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Charles Fischer

This Sucks: B1G May Look at Oregon/Washington After All

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I hate this, but have to post it.  It is "suggestions" and "ifs," and again--let's see the new Pac-12 Media contract first!


Oregon to the Big-12 is a step down, in my opinion, and the Pac-12 has more preseason ranked top 25 teams than the B1G.  Which conference is tougher?



Roughly a half hour before word leaked Wednesday of Colorado ramping up discussions for a return to the Big 12, Tony Petitti settled in for his final interview of the day.


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Mr. FishDuck

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Am I the only one who wants Oregon in the Big Ten? Sure, seeing the Pac-12 survive would have been better but it's becoming more and more unlikely...

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On 7/26/2023 at 6:10 PM, Thomallister1291 said:

Am I the only one who wants Oregon in the Big Ten? Sure, seeing the Pac-12 survive would have been better but it's becoming more and more unlikely...

As written a hundred times here....most would prefer to stay in the Pac-12, but are resigned to how the move may happen sooner or later.  If it happens--we will embrace the good elements of it, and cheer for Oregon through it all.


Need a 101st?

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Mr. FishDuck

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Since Colorado left the Big12 for the Pac, they have done very poorly.

Same for Nebraska with the B1G.


With Oklahoma and Texas gone, the Big12 seems more winnable for CU.

The Pac is more competitive even without LA schools. I can see why they might consider a move.


But I do not see UW or Oregon thinking the B1G us a better option.


I think this is cluck bait.

Gotta wait till media contract is announced. 



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Good riddance to Colorado. We can survive without them. Oregon leaving…that would change things for me. 

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Amen to our Pac-12 Brothers...



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Mr. FishDuck

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If true this is twice the commissioner was blindsided. He would need to go, and soon. 

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On 7/26/2023 at 8:04 PM, lownslowav8r said:

He would need to go, and soon. 

Well, the conference might not exist pretty soon. Seems like Arizona at least will want to bail as well.

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If the headline to this story is true, it seems clear to me that the B1G is now the malignant melanoma of college football. Yeah, I know that the SEC expanded with the inclusion of Texas and Oklahoma, but at least those schools were in the geographical footprint (sort of) of the SEC, which I hope will not expand  further. I'm already sick of the chaos.

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I'am angry at USC and UCLA for leaving the pac 12 but since it's done.....as an Oregon fan, Oregon has to do what is best for Oregon......and that is probably not what is best for the rest of the pac 12. Oregon is not at fault.....that fault is in LA. 

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I guess Chicken Little was flying over Boulder and over GK's residence in Las Vegas which is now the kind-of home of Pac-12/10/9 headquarters. 


It frankly ticks me off that 2 schools after going on the cheap for years finally open the wallet and then bolt. But the anger in me is assuaged by realizing that it is extremely difficult for any business, even IBM,  to overcome two decades of vapid leadership from the conference commissioner and the conference 'board of directors.' 


You reap what you sow and what you don't sow. And it chaffs my booty that Oregon, a program that with a generous benefactor in GK, did all it could to elevate its brand amid organizational dysfunction from the so-called 'leadership' of the conference. The Oregon brand along with the UW brand is strong and viable and I do not see Oregon heading for the Mountain West. But George Kliavkoff, on the heels of Larry Scott has made me and many of my Ducks brothers and sisters look like a dupe, a rube. Like Larry, GK sells platitudes instead of showing us the money.


In business and college sports today is big business, you have to lead and not simply be reactionary, not simply satisfied with the rope-a-dope strategy. GK made the OBVIOUS move and bailed out of SFO. Other than that what has the man done other than giving the LA schools a scheduling benefit in 2023? What has the conference done to go after Larry Scott for his role in the Comcast cover-up and general malfeasance? Nothing. 


I have no idea where the money to purloin CU is coming from. But it has to be there for CU to be making this move. And I now believe the money will be there for Arizona to join CU. My only hope is that Oregon will find itself in the B1G, without being too junior of a junior partner and not in the B12. The irony of once being able to destroy the B12 and now being swallowed by the B12 may be fitting for CU but it would be would be a slap in the face to Ducks fans. 


What now is the better course for Oregon? To continue to be a member of a conference with the addition of one to four G5 schools or, if given the chance, to go to the B1G and alleviate travel somewhat by encouraging the already discussed B1G concept of regional travel for non-revenue sports. Regardless, it stinks that Oregon is in this position but there are more rounds to come in a realignment fight where Oregon punches above its weight class.

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Charles, my friend, thank you, Sir, for the applause emoji. But I feel like Lou Gehrig in his final appearance in old Yankee Stadium shortly before Lou succumbed to ALS.  However, I do not feel like the 'luckiest man on the face of the earth.'


My only comfort comes from knowing that Larry/George and their bosses can take the Conference of Champions down but the Oregon brand will not go down with the ship.






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On 7/26/2023 at 10:24 PM, Nevada Dawg said:

If the headline to this story is true, it seems clear to me that the B1G is now the malignant melanoma of college football. Yeah, I know that the SEC expanded with the inclusion of Texas and Oklahoma, but at least those schools were in the geographical footprint (sort of) of the SEC, which I hope will not expand  further. I'm already sick of the chaos.


Sorry, Nevada Dawg but I see things a bit differently.  

The SEC stealing Texas and Oklahoma from the Big XII (and Fox) was the first domino to fall in the current conference realignment.  Texas and Okhoma were by far the biggest, most successful programs in the Big XII and Fox got their revenge on ESPN by working backdoor channels to help the B1G steal the LA schools from the Pac-12.  

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Yeah I guess we do see things differently OregonDucks.. My understanding was that Texas and Oklahoma approached and then petitioned the SEC for admittance after stating that they wanted out of the Big-12 and would be going somewhere. A friend at OU has told me (i know heresay) that had the SEC's  response been negative, their back up option was likely to be the PAC-12.


If....if there is a kernel of  truth to this account, then it is probably inappropriate to say the SEC "stole" the two schools. True, the SEC didn't have to take them in (and I was against this expansion, by the way). It was an advantageous adoption however; that I can't deny.

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