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Everything posted by Drake

  1. DeRuyter’s blitz scheme certainly looks nasty. KT, Sewell, Flowe, etc...Looks like these guys will have a coach that can help to maximize their abilities. If they can stay healthy these guys will dominate. There will be some big hits laid on some opposing QB’s.
  2. My “journey” with Ducks Football started in the seventies. For years, if we happened to have a decent team, we would be considered “overachievers” . The Mike Bellotti era completely changed that perception, and he helped put the Ducks into the National Championship conversation. Since that time, have the Ducks thrived? We all know that the Trophy case is missing one major piece of hardware, but I have to say that we have thrived, and so have some of our coaches.
  3. Herbert really didn’t have the luxury of a lot of highly talented receivers while he was at Oregon. Our receivers often struggled to get open, and at times, had problems with catching a well placed ball. I think being drafted by the Chargers has worked out pretty well for him. While being a number one draft pick would mean more initial money, Herbert won’t be worrying about paying his bills anytime soon. Herbert is a class act, and it is exciting to see him excel in the NFL.
  4. DeRuyter will be able to recruit. I think Cristobal is passionate and has a vision that connects with young athletes. If nothing else that passion and vision rubs off on the players and the coaches connected to the program. We have hired a proven coordinator, and with the players he has available, the defense will be formidable. That will definitely catch the attention of prospects that are looking to land in a top program. While recruiting may not be DeRuyter’s strength now, it will be easier to recruit to an Oregon program which is on the rise, vs. Cal.
  5. KT is in a class by himself. Sounds like DeRuyter will move him around depending on down and distance. Opposing QB’s will certainly be looking for where he is lined up on passing downs. I really want to see KT, Sewell, and Flowe on the field at the same time...all potential first rounders...they should be fun to watch.
  6. When Wilner wants to lay money on the Pups I will gladly take his bet. The puppy fans are hopeful, but they will be paddling against the tide trying to win the north.
  7. Thanks for the video. His ability to react to the ball is impressive. A player either has that, or doesn’t at the college level. While our defense may not need to be “saved”, an addition like this would certainly make DeRuyter smile. Adding a player with speed, proven talent, and experience to a group that already has huge potential would be like finding a forgotten $100 bill in your favorite jeans.
  8. Just for fun... Wearing Duck colors and can jump over my head. I wonder if he can catch a football?
  9. I would like to see someone beat Brown for the QB1 spot. We have a QB room full of potential. While Thompson may be the future, an intriguing candidate for me is Ashford. A true multi-sport athlete that can throw the ball and has the speed to be a true running threat. Seems like Moorehead’s offense is made for that type of guy. May the best man win.
  10. One of my favorite tee shirts. Have had two people offer to buy it from me....Grew up in the Coos Bay Area and remember watching Pre when he was at Marshfield. GO PRE
  11. The PAC 12 network is currently ineffective in it’s ability to generate revenue for the PAC 12. I would want to hire someone that demonstrates a knowledge, or plan, on how to improve the revenues that the network currently generates. Cost cutting measures will also help, but can only go so far...the PAC 12 is in dire need of increased revenue. The job description should include...Conference Commissioner needed that has the ability to do more with less.
  12. Was looking at Cal’s defensive stats: 2017 defense allowed 28.4 pts/gm, ranked 79th (out of 130) 2018 defense allowed 20.4 pts/gm, ranked 22nd 2019 defense allowed 21.9 pts/gm, ranked 33rd For comparison, Oregon’s defensive stats: 2017 defense allowed 29.0 pts/gm, ranked 81st 2018 defense allowed 25.4 pts/gm, ranked 48th 2019 defense allowed 16.5 pts/gm, ranked 9th DeRuyter has available some of the best defensive talent in the PAC 12. His 3-4 alignment should excel with outstanding linebackers, DE’s that can pressure the QB, and DB’s that are capable to cover man to man...I think our defensive personnel will fit his defensive style of play : ) If we get improved play at DT, we will be formidable on defense...if we get our QB back on track, we should be fun to watch.
