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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Hugh is a loud voice amongst the Husky Honks, Based on Lake's recent actions he's taking on water, the Huskies lost to Montana! The Husky talk on their Boards has been dour, it would be better for Lake if their was outrage, but its more indifference.
  2. Softy is great, he is a living example of everything we scoff at Washington about. Sure Lake was talking about Washington's "Academic Prowess" But he is a football coach, not a Professor, so he fumbled his lines, no sweat. The more ridiculous statements the better! And that part was priceless!
  3. They aren't thrilled with the Men's basketball coach either. They drove Romar out of town with a 298-195 record, including 2 trips to the Sweet 16. Certainly not Altman, but. Romar did make Ernie look like a Master Tactician. Hopkins is currently 68-60. Got Coach of the Year in the Pac-12 his first season, but it's been a downward spiral since.
  4. Of course Schill is taking the high road, but "great" football history? I don't know for sure, but has any other Pac-12 team lost 12 games in a row to another Pac-12 school? That historic 19991 Championship, and lets open the books and go back and see why exactly Don James left. There is just SO much to hate about them.
  5. I did not expect the 4 I had found myself being "rational" and having NO faith at all in the Committee would not have been shocked to see Oregon at 11, tOSU at 4, and listen tp EESPN explain that it made perfect sense, but, as they love to say, "These early rankings don't mean anything, it will play its way out". So ESPN tells us that their weekly hour of suspense is meaningless, but we will all watch it anyway.
  6. Husky football coach, Jimmy Lake stepped in it a while back with his comments about academics, recruiting and Oregon. The Seattle Times analyzes the situation in Jimmy Lake Says Oregon is Not a Recruiting Rival Because UW Recruits More Often Against Programs With 'Academic Prowess' Is He Right?
  7. This one is fascinating: He doesn't follow college football, so how can he, "know for a fact" anything?
  8. I know, hard to believe. But at 2-4 the husky fans were definitely "Sleepless in Seattle" Dylan Morris Admittedly Hears Some Fan Backlash From the Stands SI.com
  9. It' s interesting how much 1 game means to a lot of teams. Oregon has the W over tOSU, Cincy, the W over Notre Dame. Oklahoma needed the QB change to beat Texas. Michigan State is 8-0. But its come from behind W over Michigan is its first W over a team with a winning record. If Michigan had held on they'd be an even stronger No.2 with 3 wins, Western Michigan, Wisconsin, and would be, Michigan State. Alabama starts every season knowing they can lose 1 and not worry about the CFP.
  10. Absolutely, this Saturday Ohio State is at Nebraska, not a "Rival" really, just a team they need to destroy. Does anybody seriously think they won't?
  11. Currently, Georgia Southern is 2-6, 9th in the Sun Belt Conference. The Sun Belt has some decent teams in it.
  12. I get what you're saying, but I'm going the other way. I believe that being in the 4 with big games coming up, starting at Washington is exactly what the team needs to get fired up. Of course all we can do is panic for the next month.
  13. When the Ducks have been in the Final 4 the first week, they have stayed there.
  14. That was good from Herbie, of course he also was talking about head to head, and should it really matter that Oregon beat Ohio State. Stanford beat Oregon, does that mean Stanford is better than Oregon? No, Herbie it does not, and the Committee didn't think Texas A & M was better than Alabama.
  15. Interesting, 1 L No,2 Alabama and No.4 Oregon control their destinies, at No.6, undefeated Cincinnati does not.
  16. I definitely want Oregon to be back in the Playoffs. Now, more than ever before it's important to be in the Championship mix.
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