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Flyin Vee

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Everything posted by Flyin Vee

  1. Not welcoming Bo would be like walking by a $20 on the sidewalk and not stoping to pick it up because it would upset the other bills in your wallet.
  2. The difference between a groove and a rut is depth. This duck offense is deep in a rut. Something is needed to nudge it into a new groove.
  3. And all kicks are onside...... your playing craps folks, high risk, high reward.
  4. Having been in business for many years, my spidey senses tell me: *oregon made the offer knowing he would decline-twice. These things are not done in a vacuum. The ducks can tell the “back to our roots” section- we tried- twice, and Wilcox gets to solidify his commitment to his current and future teams. Count me as really liking the hire, to take from good to great- He will be a great bus driver, now let’s see who else gets on his bus. of course I could be completely full of crap as my wife of 45 years reminds me daily.
  5. As a guy that remembers the landfill, as long as these kids stay off my lawn, I’m good with it
  6. In honor of my father who was riding that tin can with his gunnery crew and dozer..... Go Army
  7. If exploring possible NFL up and comers, why not Kellen (putting aside the true freshman butt kicking he dished out to the ducks at home)?
  8. Opportunity. As a fellow feather head I am really looking forward to this huge opportunity.
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