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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. It was unsettling to hear the chatter, "Ohio State playing really well, looks like another playoff for them" then, "Oregon, 7-1, but no margin for error"
  2. That's what happens when you do well against everybody EXCEPT Michigan State and Ohio State. Harbaugh had it going at Stanford, then he was doing a good job at the 49ers, then he went back to his alma mater and had a rocky road so far.
  3. No argument here, it makes sense, competitively, N vs S, and again, the two best records will probably be in the North. Oregon & Stanford probably would have played each other back in the day.
  4. That was the best game AB has had this season. His passes were crisp, some right through the windows, ran well. He looked the QB of a team in contention for the Playoffs. Cheers AB!
  5. Must See TV. Imagining how the Committee will see things is unfathomable. Especially early when their guiding principle is, "Don't be concerned with how it looks now."
  6. 93 yard TD pass puts Michigan ahead, 7-0.
  7. Corso picked UCLA over Utah, lookin' good, Utes,
  8. Yep, other games are being played, some will even matter. When you see a score, have a comment to make about the other games, post it here. Ohio State is ranked above Oregon. But Orgon beat Ohio State? It would seem that Penn State beating Ohio State, giving them 2 L's would be good for Oregon. But would it? Beating Ohio State is Oregon's crowning achievement, Isn't it better for Ohio State to stay with the 1 L?
  9. Mario wanted to be aggressive? Wanted to score? This sums up exactly why back to back championship coach Cristobal has some of us in knots! "Not now!" you explain, reminding him that you have made it clear that you don't want all those points. You're winning now, all that noise is unnecessary. 1-0, you've got it. Get another 1st down, and the time will run out. But now you want to score? Chip, he was on the other side of the field. He used to coach at Oregon. He loved points! But once his team went 9 minutes, without scoring, on purpose!!! Because that was the best way to get the W! But you wanted to score?
  10. Might as well mention, Herbie, Joey Galloway, both Buckeyes.
  11. Fowler, Herbie, Tannen, Burton all took the easy way to fill air time. They aren't interested in actually discussing Why the fans were booing, just that they were. Every time Oregon had the ball, Fowler brought the booing up, wasn't interested in looking at stats that might have encouraged the action. Too be fair, Play- by Play is not the forum for an in-deph examination of fan reaction, but move it along Fowler. It's hard to say which grew more tedious, Fowler/Herbie and the booing, or the Stanfords assertion that Oregon, "might be overrated?" during the Arizona game? Both were examples of lazy broadcasting just spouting off with as little thinking possible.
  12. I don't even think its close to which game will be the toughest for the Ducks. Forever it hasn't mattered that the Ducks had a lot more talent, those Scrappy Beavers always played the Ducks tough. This year the talent scale still favors the Ducks. But the Beavers have more than they have had for a long time. Never before in the history of this match-up will "Who Wants It More?" be the deciding factor.
  13. That old, "You need to be tested" hasn't come up for Georgia yet, probably not going to this week. Ohio State is averaging 49 a game, and i don't think Stroud has been picked off since the Ducks; some say that Franklin has been preoccupied with "Fight On", hence the 9 OT debacle last week against Illinois...take Ohio State to cover. No.6 Michigan @ No.8 Michigan State, the other day somebody was talking about how 3 or 4 snaps, and a horrible measurement against the Buckeyes have kept Harbaugh and Big Blue out of the CFP. I usually pick Michigan and do again tomorrow. The Husky fanbase used to have major howls because whoever Oregon was playing was a lot easier than who the Huskies were playing. But this year it doesn't seem to matter. Go Beavs!
  14. I can't imagine what Sabrina and the rest of the players and coaches from that team feels every minute, day, about the championship they didn't get to bring home. As masterful as Dennis Dixon and the 2007 Ducks looked on the way to their inevitable championship, this "Lady Ducks" basketball team was even better.
  15. Oregon 41 Colorado 7 Two Turnovers Four Sacks 187 Passing yards
  16. Advantages to both on the field or in the booth, since, "It never rains in Autzen Stadium" I'd be on the field.
  17. On the basis of competitiveness, it sure makes sense, this article gives even more reasons why it makes sense.
  18. It will never be the "Pit" But MKA is the Palace of the Pac-12
  19. Pardon the pun, Oregon has been the "Rainmaker" for a long time, and unlike one at a Law Firm, Oregon isn't realizing any perks for their productivity. USC is the old Warrior, "Fight On" but has not brought in anything for a long time. Washington just sits in a corner and howls, UCLA tries, just can not close the deal. ASU, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, still don't really know where anything is, or where they are, actually. Stanford, Cal cite precedents. WSU would like to turn the Firm into a Co-Op, and Oregon State is very proud of their new copy machine.
  20. Yep, precedent, hopeful thinking, have to find the middle ground.
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