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Kurt Rambis

Josh Conerly and the Realities of Recruiting

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Josh Conerly Jr. spurns USC for Ducks.


I think this article really says it all.  Yes, apparently NIL was a significant factor in getting Conerly to Oregon.  Like it or not, it's the reality of major college athletics today.  My takeaways: 

  2. For any Oregon fans to claim NIL isn't a big factor and the Ducks just out-recruited other schools for any player they got likely isn't accurate.  Kids aren't turning down fifty grand from Alabama or Oklahoma just because Eugene is a nice place to live for four years.
  4. For Oregon fans (or any fans) to claim their hoped-for player chose another school because he got paid more is little more than sour grapes.  Maybe he did get paid more - but it's not like he wouldn't have gotten paid at your school, so let's not pretend the winning school did something wrong or that your favorite school doesn't offer financial incentives through NIL.
  6. For the USC and Washington fans whining that Oregon just outbid their schools or else it's inconceivable that Conerly would have gone to Eugene - get a clue.  Obviously your schools were "bidding" on him, too.  You lost out.  Grow up.  Deal with it.
  8. Smart kids are going to take full advantage of this, but NIL won't be the only factor.  Yeah, if Georgia is offering $50k through the NIL and Arkansas is offering $1k, Arkansas probably isn't in the running.  But if a kid chooses Georgia, that doesn't automatically mean Georgia just outbid everyone else.  There might have been ten schools all with reasonable offers, and the kid liked the degree program, liked the coaches, felt he would have a better chance to play for a title, felt he would have a better shot at getting drafted, or thought the co-eds are hotter there.  


I HATE that NIL is part of recruiting now, and that things are largely unregulated.  But for the moment, that's how it is.  So let's not pretend otherwise, whether it plays into Oregon's favor or against the Ducks for any given player.


Sorry, Husky and Trojan fans - try harder next time.

Edited by Kurt Rambis
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Totally agree that the rules as they stand now are how we have to play the game. 


I think the rules must change at some point. I haven't heard anything yet that anyone is even working on this. 


I would suggest a few things:


1. No NIL offers in recruiting. 

I have no problem with guys getting advertising, selling T-shirts... whatever they do with their Name, Image and Likeness and making a lot of money if they can. But putting packages together to entice them to play is heading for a long downward spiral.


Of course some programs will become well known for how well the players do in NIL,  it just can't be a formal offer up front.


2. Have a profit sharing provision included in NIL, where a portion of NIL (that comes through or with the University's help) is spread evenly to all the players, maybe all the athletes in that university. 


3. Some of the NIL goes into a trust/retirement/investment fund for the player(s).  


This is a start, I don't even know if this would be legal since NIL was mandated by court rulings.

Maybe just wanting to start a conversation. 


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Kurt Rambis, I should read the article, but I can't imagine that it says anything better than what you wrote, It doesn't matter what the recruiting environment is, UW & USC fans will never believe that any player would actually pick Oregon over their schools. 

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On 4/11/2022 at 4:58 PM, OhioDuck said:

I think the rules must change at some point. I haven't heard anything yet that anyone is even working on this. 


One problem is:  who would work on it?  


The NCAA is completely toothless and they have largely given up.  


Power 5 commissioners are looking out for their own conferences and can't even agree on an expanded playoff.


Individual schools aren't going to limit themselves when other schools remain free to pay whatever they want.


A huge problem right now is that we have no one in charge of the playground, and I'm not sure when (if) that's likely to change.


And no, this isn't another "here's what's wrong with college football" rant.  I don't think we're complaining or predicting the death of the Ducks or college football in general.  Speaking for myself, this was more a reaction to the recent threads with SC and UW fans throwing shade at Oregon's recruiting. 


I like all of your ideas, but I'm just not sure who could get any of them implemented...?

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On 4/11/2022 at 12:06 PM, Kurt Rambis said:

One problem is:  who would work on it?  


The NCAA is completely toothless and they have largely given up.  


Power 5 commissioners are looking out for their own conferences and can't even agree on an expanded playoff.


Individual schools aren't going to limit themselves when other schools remain free to pay whatever they want.


A huge problem right now is that we have no one in charge of the playground, and I'm not sure when (if) that's likely to change.


And no, this isn't another "here's what's wrong with college football" rant.  I don't think we're complaining or predicting the death of the Ducks or college football in general.  Speaking for myself, this was more a reaction to the recent threads with SC and UW fans throwing shade at Oregon's recruiting. 


I like all of your ideas, but I'm just not sure who could get any of them implemented...?

