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Everything posted by Drake

  1. The DB is keeping an eye on our backfield, he knows that there could be a run, or pass, coming his way. The fact that Forsythe then “road grades” him out of the play will certainly be replayed a few times in the film room. Fun play to watch, solid execution, great result.
  2. TT is a talented athlete. The biggest question is whether he has the aptitude to lead a team as QB1 into the top ten college football rankings? I think that is the expectation of 5* QB recruits. Perhaps with a few years of starts he could grow into that guy. However, this team is currently winning and has the potential to crack the top 10 after their disappointing start. The coaches, and players know they still have room to improve. The remaining schedule is going to be difficult to finish unscathed. Not much opportunity remains to develop a struggling QB.
  3. Where are the people that actually stated that Miami had a good shot at making it to the CFP? They must be relatives of the puppy fans that predict they will dominate the PAC-12.
  4. New defensive scheme. Also, the defensive back positions are some of the most difficult positions to develop young players. We have some very young DBs. Rule changes that protect QBs put a lot of pressure on a defensive backfield. Receivers also have the 5 yard rule that allows them to run freely in the middle of the field without contact. Defending the passing game against an experienced QB is difficult at best.
  5. Love Coach Locklyn. Who is the best RB in the room…answer is classic. About 3:40 mark
  6. Our running game was boring to watch for a few years. A change in the offense, coupled with a RB like Bucky Irving, has completely changed that for me. He is both physical and elusive….Fights for those yards after contact. Entertainment value has increased dramatically in just a few games.
  7. If Arizona’s defensive weakness is stopping the run, then they will have their hands full with the Ducks offense. If the Ducks win the turnover battle in this game, then they win and cover the spread.
  8. There is one common denominator behind Oregon’s football successes over the last 25 years that cannot be overlooked. It certainly has helped propel Oregon football forward. Phil Knight. Oregon football coaches definitely benefit in many ways from the support he has provided.
  9. Averaging 4 penalties/game gets you into the top 10. By that measure Stanford is actually a top 10 team. It appears that averaging 5 gets you into the top 25. If the Ducks minimize pre-snap penalties they probably could be in the top 25. Penalties are definitely drive killers to an offense, and gives new life to the opposing team if we get called for interference, or holding, on defense. However, I do believe that they will clean up some of the issues.
  10. I think at some point the AD’s need to pay attention to the big donors that smooth out the athletic budgets.
  11. The problems we have are not because of lack of talent. This team has an opportunity to improve as some of our younger players are getting playing time. I would be more concerned that the Arizona game is a potential trap if our offense was one dimensional. Oregon’s ability to run the ball opens up opportunities for the passing game and vice versa. Having a QB that may run the ball also creates problems. Now that the team has allowed a sack the OL can work on trying to eliminate pre-snap and holding penalties.
  12. Also remember that Oregon was ranked as high as #3 last year.
  13. So far this year Thompson has attempted 14 passes, completed 7, and has 2 interceptions. Not good. When he comes into the game it seems like the offense suddenly forgets how to play football. His play during the BYU game was poor, and his play during the short stint during the Stanford game didn’t make me think that that he is our future. As stated earlier, we better hope Nix stays injury free.
  14. The length of the cleats that Nix is wearing in the above picture look like natural turf cleats. The improvements to the artificial surface at Autzen is very impressive. There is no way that you would wear those shoes on our surface years ago.
  15. Not much to celebrate at Georgia. Some of our players used to celebrate plays while we were losing the game. I think celebrating when you are ahead by 4 touchdowns is boorish. However, if a big play happens that turns momentum of a close game in our favor, I don’t mind a celebration of sorts.
  16. The jerseys are definitely shorter on some players because of their build and the type of pads used. Most players wore yellow tee-shirts underneath the jersey that matched the pants and covered the top pant line. Some players did have that Steve Erkel look going on….lol The tee-shirts made the pants appear abnormally high.
  17. WSU QB made up for a bad decision and interception. Cal looks terrible.
  18. How many games has momentum changed with a muffed punt. Fielding a punt while keeping an eye on human torpedoes flying at you is not for the faint of heart. Add some wind, rain, and +50,000 fans yelling from the stands and it can be a crucial play to successfully catch a well struck punt.
  19. I hope they can trailer the bike for November and December games. Brrrrrrr…..
  20. He definitely had the kickers yips his freshman year. Pretty much expected him to miss anything beyond 25 yards. However, he has become competent place kicker and I have to applaud his efforts to improve.
  21. I enjoy reading the topics that you all write about. Thanks for your time. My football career ended with a broken wrist long ago. Played safety and would play RB if needed. Your explanation of the nuances of the game is always informative.
  22. Those guys in that other locker room are thinking…WTH just happened?
  23. Perhaps it is not entirely Mario. There used to be a lot of continuity with the Oregon coaching staff until CK went to Philly. Since then, if Oregon has success, other programs are hiring our assistants, or head coaches in a rather short time. Coaches become the “hired gun” that will turn around a program that is in disarray. I guess the amusing part is that most fans felt Oregon was on the wrong track with it’s offense, and now that Miami hired part of our problem, they appear to be flying off the rails as well.
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