. We need to do our part and make sure that does not happen. Get to the stadium early, get primed, and be LOUD! Lets remind Chip of what he walked away from.
  3. 4 wins 5 games = 80% But, it's not fair to knock him 20% for losing to the Defending National Champs... which we all suspected would be a loss. So I knock him 8% because of the blowout. That puts him at 92%. So a low "A" from me.
  4. I do not believe it would be another 49-3 blow out. But, (I feel) the Ducks would get beat by at least two scores by Alabama, Georgia, or Ohio State. I'd rather see that happen to Clemson. Then the Ducks would likely play (and beat) Michigan in the Rose Bowl. Season end ranking would be #4. This allows us to recruit against anyone in the nation. I have said it before. The next two years will be when DL's Ducks will shine. Again... my thoughts. I respect yours.
  5. As David said. I want a close (Utah vs UCLA) game with Utah coming out on top and both staying ranked. Oregon needs to win out. Even though I (myself) hope we get snubbed by the playoff committee to avoid another embarrassing loss (yes, it would be). As long as we are the top ranked Pac12 team I'm happy. I also want USC to lose every game... from here to eternity.
  6. David, Your glasses are made of darker shades of green and yellow than mine. But, I like it! Where did you find those glasses? I want a pair.
  7. Many on here seem to forget that Helfrich was dealing with the issues Chip ran away from. Chip deserves tons of credit. But, his success is marred (in my mind) by the fact he bailed on Oregon when things were about to get difficult. Helfrich was at least loyal enough to deal with those troubles. His biggest fault was not being strong-minded enough to get rid of some of Chip's trouble makers and replace them with quality young men. Both MC and DL seem to look at the quality of the person they are recruiting in addition to their playing ability. For this I am grateful.
  8. I love my Ducks... But, they would be humiliated in the playoffs. As long as Ducks make the Pac12 Championship game and the Trojans miss the playoffs... I'm happy!
  9. I said I wasn't going to root for the two LA school's this year. But, I'm sorry... I can NOT root for the muts. My heart was in the right place. But, inner-being won't let me do it. Go Bruins!!
  10. It's a little busy. But, definitely easier to navigate. I might suggest changing yellow and green (background) stripes to more of a pastel pallet. That may help with the overall feel and not overwhelm the eyes. But, I'll be back regardless. This site is to good to critique much. Thanks for always improving the site Charles. We all appreciate your efforts.
  11. Feels like Lanning is just teasing us. I'm so excited for this defense. Year two under this staff should prove to be incredible.
  12. For now Cover-2 will keep teams in front of the defense and make them earn their points. In the Pac12 that seems to be the right play. We may not see the stats we want. But, it should help us see more W's. It shows that our LB's are team players and not glory hounds. Lanning is building a true team and I'm loving it.
  13. Thank you, DZC and Charles. Awesome stuff! Lanning has a plan. This D will develop into something special. I'm fine with playing it safe as long as we are winning!
  14. Stanford always scares me. They also tend to bring out the worst in me. I'm still embarrassed of myself after the 2018 meltdown. Needless to say, I'll be watching this game at home by myself.
  15. David, Another well written and thought out article. I to was yelling at my screen during our red zone visits. I have to wonder if Cardwell being injured had some impact on the game calling in those situations. But, for the life of me, I do not understand calling the same play twice in a row to Dollars. I called the interception before the Dollars was out of the backfield the second time. I'm no genius, and even I recognized it immediately. I'm a huge Sean Dollars, and get excited every time I see him in the game. He has far too many skills to limit him to the same play. KD has to (and will) learn to use all his weapons in a variety of ways. I'm confident this offense learned for more than 1% Saturday. For this I'm grateful and extremely excited! Go Ducks!!!
  16. I still think Mario is a Duck... He left knowing we could and would get someone better. I say: Thank you Mario. We could not have done it without your desire to help! HA!
  17. I'm all for it. But, it will take more NIL than I'm willing to offer!
  18. LA to Seattle= 960 miles (by air) LA to NJ (Rutgers) 2450 miles (by air) So roughly 2.5 times as far. Without a west pod... Every flight would be at least 1.5 times as far. So there would easily be 3 times as many miles traveled compared to the small footprint of the Pac12.
  19. Jester, your thoughts exactly match the ones bouncing around in my head. Glad there is someone who can put it into written form!
  20. Not sure I've ever said this before... But, GO BEAVS!!!
  21. Hopefully our Ducks will hate hearing "and it's another Cougar first down..." as much as I do. It's worse than a chainsaw rev echoing in my head. No Cougar first downs..... PLEASE!!! Just please!
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