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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Part of being a great coach is also being a great recruiter, and Husky fans know that, lament it, and will gradually accept their fate in future years.
  2. Past history is that 90-95% it is. We lose one or two each year, and swipe one or two as well.
  3. Amen our new Duck-Brother! Welcome to the forum, and GREAT first post.
  4. Whew! "I mostly haven’t been impressed with Oregon coaching hires in general. There is always that worry that Phil Knight will use his money as a huge advantage to buy a great coach like he does with facilities and recruits. But it never seems to land a great, experienced coach. Right now he’s overpaying Lanning who tries to tell everyone how good he is because he can’t coach well enough to speak for itself." "Dan Lanning has an inventory of all those 4 and 5 star players provided by Nike Phil; he has on paper an overwhelming talent edge according to the experts. Therefore he is expected to win. He is going up against the team and coach last year that beat him and all that talent at his home field. Kalen has out coached and out played Oregon since the day he arrived at Washington. Lanning gets paid the big bucks, Kalen is paid a sort of probationary salary, a guy who won everywhere but the argument was he had not been on the big stage. Lanning had been on the big stage SEC but as an assistant and coordinator. What you see is his record. The argument could be made that a monkey could be hired as coach of Oregon and win with all that talent. So, who has all the pressure on him? Will he make a dumb call or two from the sidelines due to pressure? Will he go for it when he shouldn't have? Good Gosh forbid, will his mighty ducklings be reduced to duck soup by games end losing by 21? Who has the most pressure on their back?" "Coach KBD has complete confidence in his longtime coaching staff! Watching the sidelines during a game, he doesn't micromanage but if he sees something of concern he'll pass it along accordingly to his staff member(s) and then goes his way. I don't believe Lanning has that same relationship with his staff and it's reflected at times in his decision making and media disposition! He's appears, periodically, to be 'a cat on a hot tin roof' and that will definitely BITE him this Saturday at Husky Stadium!" "Anyone giving Oregon the edge in coaching just isn’t plugged in and paying attention. DeBoer’s program is more tested and successful." "There is a word, Class. Can't buy it, can’t be given to you. If you don’t “get” it you will never have it. Some people just never get it." "Lanning is a total douche."
  5. That is the ultimate compliment--so many thanks. And thanks to the moderators who check every post and keep this Duck Pond clean.
  6. If JHOP's four picks in that article turn out true....Dan Lanning would break the all-time recruiting record at Oregon.
  7. Actually it was Willie Taggart who broke the recruiting glass ceiling at Oregon, and Cristobal continued it. Just before Taggart announced his departure--Oregon had the No. 3 ranked recruiting class in the nation, something that had never been done at Oregon. Once he left--many of those recruits did as well, although Mario rescued quite a bit of that class. No surprise he could recruit well...
  8. These uniforms are not my favorites, but they are of the players. From a marketing standpoint, this is the perfect game to feature the uniqueness of Oregon uniforms compared to everyone else. I don’t necessarily agree with the choice, but I get it.
  9. The helmet looks unlike what I recall from before....as it is a black background with silver wings, when they were a flat black before... Prior one...
  10. Thanks Alex....this is one of those games where you can't pull your eyes away because it will be so entertaining/frustrating, but the suspense is going to be awful. Love your thoughts about Penix...
  11. Now that their value is shown to be so poor relative to our conference, and all the other Power-Five conferences, shouldn’t they reflect on how generous we were sharing equal revenue with them? Shouldn’t they count their blessings of the past, instead of being angry at us for doing what they would’ve done as well?
  12. It is one thing to claim that ten other schools screwed you, but let's consider the proof of your poor value--how many offers did you get from other Power-5 conferences? Even at a discount? Even at a Cal/Stanford discount? Still no takers? And WE are the problem?
  13. My Duck-Buddies....just try listening to this without laughing and smiling. Jonathan is a great Oregon fan, and very talented as well. Enjoy!
  14. When I think of what Tonya Harding did to Nancy Kerrigan...
  15. Whoa! I've seen this kind of thing before....when Mario was at Oregon!
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