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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Even when Chip Kelly got the big leads, what did he do? He went into what I call, "Turtle-Time" where he would have the reserve QB bark out signals, and then they all would look to the sidelines for the play and delay until the play clock ticked down. Then they ran another Inside Zone Read to burn clock. Remember how we used to shout at Chip to "let the reserve QBs run the offense!" (Meaning-pass the ball to get game experience) And he wouldn't, thus our back-ups QBs did not get much game experience. What Chip was doing was shortening the game, so that the other team had no chance of having enough time to make a come-back. It is routine, and it is the right coaching call...but it does not develop the back-up QBs. (And another great article by DazeNconfused-thanks!)
  2. Nope, you are not reading too much into it. It is very telling...
  3. A big part of the quality we strive for is from the diligence of the volunteer editors; so many hours, and they make it so more fun to read. (I know I could not live without them at times!)
  4. What a voice! With background from my favorite group of that time...ELO...Sigh. Gotta love the late 70s...
  5. We have used this as a theme song for how we are "hopelessly devoted....to Ducks." So sorry for her passing.
  6. This was happening even five months ago....and we wrote about it here. Lanning Love: "Football is Fun Again!" FISHDUCK.COM When you have been managing a couple Oregon football sites for a decade with hundreds of contacts among all the readers, writers, photographers...
  7. I BELIEVE this....between the savvy experience in the front seven, and the scheme that we will see....it is going to be fun. BTW.....I am going to be breaking down that scheme over the course of the season!
  8. I believe this will be the best sacking defense in a decade. More next week with some defensive analyses!
  9. Between the experience in the depth of the front seven, and the some new tactics by the defense that we'll be looking at next week in some analysis articles --this could be a very special defense and the most fun to watch in a long time. Thanks to all!
  10. To Mario...two things are most important; toughness and loyalty. He played Anthony Brown almost exclusively because he was showing underclassmen to wait your turn because he will be "loyal" to you when your turn comes. When Cristobal heard the boos, (and knew it was directed at him) I believe he regarded that as a betrayal by the "ungrateful" Oregon fans, the worst thing you can do in his world, and that is being "disloyal." After he got over the shock? I believe he made the "I'm headed to Miami" decision, and that was when....the Cal game? In his mind--we deserved to be dumped, and did not deserve his full attention because of such terrible disloyalty. "And I'm being underpaid as well." My theory anyway, and while I could be wrong--it is a very plausible scenario.
  11. This is an outstanding article, and Canzano has been superb at providing insight into the ongoing realignment saga.
  12. Had he stayed? I believe a third of the team would have entered the portal, and we had a boatload in there as it was before Lanning arrived. In particular, I believe most of the receivers would have left, while now it is a position of long-term strength on this team.
  13. Good timing on this article, as we have more--a FishDuck article tomorrow by yours-truly where a bold assertion is made...
  14. DZC....that was a hoot. That is going to be great fun to watch, and I appreciate you keeping tabs on the battle among fans over there. I am always looking for new forms of entertainment, and you just nailed a new one! In four years--Miami fans will be ready for a new coach who can take them to the next level; I believe we have ours right now...
  15. No, your question is about YOU. It is apparent you are new here and have not read all the opinions over the last year about Mari, (we call him that because he doesn't know what to do with the "O") and thus you would understand the article, and why many of us find it entertainment. Perhaps you were not at the games at Autzen when he was booed by the fans for such a terrible offense, when we had one that worked among the best before he arrived. I am not going to link all the articles written by FishDuck writers, but the point is--you should not be judging us when you have no knowledge of what we have been through on this forum. (And we do not criticize fellow members on this site; state your opinion and that's it.) And when you don't know the rules. I have spent countless hours haggling with people, consulting with OBD members and personally pondering where the line is that benefits everyone the best over the last five years. And Rule 26 allows for stating anything about anyone--with the exception of players and coaches who are currently playing and coaching at Oregon. You may criticize player performance and coaching decisions, but you cannot get personal with current players and coaches. (Or OBD members) With everyone else? The knives are out... I want new members who post their views, and encourage them to do so often, but it must be within our rules that we enforce immediately. With that--it was a good first post for you, but do see this page please, and do keeping sharing your thoughts. And before you respond to this...you would be advised to look at Rule No. 3... And your swipe at the fan base here is also "Throwing Group-Shade" of which we do not allow here either. Learn about it right here.
  16. True, but we knew that about the NCAA and Larry Scott a long time ago...
  17. A 3-Star who had just two offers, elevated himself above his personal demons, and represented us in the NFL superbly. Kiko's massive pick in the Rose Bowl
  18. No. 6 Oregon ahead of Texas and Oklahoma? Gaauully! Where is USC? Bruins? Washington? (Truly-thanks to Cristobal! He left the cupboard full)
  19. What is the ceiling for DazeNconfused? We haven't seen it yet, as he has some killer articles coming this month with this one being another in a long line. Tomorrow DZC has an article that will make your jaw drop in surprise, (is this for real?) and you will find it highly entertaining. Why didn't we have articles every day of the week in the offseason as we do now? Because with training new writers in our protocol, AP Style, and the vast amounts of technology--the time spent was so much that I could not do it any more, thus I quit bringing on new writers a year ago. Until now. These three new writers are worth the investment of time, as they are now enjoying writing as I do, and we all get to enjoy their work. Between them, and the talented veterans on the team--it is going to be a very fun fall!
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