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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. Guess they need some $$$$ to pay for their stadium expansion that made it smaller.
  2. Great time, but I hope we get the 1st string camera crew instead of the 3rd stringers we had last night.
  3. Lose to UW and the beavs two years in a row and in the last year of the P12 in the CW? That would sting forever.
  4. Game Day in UT Raucous crowd. Betting line 6.5 O/U 49.5 Kyle Whittingham Of the 3 remaining tough games this is the toughest because it's at UT. I think the Ducks will be held to under 30 pts for the 1st time this year. Expect a slow drug out low TOP game like Stanford and Shaw used to give us. Frustrating to watch. Tighten your seatbelts, could be in for a rough landing. .
  5. Back home at Autzen still ranked in the top 10 with a very real chance for the P12 meet up in Vegas the Ducks will take care of business handily. WSU has issues or they wouldn't of melted down the last two games. Although the Ducks lost they didn't melt down. UT is the game that has me worried.
  6. Not sure a neutral site means anything since they beat us at home as well. Don't get me wrong I want a rematch as much as the next Duck fan. But so far the track record for DL against the Fuskies is not good. I bet he takes the points next time if given the opportunity. Yeah it's all hypothetical and speculation. But you gotta know when to hold em and when to fold em.
  7. Good News: We could get a rematch in Vegas Bad News: we could get a rematch in Vegas.
  8. UW beat us there and here. IMO a neutral field won't matter. Ducks have a Penix problem. Except for Williams there's no QB's left on the schedule that have his accuracy. Ducks win out the rest of the games and they should play UW again. Maybe the 3rd times the charm and DL kicks FG's.
  9. As soon as the balls kicked off no one will care about the uni's. Fo me they're okay. Nothing special but not strange like some in the past.
  10. Like the saying goes, somethings only worth what someone is willing to pay for. House, car, football team, etc.
  11. You don't score on defense. Kicking off to start the game gives the other teams offense an advantage in that the defense is not sure what's coming. I see all too often the team that receives the kickoff taking the ball down and scoring maybe to never score again but they got the 1st score. I would receive against the Fuskies. Scoring opportunities won't come easy so why not be the 1st to score.
  12. Bo's gone. The team's a senior laden team. It's not easy to replace the skill set a 5 year QB gives you.
  13. I kinda agree with Joey. Who have we played? Who has anyone played? Dang near lost to TT. Hawaii's not very good. TT was coming off a loss and at home in the heat fired up beyond normal. Pst. Nuff said. CO, way overrated. Stanford is the P12 bottom feeder. Not being a downer type but I too am waiting to see the WA game. With that being said there does seem to be a feeling about this team. My gut feeling is this is the once in a few years situation where the Ducks have a chance to make the CFP. And I don't think it will be there again for a few more years.
  14. Both UO and UW have really good offences. It seems to me this game will come down to who has the best D. I doubt Oregon can stop UW all that often and the same with UW. This isn't like the TT game where Shough threw it away, UW will get points and so will the Ducks. It's about who can get that key stop. Long range forecast on Accuweather has rain in Seattle days before, and after so the chances of a wet field are high. A very hyped up crowd and a good chance? Game Day will be there. I don't like the odds. But hey I'm wrong often enough so we'll see. To the topic, yeah it will be the toughest game of the season IMO.
  15. 10-7 Beavs. No UT offence and Beavs will struggle against UT's D.
  16. Aren't most games rerouted to another channel or app until the previous game's over?
  17. Not worried at all about CO. CSU had 17-182 in penalties, QB threw 3 INT's yet they took CO into 3 OT's in Boulder. Ducks just have too much talent and are at home. The only Prime Time in the game is the starting time. On the QB comparison, Shough is his own worst enemy. Shedur seems more composed and doesn't seem to make a bad decision very often.
  18. All I learned from yesterday's beat down of PSU was that PSU is really really bad. TT will give the Ducks a run for their money next saturday. I don't see the Ducks losing but they'll have to earn it. Early line Ducks by 7. Should be a much more entertaining game vs a highlight reel.
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