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  1. This post, and these comments, put a big smile back on my face. I was primed to immerse myself in the games today. I might have even skipped a birthday party… where, at said birthday party, someone asked me if Texas was winning, and, I had completely forgot that it was even on. The L was painful, and the sting hasn’t worn off, yet, but it’s good to know that I’m not alone.
  2. Hard to imagine that it was a result of last night’s game. I wonder if we’re about to hear about a transfer commit?
  3. These big game losses hurt. 0-3 to uw. We wasted the entire 1st quarter, managed to win the middle 8, then collapsed. Burch going out on the first series was a killer for our D. But, we got out coached all the way around. Why did we onside kick with 2:14 and all 3 timeouts? Why? Im heart broken.
  4. I’m still here… didn’t hear no bell!
  5. Bo is 2/2 for 161 and 2 TDS…
  6. Going to be a good game next weekend. Utah looks very Utah, and Barnes played really tough football, tonight. Oh, and Vaki is ridiculous. We can’t afford to be asleep at the wheel to start off against the Utes, or they’ll make us pay.
  7. Thought it was interesting, and he’s definitely not just there to watch football. I really wanted to see him succeed at Nebraska, and I wouldn’t hate it if he came back to help with the offense!
  8. The Tebow pickle jar commercial took some of the sting out, for me. Tough loss.
  9. The calls have been mostly absent. I’d say it’s favoring Washington at the moment. I hope the refs don’t choose to insert themselves on ticky-tack calls against the Ducks, because that would be criminal.
  10. He’s so fun to watch! That energy comes straight through the screen, and I need more of it!
  11. I can’t be the only one wondering what uniforms are going to match those cleats, right? I hope my imagination isn’t getting the best of me…
  12. I dislike Willie as much as any Duck fan. However, that dude got the last laugh, and is still laughing with as much money as he made. And he’s now a position coach in the NFL?
  13. BOOOOM Huge get. I believe the difference in the D, between this last season, and next, is going to be a visible one. Is it still supposed to be Christmas???
  14. This is awesome!!! What Charles may or may not drop tonight, as a result, will also be awesome!!
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