  13. Has to do with the defensive linemen alignments. A 5 tech is a defensive end, a 3 tech aligns off the outside shoulder of the offensive guard, and a 1 tech is off either shoulder of the center.
  14. Not underrated by Duck fans, but...Underrated by quite a few analysts. Pretty sure Miami wishes they had picked him over Tua. The Head Coach was fired....
  15. The Ducks defense improved, and the offense deteriorated as the abbreviated season moved forward. The Ducks got punched in the nose, and we now have to wait until September to see how they respond. I don’t believe that the inconsistent play from the season will make, or break, the team. However, the inconsistent play at QB does create a make, or break, scenario for Shough. Who starts at QB in September is not very clear at the moment. The perception that the PAC 12 doesn’t belong in the playoff is definitely true at this moment. However, will our young players rise to the occasion and start to change that perception? I think they have a great opportunity in front of them.
  16. Without a “can’t miss” NFL type running back that can create yardage, the Ducks will need outstanding QB play to be a good team. To be realistic, we need both. I think you can be a good team without both, but not a championship caliber team.
  17. Offensive scheme has a lot to do with the drop in rushing yards. Cristobal has really wanted to run a power running game without a true power running back. Kind of a round hole and square peg dilemma. Jonathon Stewart, Lagerrette Blount, LMJ, Kenyon Barner, DAT, Royce Freeman...Ten years worth of running backs...Looking at the list...talent at running back might have a little to do with it as well.
  18. Based on Alabama’s recruiting class rankings over the last ten years, anytime they don’t win the Natty they have “underperformed”. An expanded playoff might help spread out recruiting somewhat, and is the only way I can see to make a dent in the stranglehold that some teams have at the moment. Cash flow is important for college football to stay healthy over the long term. Having a conference champion automatically in a playoff brings in a constant flow of revenue that is guaranteed. Financially speaking, it makes sense to me.
  19. His first game in college was a crushing defeat to the puppies. I stayed for that entire lopsided game because I was interested in watching Herbert. You could tell that he had game. I definitely think the team struggles early in his college career helped him become stronger mentally. Herbert could have easily jumped to the NFL after his junior year. Coming back for his senior year was all about being a team player, and unfinished business. He had confidence in the team, and himself. Great player, great story.
  20. QB1 should have a strong passing game. We have some outstanding young receivers and they will need to get the ball for this team to be successful. We seem to be loaded at receiver, and are still in search of a featured running back. I think Cristobal likes to showcase his big offensive linemen. He really wants to run the ball and wear down the opponents defensive line. However, our strength currently appears to be at receiver, and not necessarily at running back. Until that changes, I think the game plan should be to feature a passing attack to open up our running game. I don’t pretend to know who is best suited for that type of game, but it seems to open the door for Butterfield. That would allow Thompson the opportunity to be a redshirt candidate.
  21. Oregon really missed both Penei and Jevon this year. From my viewpoint, as a fan, we were robbed seeing two of our best players in their final year at Oregon. Just another reason why puttting 2020 in the rear view mirror couldn’t happen fast enough.
  22. Do they hand out vaccination certificates? Will my doctor need to contact the ticket office for me? Vaccination doesn’t guarantee immunity, and some individuals cannot be vaccinated for health reasons. I would think that it would be difficult to require vaccination and then enforce it every game day. Plus, based upon the rollout of the vaccine, getting the vaccine to those who want it is going to take a long time.
  23. Oregon football got punched in the face. I am not sure if Ty Thompson is the only guy that needs to save the team. The 2020 season included poor performances from the coaching staff, offense, defense, and special teams. Did I miss anybody? It will require a total team effort to reestablish the teams identity.
  24. It will be interesting to watch Avalos from afar as head coach. “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” I do wish him success. However, I want the Ducks to boot stomp BSU when we play them again.
  25. Solid list of coaches. With the quality of the returning players, and the signed recruits coming in on defense, the Oregon job will be desirable. Therefore, I am not overly concerned about getting a quality coach. I know that if I was a candidate I would certainly take Cristobal’s phone call and listen. Cristobal wants coaches that also have recruiting chops. Cristobal can recruit. Both players and coaches.
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