Yeah, to this point (of course it's very early) we haven't seen it effecting the product on the field. I still love watching college football! Between NIL and the portal a lot is changing at once, it seems like a blur to me at the moment. Maybe everything just eveolves naturally and works itself out. I encourage patience to many church members (I'm a pastor) as the church is also going through quantum changes. Maybe I need to listen to myself. 

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On 4/11/2022 at 10:50 AM, Kurt Rambis said:

Josh Conerly Jr. spurns USC for Ducks.


I think this article really says it all.  Yes, apparently NIL was a significant factor in getting Conerly to Oregon.  Like it or not, it's the reality of major college athletics today.  My takeaways: 

  2. For any Oregon fans to claim NIL isn't a big factor and the Ducks just out-recruited other schools for any player they got likely isn't accurate.  Kids aren't turning down fifty grand from Alabama or Oklahoma just because Eugene is a nice place to live for four years.
  4. For Oregon fans (or any fans) to claim their hoped-for player chose another school because he got paid more is little more than sour grapes.  Maybe he did get paid more - but it's not like he wouldn't have gotten paid at your school, so let's not pretend the winning school did something wrong or that your favorite school doesn't offer financial incentives through NIL.
  6. For the USC and Washington fans whining that Oregon just outbid their schools or else it's inconceivable that Conerly would have gone to Eugene - get a clue.  Obviously your schools were "bidding" on him, too.  You lost out.  Grow up.  Deal with it.
  8. Smart kids are going to take full advantage of this, but NIL won't be the only factor.  Yeah, if Georgia is offering $50k through the NIL and Arkansas is offering $1k, Arkansas probably isn't in the running.  But if a kid chooses Georgia, that doesn't automatically mean Georgia just outbid everyone else.  There might have been ten schools all with reasonable offers, and the kid liked the degree program, liked the coaches, felt he would have a better chance to play for a title, felt he would have a better shot at getting drafted, or thought the co-eds are hotter there.  


I HATE that NIL is part of recruiting now, and that things are largely unregulated.  But for the moment, that's how it is.  So let's not pretend otherwise, whether it plays into Oregon's favor or against the Ducks for any given player.


Sorry, Husky and Trojan fans - try harder next time.

THIS is the name of today's game. You cannot duck this issue and it is so good to see the Ducks step up. The programs that cannot or will not step up will soon not be playing CFB at the highest level.


Pac-12 guru Jon Wilner sees a schism coming in the Pac-12 between those who are OK with NIL and those that are not. Wilner describes the 'schism' as occurring along academic lines. In other words, CAL, Stanford and at least the administration at UCLA are not on board with what needs to be spent today to be top drawer competitive. And one wonders where the UW administration is in this regard?

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If the Ducks merely outbid the other programs then we will suffer. I doubt all that went into the decision was a financial comparison of the schools offer. Oregon, fortunately, has set themselves up to compete very well with the old rules and now is competitive in the new market.


With facilities which are way above anything west of Texas, and coaches who are better too, we have all that is needed to bring in the talent. Now if the product on the field is exciting and successful we will continue to dominate on and off the field.


As far as the NCAA leadership on the NIL situation. Mark Emmert, President of the NCAA, and esteemed alumni of UW, and past president of the w messed it up royally. He led the expenditure of $250 million fighting the NIL all the way up to the Supreme Court. He lost, spent $250 million and was left with nothing. This is why the NIL is the way it is, and we thought Lavish Larry was a stooge. The real joke is Emmert still has his job, just wow!

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On 4/11/2022 at 11:58 AM, OhioDuck said:

Totally agree that the rules as they stand now are how we have to play the game. 


I think the rules must change at some point. I haven't heard anything yet that anyone is even working on this. 


I would suggest a few things:


1. No NIL offers in recruiting. 

I have no problem with guys getting advertising, selling T-shirts... whatever they do with their Name, Image and Likeness and making a lot of money if they can. But putting packages together to entice them to play is heading for a long downward spiral.


Of course some programs will become well known for how well the players do in NIL,  it just can't be a formal offer up front.


2. Have a profit sharing provision included in NIL, where a portion of NIL (that comes through or with the University's help) is spread evenly to all the players, maybe all the athletes in that university. 


3. Some of the NIL goes into a trust/retirement/investment fund for the player(s).  


This is a start, I don't even know if this would be legal since NIL was mandated by court rulings.

Maybe just wanting to start a conversation. 


No institution exists to control NIL. Based on the Alston decision, any 3rd party attempt to 'control' NIL will likely be shot down in court.


Putting at least some of the money in trust is a terrific idea but is at the discretion of the player.


