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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Keep all these players in mind as you watch the defensive analysis articles coming up on Friday and Saturday...
  2. A great article Pennsylvania Duck, and thanks from everyone for being a major player in the launch of the FishDuck Feed!
  3. I just love the woman screaming in the background.....it is qued right up!
  4. “It’s important to understand that when the regents delegated authority to the UCLA president, they didn’t give it away or lose it,” UC system attorney Charlie Robinson said during a regents’ meeting at UCLA’s Luskin Center. “Essentially, what they did was extend it such that authority was with the regents and the president.” After the end of a closed session spanning more than an hour, regent John Perez told The Times that the regents retained the power to block UCLA’s move.
  5. OK...the drama is now going to get interesting! Charlie Robinson, the general counsel for the UC Office of the President, seemed to indicate the regents could withdraw the authority delegated to a chancellor. “For this particular matter, the regents could say ‘We want to act and therefore we do not want the (UC) president or the (campus) chancellors to act in this area,’ and simply assert that,” Robinson said. What if....they have to invite Cal, and thus Stanford and take one more....the Ducks? And leave out the Huskies?
  6. I believe that a high schooler being recruited has only seen two Husky victories in his life against Oregon? Whew!
  7. From the FishDuck Feed, thanks to everyone placing articles in it! The deal worth 1.2 Billion per year? Whew! Good gosh, look at the numbers per school...and I do not see a streaming deal in there with anyone, let alone the biggies. Between them and ESPN...the Pac-12 has options, and the B1G has established the pricing. But... "It's P2 [Power Two] and everybody else," said an FBS source familiar with TV negotiations. "I don't know why anybody is using P5 [Power Five] anymore." Thoughts? Big Ten reaches seven-year media rights deal with CBS, Fox and NBC for football, basketball through 2029-30 - CBSSports.com WWW.CBSSPORTS.COM Marquee Big Ten football games will be showcased across three broadcast windows on Saturdays
  8. I am so impressed with how he has filled out with a little more solid weight, and his speed seems to have increased, and he has more moves in just one year. Some great coaching taking place...
  9. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!) This will be the best Oregon Duck Data Aggregator in years, the new phenomenon, the FishDuck Feed!
  10. (That is not the insanity I was thinking of when I read that tweet above.) Concerning Jaeden Moore (below) verballing to Oregon instead of Washington...
  11. He is a 3-Star on Rivals with 16 offers including Michigan State, Notre Dame and Washington! Nope...you won't be wearing that uniform!
  12. I am in complete agreement; it took me a while to get used to watching TV from a internet stream versus the usual cable, but it looks just as good. And this will allow the millions of Oregon fans to watch the games from anywhere in the world without the nonsense of being with Direct TV, or your cable provider, etc. This is the future...
  13. It is always good to have a factual and impressive article by DZC to give us perspective on what is happening now by looking for a moment in the rear-view-mirror. Great article, and it will be a great source to link for Miami fans in the future. You are killing-it DZC!
  14. My FishDuck Friends, this is an article below, but I listened to the 34 minute interview below the article with Marshall Malchow...and was blown away by so much of what I heard. You cannot listen to this without realizing further just how special Dan Lanning is, and what made Malchow leave a lucrative job at Texas A&M to come to Oregon. You learn a ton Malchow's role, and a similar history of fighting his way to get hired....as Coach Lanning did. Again...you will learn a ton about Lanning--whew! And yeah...I am biased, but having the FishDuck Feed is so handy. I was sitting on the back patio enjoying the summer breeze, the view and listening to a podcast brought to us by the 'Feed? Sweet. Oregon's chief of staff Marshall Malchow explains what a chief of staff does 247SPORTS.COM Oregon's chief of staff Marshall Malchow explains what a chief of staff does I am so grateful to the incredible efforts of Pennsylvania Duck!
  15. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!) This will be the best Oregon Duck Data Aggregator in years, the new phenomenon, the FishDuck Feed!
  16. To be able to turn to the FishDuck Feed and listen to a podcast while you are enjoying the scenery of your backyard and having a beverage, or reading an article when you have time in between things, it is such a delight as an Oregon fan to have this available to us. The FishDuck Feed era has begun!
  17. This is really really good, and I cannot recommend it enough. Tons of great information in this video from Coach Altman.
  18. I'm in agreement with this. I believe that we will flip some great people on both sides of the ball--once they see these new Ducks in action. Players will want to be a part of this...
  19. That is quite cool, and I agree with you in that we may have some nice surprises in the secondary with Addison being the primary one I'm watching. Love the love...
  20. Well Brian, that was a fantastic first post, and it is great to have you on-board and a part of this community. With the way you write--I hope we see your opinions often. WELCOME!
  21. As I wrote...I have complete confidence in TJ Bass on the left side, but in reference to the rest of the offensive line--and what have we been doing for five years? We have been depending upon "Minnie-Me!"
  22. The article below was in the FishDuck Feed this morning, and I disagree with the premise of the writer, which prompted my post above. Can Oregon solve it? ESPN identifies Oregon’s biggest question mark ahead of 2022 season SATURDAYOUTWEST.COM ESPN names the one part of Oregon's 2022 team that features the biggest question mark.
  23. Hello All, I was going to be writing an article about this prior to the Georgia game, but my time is a little limited and my final article before the season will be a "prep" one concerning what to look out for with the Oregon Lanning/Lupoi defense. In all my years of watching Oregon football--this year's weakness is one I've never written about before, and it is unusual. I am referring to the entire season hinging upon whether the Ducks can get good pass-protection blocking from our offensive tackles. Salu at right tackle was eaten alive in the Spring Game, and both he and Stephen Jones fit Cristobal's "big" profile, but they do not have the feet to fend off the edge rushers these days. Salu and Jamarillo had their lunch-money taken often in the Spring Game, and you will see examples of that when I feature Bradyn Swinson, in a short analysis on Thursday. Yet DJ Johnson and others had their way with our offensive tackles as well; it is not always about how good our pass rushers, are, but how bad our pass-protection is from our offensive tackles. Last year we had TJ Bass at left tackle, and he was superb blocking smaller quicker safety/linebacker types in open field in addition to pass rushers. He has the feet, but he must be healthy and playing at tackle, and not at guard as they did often in the spring. If he is the blindside tackle...I rest easy on that side, as we'll be fine. The right side is a horror show that could get our quarterbacks injured. I should not just complain about a problem unless I have a suggestion to solve it, and mine is simple; on obvious passing downs...bring in Josh Connerly on the right side, as he does have the fast feet. He will get schooled from time-to-time, and we will have to take our lumps, but over the longer course of the season--he is our best bet, I believe. Again...used on obvious passing downs until Connerly has the fine-points of run-blocking; Salu can do adequate when we are doing play-action passes if the release is quick or the QB is rolling away from him. Dillingham has brought back a more lethal passing attack that will take shots downfield, and have more longer-developing crossing routes. This means to score a boatload of points and get things teed-up for Lanning's blitzes...we must have the additional time to throw the ball downfield. With good pass-protection we will score a ton more points than last year, and this feeds into Lanning's wheelhouse of turnover-creating blitzing schemes that we will cover later. It all depends on the pass-protection; can Oregon solve it?
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