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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Bottom line is that nobody NEEDS them. Not only do they have a small brand and audience, but they are geographically located so far away from major conferences that the hassle factor and travel costs associated with adding them are not worth it, IMHO. When even the Mountain West says, "pass,".... Ouch!
  2. Thank you! For every 25 registration attempts--between 18 to 20 of them are Spammers using AI and bots trying to penetrate this forum. A subscription site does not have this issue, but a free site like the Our Beloved Ducks forum has daily war ongoing. I am able to prevent them from entering only because I have to do a low-tech/high labor task of personally approving every registration. It has worked great, but it is another time-consuming task. Often I get registrants that are "iffy" and do not fill out all the fields of registration such as a phone number, thus I email them for more information. I don't know when I do not receive an answer if it is because it is a Spammer, or it is a legit fan whose email from me when to their spam filter and they don't see it. Oh well, trying my best!
  3. How long before the Pig-2 end up paying the Mountain West entrance fees to join that G5 conference?
  4. Well, I believe that many athletes love the drama created, the attention created as they "ponder" their decision. The word is...DJ made his choice about 10 days ago, and is using the build-up as most do for the media splash. Yet, that can change at the last minute. Just ask Texas....
  5. "It's becoming clear the Mountain West Conference doesn't necessarily need or even want the Beavers and Cougars on a full-time membership basis."
  6. Washington State, Oregon State Reportedly In Serious Trouble
  7. "The feeling is that over the last few weeks, the Ducks have positioned themselves as one of the top schools and are now the top school. They've appeared to push past LSU and Miami, with the Hurricanes putting up the toughest competition between the other two schools in the running. Miami has sold the tradition of the Canes, being close to home, and a lucrative NIL package, and the family around Pickett seems to be at peace with the Hurricanes." "But for Oregon, they've sold a vision that goes beyond just playing football at Oregon. The leverage of Division Street and how it can help athletes not only from a monetary perspective but also from a marketing and branding perspective might be unmatched. Dan Lanning and Oregon's staff's track record of developing talent has caught the attention of Pickett. The culture at Oregon has also been able to position the Ducks into a position of strength heading into Wednesday."
  8. The announcement is at 4:00 PM Pacific on Wednesday, and you can watch it on this YouTube Channel if you choose. Will Dano get a record third Rivals 5-Star in a year? Never been done at Oregon before! The 6-foot-4, 179-pounder is the No. 2 ranked cornerback in the country and the best player from Florida per the On3 Industry Ranking.
  9. He is playfully saying what everyone is thinking, and yet it is not true. I CANNOT IMAGINE that two-time National Champion Georgia does not have access to an equal amount of NIL resources....
  10. The problem? There needs to be more room on Mr. Rushmore! I agree with the Bill Musgrave thoughts, but man....taking off LaMichael James is tough. He was the fastest, toughest back with elite vision at Oregon--hands down, IMHO. And where would we be without "The Pick?" Too many candidates, and not enough room. I get what was stated about Brooks, but it was Chip Kelly who took us to the National level and brought us a big part of what the current Oregon "Brand" is. (The CK of that time, not the CK we saw at UCLA) Good stuff for the offseason! Our first serious Heisman Candidate?
  11. The Thieve Beavs? I don't think they want to mess with us...
  12. Some things in life are "bad-or-bad" choices, while Oregon uniforms and helmet are choices that are "good-or-good." I like your helmet choice, and I like the new ones, but I especially liked this one from 2013...
  13. Amen. This 2024 WR depth is very close to what we had the last time we went to the 'Natty in 2014. The two 2024 recruits could make some noise in this line-up as well.
  14. We all have our pet-peeves, the topics that annoy us and we get riled-up about. I am gently informing all of you--for your benefit...about one of my anal items that I respond to quickly, and just hate. It is over-arching negative about college football, the future, Oregon,....any of it where you are going out-of-your-way to just paint negative about something that either has not happened, or is so obvious--that we already know, and blustering about it is not going to change or help. But some in the past just have to vent on us. We have a couple of Rules in No. 31 A-D concerning this, and you may have noticed lately when someone goes off about how bad NIL/Portal/College Football/Playoff/etc. how I respond quickly to it to say..."it is not that bad." In fact I wrote that recently. We Lost a Great Guy... We had a regular poster who went off the rails in this over-arching negative last fall. I took away his posting privileges because I was sick of seeing it--and I warned him several times. But I am a softy, and give people second chances, and gave him one recently since others have given me a second chance when I screw up. Well, that leopard did not change his spots. He picked up right where he left off, and I warned him with the first one, and with the second...he is now gone-for-good. Part of it is hassle-factor; I cannot have my time and energy drained from a few, and it is better to lose their posts. Besides--99.60% of the posts and you are GREAT! This site is meant to be a GREEN REFUGE from the nastiness of real-life. One of those distasteful areas in real-life is the massive negative, and deception in our media today. I am just SO SICK of it, and that cannot stand someone being an Eeyore in this superb community without cause. Don't Be Like Me So...No Negative, Charles? This is the difficulty I have with this....because then some will say that, "well I can't discuss any negative, because Charles goes nuts." WRONG. Negative events occur all the time, we lose recruiting battles, we lose games, we lose coaches, etc. We discuss this stuff because that is what you do in a forum, and not only is it OK, but I want that discussion. It is just when someone is painting an overall picture of doom, and negative when there is no need. I hate it. If you have any doubts...then email me charles@fishduck.com and I'll clear it for you. The vast majority of the time--you are all fine, and just wonderful OBD members. But some people are a natural Eeyore, and feel the need to vent on us. We are not their damn therapist's couch; we are the opposite. We are the GREEN REFUGE, the escape from all of that. And yes....I can be a bit much as a cheerleader, but there is SO MUCH to cheer these days! And yes, this is an anal, weird thing about me. So take a hint because I want all you here for an incredible season. Be Happy.
  15. BTW, with McNutt--he is from Shaker Heights, Ohio--in the middle of Buckeye country. He visited, likes them, and has USC as a major competitor, but the biggest challenge to Oregon is Texas A&M at the moment. Find out Friday!
  16. This was the rumored flip away from Oregon recently, but we have survived the scare. I have all the confidence in Mario to screw up the 'Cane season...
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