Without a players union and agreement with 'management,' NIL, the portal, etc. are out of control.

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The interesting, and I'll put a positive spin on it, is that unlike at A & M, Texas, Tennessee, to name a few, nothing NIL about Conerly and Oregon was released. This was a big splash and Oregon went with subtlety. 

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My hope is the boundaries develop organically. The first lesson is most goldmines are nothing but the shaft. 

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On 4/11/2022 at 10:08 AM, 30Duck said:

The interesting, and I'll put a positive spin on it, is that unlike at A & M, Texas, Tennessee, to name a few, nothing NIL about Conerly and Oregon was released. This was a big splash and Oregon went with subtlety. 

If you win the lottery and put your name out there you are just about guaranteed to lose it all. The same might be said about any NIL agreements.

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Mark Emmert makes Larry Scott look brilliant.  What an idiot.  How do you not at least try and get out in front of this a few years back.  Instead the NCAA is dragged kicking and screaming into the new reality of college football with absolutely no plan, no idea how to proceed.  Pretty much spells the end for the NCAA and it's association with college football.  Just a matter of time.  Conferences need to get together and start planning a new overriding organization to regulate college football.  


My concern is as some have discussed on here is the breakup of the Pac-12 which to me seems almost inevitable.   We had our chance when Texas and Oklahoma bolted for the SEC to expand and make the PAC-12 a major player.  Now I'm not sure what will happen.  I not to worried about Oregon but it will be a sad day when the Pac-12 goes bye-bye.

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On 4/11/2022 at 10:13 AM, Quackerbacker said:

Mark Emmert makes Larry Scott look brilliant. 

Well said, the problem is the NCAA makes the Pac-12 look brilliant too! Get rid of this clown, maybe he can consult with his alma mater on the NIL deals they should make on his next job working for the w.

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On 4/11/2022 at 1:10 PM, Haywarduck said:

If you win the lottery and put your name out there you are just about guaranteed to lose it all. The same might be said about any NIL agreements.

Hayward, I see NIL as breaking down into 2 components.


Direct marketing deals, like KT signed with United Airlines. This is what NIL was intended to do. Reward a student athlete based on his/her skills and marketability. 


The second, 'buying' a player to come play for your school under the guise of NIL. In the 2nd scenario the player's NIL rights are assigned to the 'Committee' purchasing the player's services. The purchasing party has 2 interests. First, for the school to win more games. 2nd, to market the player's NIL rights and hope to bring in a return larger than the amount invested when buying the player.


A 'normal' marketplace would over time self regulate the use of NIL to buy a player's commitment. Spend more than you get in return often enough and the investment in untested high school kids (and guys out of the portal who are busts) should in theory, fade away. But I don't see this happening?


The folks buying a player's commitment are by definition, FANATICS. Yes, there are NIL committees that accept small donations but for the most part these committees are made up by people with far more money than sense. A poor ROI is not going to dissuade these folks from trying to buy more wins.


A+M may never win the SEC let alone a Natty but the people who just bought the best recruiting class of all time cannot stop crowing about it.


Regulation will come. It will come with a Super League under the umbrella of a single commissioner and with agreement among the teams and the inevitable players union that will allow for rules restricting the buying of players, the transfer of players, the number of assistant coaches a team can have, etc. It will also come with a massive media deal and yes, it will be NFL-Lite.

Edited by Jon Joseph
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On 4/11/2022 at 10:53 AM, Jon Joseph said:



The folks buying a player's commitment are by definition, FANATICS. Yes, there are NIL committees that accept small donations but for the most part these committees are made up by people with far more money than sense. A poor ROI is not going to dissuade these folks from trying to buy more wins.



I do expect to see a tax write off soon, but ROI isn't their focus.

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On 4/11/2022 at 10:53 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Regulation will come. It will come with a Super League under the umbrella of a single commissioner and with agreement among the teams and the inevitable players union that will allow for rules restricting the buying of players, the transfer of players, the number of assistant coaches a team can have, etc. It will also come with a massive media deal and yes, it will be NFL-Lite.


Yeah..agree...let's just hope Oregon continues pushing hard and ends up as part of the Super League.  If you sit on the sidelines right now, you are going to be playing Group 5 football in 5 years.  

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On 4/11/2022 at 9:57 AM, Haywarduck said:

esteemed alumni of UW

Newest oxymoron.

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On 4/11/2022 at 10:13 AM, Quackerbacker said:

Mark Emmert makes Larry Scott look brilliant. 

Yes, and Moe was the smart stooge!

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