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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Bad look all around. I hope that Arizona isn't set on getting back at Oregon when the game is at Arizona. Hostile home court atmospheres are what make games exciting and fun. But no coach should be saying anything derogatory towards the other team or coach.
  2. Great teaching moment for the Ducks, they didn't worry when they were down 10-0 mothing at the start when the shots weren't falling. The defense stayed constant, and UCONN did look like they were blitzed during the 39-14 run. Great defense for the Ducks along with some really nice passing.
  3. It's loud in MKA, 24-4 run by the Ducks= Time Out UCONN
  4. Ducks play D. Oregon goes on a 15-4 run to finish ahead after the 1st quarter, 15-14, UCONN 1-12 on its last shots.
  5. A fast and furious start. UCONN gets a 10-0 lead before the Ducks close it to 12-8. Loved it when Sabally took the ball right out of the UCONN player's arms!
  6. Yes, the NFL has done a great job creating a parity in the league that nearly every year, a team not in the Playoffs will take the place of a team that was in them next season. There are not 4 teams that you can automatically say will be in the conference finals, last season, Tampa Bay had to win all their playoff games on the road to get to the Super Bowl. Parity only goes so far of course; the Detroit Lions have been in the league for a long time, and have never played in the Super Bowl, I don't think they've even made it to a conference final. The Chargers had a chance, and proved that every game does mean something by losing, at home to then 3-12 Houston!!!
  7. Not a movie, but a football legend for sure: Bullwinkle from Wassamatta U
  8. These Huskies are good Ducks Set for Monday Showdown with UCONN
  9. I will never forget Brian's Song, I can still remember vividly scenes and of course the theme song On a pure entertainment vote, I go with "Heaven Can Wait"
  10. Good catch, Bittle was improving, but his development and value will now be furthered in practices, which are very important.
  11. And you'd never have guessed it from the game. You wouldn't know that Walton had been a legendary player at UCLA listening to their game Thursday night. Jordan Kent did the Ducks and Beavers, no green and yellow leaked into the broadcast. Miller was shameless in his favoring of USC.
  12. My favorite MP movie is The Life of Brian and I suppose the Husky fans could look to this
  13. Richardson and Young have obviously stepped up, along with Harmon, Gurrier, Williams. But the emergence of Dante, and Kepnang is where I really think Oregon has found gold. Dante is improving enough that the NBA is possible, Deandre Ayton, from Arizona, now the Phoenix Suns, is a model of what Dante could be. Kepnang probably doesn't have a future NBA career, but for now he can make life miserable for opponents who dare attempt a shot in his presence, and he is no longer a lost cause offensively, and his energy is intense
  14. Dave Miller, and he was the worst. I mean he didn't even try to act impartial. How many times did we hear him say, "I want to see the Trojans dig in defensively"? and then at the end, that Prehm referenced about the Ducks maybe making it a top 4 teams in the conference?
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