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Was It the Right Decision?

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After our forum discussion earlier about Scott Frost taking a big risk with an on-side kick, West Virginia takes their own non-risk which might have cost them the game over Pitt.


For those who didn't see it, WVU had a 7 point lead with around 5 minutes to go in the 4th when their coach opted not to go for the 1st down on a 4th and about 4" somewhere inside the Pitt 40. WVU had just scored 14 straight points to take the lead. They had Pitt on their heels and their run game was rollin'.


 Instead, he ordered a delay of game, (to try and draw an off-sides penalty) took the penalty and then punted.  Pitt got new life, ended up scoring 14 points in the last few minutes to tie then go ahead.  Then the game ended with a near miss on a 4th down pass play by WVU to the Pitt 1-yard line. Incomplete, barely, with 22 seconds left.  Game over.


Should the WVU coach have gone for the 1st-down earlier and continued to run the clock down on Pitt,  maybe kicking a FG to take a 10 point lead and more time off the clock?  Well, he'll probably be criticized tomorrow for not doing so, imo.  


And that's football.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't - when things don't work.  Football genius when they do. 

Edited by Smith72
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Around the 40 is no man's land for punting. I'd go for it personally... But being up by 7 maybe playing to not lose was the right call. 


Turning it over on downs around the 40 would also be a huge momentum swing. 


But if they were to convert on 4th down then it could take a lot of the air out of Pitts offense and defense. 

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Their freshman RB was on fire in that game. WVU literally had 4th and inches near midfield and a 240lbs freshman RB/TE that was having a great game. The guy ended up with just seven carries for 125 yards….Go for it.


However, they did try to draw Pitt offside and ended up taking the delay of game penalty before punting. 

Edited by Drake
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That’s what “playing not to lose” gets you.

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Regardless of that decision, I was quite impressed with West Virginia, especially their QB (a transfer from Georgia, I believe) and that WR who is destined to be heard from down the road. The intensity of play on both teams was damn high, given this was so early in the season.


Great game. Unfortunate result for WV due to a weird pick.

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It was a well played game.  Personally I would have gone for it.  It was about 4th and 2 and West Virginia had a lot of momentum at the time.


Interesting side note.  The quarterbacks were Kedon Slovis for Pitt and JT Daniels for West Virginia.  Both were highly recruited coming out of high school and both went to USC.    Both played well I thought.   JT was the starting quarterback at Georgia until he got injured and was replaced by Stetson Bennett.  

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You go for it and give some confidence to your players.

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On 9/2/2022 at 6:44 AM, Quackerbacker said:

It was a well played game.  Personally I would have gone for it.  It was about 4th and 2 and West Virginia had a lot of momentum at the time.  

I'm pretty sure it was 4th and inches.  And as Drake mentioned above, their big RB was ripping yards at that stage of the game.  Pitt looked gassed and it took a freakish pick-6 to beat WVU.  Playing not to lose when your up 7 against a ranked team, on the road and you've just scored on back to back possessions... 

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If you go for it on the 40 and blow it, and then give a shorter field to the opponent, then, “the coach is a bum.” This comes down to the classic, “if the play works, then he’s brilliant.


Most coaches would punt and put them deep and make them work for it. Rich Brooks would say, “let’s win it with Defense!”

Mr. FishDuck

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That is a GREAT flow chart....it nails us fans to a "T!"

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Mr. FishDuck

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Back in the day, UCLA jumped out to a 7-0 lead. Oregon's offense continued to sputter on the next drive and faced fourth and 14 from around their own 25. What does Helfrich do? Fake punt. Oregon gains 65 yards, scores a TD on the next play and the route is on. If UO botches that play, Helfrich may have been fired on the spot. Right call? Lucky call? I refer to the flow chart above for the answer.



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On 9/2/2022 at 11:38 AM, The Kamikaze Kid said:

Back in the day, UCLA jumped out to a 7-0 lead. Oregon's offense continued to sputter on the next drive and faced fourth and 14 from around their own 25. What does Helfrich do? Fake punt. Oregon gains 65 yards, scores a TD on the next play and the route is on. If UO botches that play, Helfrich may have been fired on the spot. Right call? Lucky call? I refer to the flow chart above for the answer.



good point.  I remember that game like it was yesterday

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On 9/2/2022 at 11:38 AM, The Kamikaze Kid said:

Back in the day, UCLA jumped out to a 7-0 lead. Oregon's offense continued to sputter on the next drive and faced fourth and 14 from around their own 25. What does Helfrich do? Fake punt. Oregon gains 65 yards, scores a TD on the next play and the route is on. If UO botches that play, Helfrich may have been fired on the spot. Right call? Lucky call? I refer to the flow chart above for the answer.

It was probably a bit early in the game to make that sort of call. But that is probably a major part that made it work. 


But THAT is playing to WIN. 


Fan's don't always agree with it the calls but you can tell when a coach is playing to win or just playing to not-lose. 


Also if I recall... Helfrich didn't tell his punter that they were doing a fake punt. That way they could really sell the confusion of the punt... or lack there of. 

Edited by David Marsh
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On 9/2/2022 at 1:05 PM, David Marsh said:

Also if I recall... Helfrich didn't tell his punter that they were doing a fake punt.

I think the punter was in on it, because he pretended to be jumping high for the snap and then he looked behind him...great video and replay.

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Mr. FishDuck

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Remember when Saban did the inside kick in the title game against Clemson in 2016? It worked, but had it not I think Saban gets the benefit of the doubt. I think we try to pinpoint one decision as the turning point. Facts are that a football game is won with discipline. Fewer penalties, turnovers, blown coverages, pass protection breakdowns. 

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