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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. You are very kind, and I appreciate your reply. Two of the three mentioned in the top post wrote publicly that, "Charles, you are breaking your own rules," and they were right. Just because they break the rules does not excuse my conduct; at the time, (because of all I go through dealing with people) I felt justified in my response, and then later--a cooler head tells me to stick keeping things private, and don't ruin it for everyone else. And there is another component involved for me; I HATE the hypocrisy that exists in the current media, in politics, in social media. I do not want to be "one-of-them" who tells everyone else how to behave, but will not do it on my own. A third element is how unusual this all is....a GREEN REFUGE, where tough rules are enforced immediately, and dealing with people in a way I never have before. At times I am stunned at the range of human behavior, and the logic/reason or lack of it present at times from some people. We had a new member recently break our rule twice about not getting personal in his posts concerning current coaches or players. After the second email--he left the forum for good. Not banned, but since "he can't have it all his way," he left. Such is the selfish culture we have these days. Thanks again for being a part of this wonderful community.
  2. How can any recruit feel confident beyond this year playing at Michigan? (Harbor....are you listening?)
  3. Boy...we could have a completely experienced offensive line, but boy--I don't know if there is a scholarship for him.
  4. "I thought Austin Novosad, the Oregon signee, continued to look very solid at quarterback. He was comfortable, seemed to be able to handle pressure and got the ball out on time accurately. He has pretty good arm strength and was the top QB in the morning session."
  5. I don't think we will get that from freshmen; portal transfers--possibly, but I think this is a longer term overall then we would prefer. (But it will be worth it) I have some theories I will be writing about in the off-season...
  6. Actually that was taken by the FishDuck photographer immediately after Cota caught the winning touchdown. It was more of his own personal celebration, but I don't have a problem with that. Over half the people who read this forum are on mobile, and do not see the background pictures I line up due to spacing issues on mobile. It is a shame, as there have been some dandy ones and will be more in the off-season.
  7. Some sweet highlights.... 6'4 240LBS DEFENSIVE END WWW.HUDL.COM 6'4 240LBS DEFENSIVE END
  8. After reading many articles--it is becoming clear to me that players take all five visits to not only check out the schools and make sure they have made a good selection--but to have portal options later as well. Coaches that players have relationships with at other schools really matter if their first choice of school does not work out. I am getting the impression that players take the full five trips even if they know where they are going--a free trip is nice, but they are also building a safety net for later. Boy does this add to the workload of the coaches!
  9. If anyone sees another recruit to add--put it in this thread. I've taken off Porter, since he is in the house! Thank goodness he doesn't have to wear orange!
  10. This moves Oregon into the Top-Ten in the nation with Rivals. (And yes, it has been consistently harder with Rivals for over 20 years) Ashton Porter is a Rivals 4-Star, who was offered by four SEC teams, and Oregon beat out four B1G teams, including primary competition of Michigan State. The Ducks pulled him from other Texas schools that offered such as SMU, TCU, Texas Tech and Texas. You can see the full list right here, as this is a big recruit for Oregon.
  11. My US Web Developer felt that I could become a consultant for civilized discussions on bigger forums. But the truth is--they don't want it.
  12. I wish I could run Facebook...as I've lost control of my own account, and they will not let me prove I own it. Bizarre stuff.
  13. Let's not go any further with this. We are not responsible for what other writers create, but some people find such articles interesting, thus why they are posted here.
  14. My apologies, PennDuck, as I was not paying attention to the year of the recruit. Not only are you completely correct, but the recruiting goes on for years ahead of time these days. Recruiting has changed so much in the last five years or so, and one of them is how the majority of recruits like to make their decision early and get it over with. So others will know... That means that visits this last summer by 2024 recruits...those who had only finished their sophomore year in high school and were going into their junior year--yet were visiting this last summer. Why? Because many of them will make decisions in the spring of their junior year or the summer before their senior year. If you look at the verbal dates here, you will see that Oregon had 14 verbals before football season even began this last fall. They were verballing to sign in December 2022 for the official 2023 recruiting class. For juniors to make a decision in their spring/summer, they need to be visiting and learning about all the schools out there long before their moment of decision. This usually begins as 15 year olds, or in the sophomore year in high school. Contact, visits, phone calls, social media--all of it needs to be done well in advance. This is why it is reported on, because it is happening. Now for those not interested--don't read it. And the comment about click-bait has truth in some cases because we are entering the off-season when there is not much to write about. But recruiting is year-round now and truly starts at 15 years old with the stud recruits. The holder of this winning field goal versus Washington was John Harrington, whose infant son was offered a scholarship shortly after his birth. It was an honorary scholarship, and not meant to be enforced, but Joey Harrington turned out to be one of the most productive, as well as youngest ever offered an Oregon scholarship.
  15. I actually have had many emails touting, "never having to work again," through the use of AI produced articles. (Artificial Intelligence) You won't see me buy that nonsense! Gotta feel the real passion for Our Beloved Ducks!
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