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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. You get sucked in. I never intended to have this kind of time given to these two sites, and I did not know going in what it would be. Then "task-creep" sets in, as you see other things you can do that would make things better, and then once you start it--you feel that you should continue. These screenshots is an example, and that does not count the time and cost of the software to convert the TV program from its technology to digital. I had two foul-ups yesterday doing the same thing I've always done, but the technology is fickly and fragile, and I have to figure out the solution each time. And this one little task, creating screenshots, is one small one among so many that are required to have two viable sites. And yet with all of that....they are not profitable. In fact I'm holding my breath at times that the bills will get paid, but due to the generosity of you and others--it evens out. My thanks to all who help... Fans help to create penalties for our opponents...
  2. Amen Duck-Brother. So many B1G are not going to be pumped about the additions when even UCLA is beating them on their home field. But wait....EVERYONE knows the Pac-12 Sucked....right?
  3. Tell you what...you sell everyone else on that please. Because the smart, experienced winning coaches say,
  4. The last screenshot was in another thread with Patrick Herbert making the big block in Irving's TD reception. So when you see pictures I include in posts--some have quite a history to them... Yes, No. 8. It sucks to be YOU.
  5. Wow. The moment Bucky plants the foot and makes the cut, but nobody notices the great block by Holden to keep the force defender from blowing up the play.
  6. This choked me up. How iconic is this? The Harley is so cool, and the Duck? This is our brand that everyone loves...
  7. Does this happen at USC? One of the nations best running backs is getting his a$$ chewed, and he is listening to Coach Locklyn. What a sharp image for an incredible moment...
  8. The only time in two seasons that I've caught Bo on the field with a smile. (After his fantastic pooch-punt)
  9. My Duck-Buddies, something I do for the FishDuck writers--is capture screenshots of the game for use in FishDuck articles. I can often capture images that our photographers do not, and if not utilized for articles--I can use them for posts in the forum. It is quite a arduous and complicated process for the conversion process than often has unforeseen glitches--like one today. As I watch the game, I must take note of where the event is in the game, what it is, and why I need an image of it. To capture the image--I am often going over it many times to time it just right to get the precise moment. Doing the WSU game took me five hours... The different stations that televise Oregon games have different levels of technology, hence the sharpness of image--number of pixels, etc. Bottom line, (and no surprise) that an ESPN or Fox telecast has better quality images than the Pac-12 Network does. It is hard with the latter to even have still images that don't have some blur... But this last ABC/ESPN telecast had terrific crispness in their images. Normally I share these throughout the year in posts, and with the FishDuck writers for use in article, but I thought I'd share a few with my own captions. I hope you enjoy them as much as I... Oregon fans are normal and completely rational....right?
  10. I will explain in another thread, but I captured a screenshot of the play with my own caption below it... No. 8? It sucks to be you...
  11. Look, I saw it in real-time, but also saw the block by Ferguson that was actually much more consequential for the success of Bucky's TD reception. But I gotta love what I see here... Geoff does a great job reviewing the play...
  12. It certainly is not. Especially when you made me laugh-out-loud. Love you guys...
  13. But you have to admit, with the way he operates, he is the perfect matchup for the University of Spoiled Children! He is truly one of them!
  14. My Duck-Buddies...these are already in an article posted on another thread, but I wanted to single them out for discussion--which is something I encourage everyone to do when they see something they want to comment on. It is one thing for Coach Dan Lanning to say he is aggressive, or the team is espouse it...or even for the media to claim it--but it is another to hear it from the opposing coach. For me, all these tidbits add up to learning more about what Lanning is building at Oregon and how he wishes to play. Doesn't it make you reflect on his 4th down choices when reading what is below? I know it did for me... (I have inserted what he is referring to at times) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Washington State Head Coach Jake Dickert: "I just want to start out by saying that's a heck of a football team that we just competed against, obviously they've proven the first seven weeks, eight weeks of the season that they're one of the best teams in the country." "...we just didn't match their physicality at times and didn't make some plays when we had some opportunities. It's a credit to them and what they're doing..." "I think in the second half it (the WSU pass protection) started to get a little bit leaky, he did more of those scramble plays. We (Cam) were off target and timing was a little bit. Give credit to them. like I said, they roll in 18 guys up front, they keep attacking you. We were ok in some off-script plays, and did an average job of establishing the run when we did run the football. I think the bigger moments is they won some key four, and we had some opportunities late in the second half. Credit to them, but I like where we were offensively, had some explosive plays, but they kept us off balance up front in the second half.” This is two years in a row of almost giving up 10 yards per play to this team. And they're good, . I thought they stayed ahead of us in the run game.” “We knew if we could come into the game and find a way to get them to turn over the ball, which they don't do, and protect the ball, that we could gain an advantage. We knew we'd have to stop them a little bit with a fumble or interception and that was going to be part of the plan defensively to try to get the ball back. There's never really an opportunity there to go do that." "I think early on, they came out and tried to attack the system pass game. I think we managed that well, we had some really good red-zone stops and then they came out and said, Hey, let's get physical with them. And I don't know if we responded to it, as well as we're capable of and being as fit conscious as we were. Some of those were untouched runs, and you know, we can't have that against a really good opponent. Some of them were those making our guys miss." "Oregon’s Oregon and they’re comfortable with their game plan and they’re more of an attacking style. In that first half we walked in and said man that was a heck of a job in protection. I felt that way across the board. Clean pockets, I mean, we were picking their stuff up and I thought they leaned on us a little bit as that game went and that was probably the shift in the second half." "But you know, they didn't do a whole lot of three-down drop eight, that's not their style, it's not their nature. They played within themselves, and besides a couple of new pressures that got us on the fourth down and got us early on in the third down. We felt like they were pretty consistent with how they attacked a lot of people."
  15. Oh, I do. Everybody was screaming from the stands the plays in advance.... Not that I would notice that kind of thing...
  16. Now THAT is a great first post. Welcome to the forum, and do post often--especially if there is humor!
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