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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Yikes. I had no idea. I am glad that it is mild, but it can still slow you down.
  2. You know...I see a ton of posts that I could really heap tons of proof to refute...and I often let them pass because I do not have the time or energy at the moment to do so. But this one deserves some response...because yours-truly was writing articles and doing analysis articles and videos through the entire Chip Kelly/Mark Helfrich era. I worked with very knowledgeable coaches and this site was a "must-read" in that time period for a lot of emerging coaches. You may have your opinion, and we will disagree. Helfrich designed superb game plans for Chip Kelly, and when Kelly left...it did not stop. I agree that Mark was a terrible head coach, as he did not exude leadership, did not hire well and did not correct hiring mistakes. But he was a great offensive coordinator and quarterback coach. And like DazeNconfused....I would take Helfrich back in a heartbeat. Gameplans of the Oregon Spread Offense: Helfrich versus Kelly FISHDUCK.COM An examination of the unique components that Chip Kelly used in his gameplans and how Coach Helfrich has fared in comparison.
  3. My FishDuck Friends, and I have friendships now with so many of you, and at times seeing the "regulars" post gives me great comfort, as I know these are "good people" that I respect and care about. With that, I wanted to convey a warning about a new strain of COVID that is surprising, as you have no idea and would not think you have it. My wife Lois, began on Monday to not feel well and her symptoms have been: --Stuffy nose, but not like a bad cold. It was like a milder, but annoying cold and she began to wonder if this was not an allergy, but she's never had any. --Sore throat, but not real sore like Strep Throat. It was sore, with a tickle that would generate a dry cough on occasion. --She sounds terrible, like a super cold or flu with a hoarse voice. But she admits she sounds worse than the condition actually is. --No fever or temperature above normal. She tested negative twice on the home tests, (Lovely) and then went to Urgent Care and got the more accurate test that takes 48 hours to learn the result, and then this morning learned she was positive. Someone she knows also just tested positive with just the stuffy nose! What seems to be a mild cold or allergy is a new COVID strain? Sheesh. I care about so many of you and wanted you to know. (As I hastily left for the office this morning to write an upcoming FishDuck article--she offered a 'Goodbye' kiss that I had to politely decline!) The Political Impact: There is none, so don't go there or I will delete in a heartbeat. We have had many FishDuck COVID articles in the past where we were able to stay on topic and not go political, and the moderators and I will be sure of that this time. It is unfortunate that so many here, people I really like have decided to slip in political comments in the last month or so. And when I delete the post and gently remind them of the rules--they get quite annoyed. (Like this is a new rule?) There are some members that love the rules...until the rules are applied to them. Please know that your comment may not be blatantly political, but it could start something, and thus it gets deleted. (No reference of any kind to Politics) We have had some terrible political threads in the early days of moderating, and I've learned to stop them before they get started. My friends, this is not going to get easier with a political season coming up, and all the political ramifications and tangents that occur with conference realignment news that occurs. But this community can do it, as the moderators and I will enforce our "no reference to politics of any kind" quickly. The Good News? You have not had to see these comments, as they have been removed before being on the site for very long. The other good news? We had a really bad USC fan who was the classic "Drive-by Troll," who signed up just to spew his hatred of Duck fans. The heck of it is...it was a long post, an article in itself. And his insults took time to consider and write, and I could see that he spent a ton of time on this and was effectively doing his "Hate-Dump" But it was not up in the forum for long! It was not very noble, and I should ashamed at how I took such great pleasure in emailing this Trojan fan and chortling about how he spent a lot more time creating and writing his post....than it was up on the forum! Love you all, Mr. FishDuck
  4. By adding them...does that increase our size of the slice? We will be buried by the revenue of the two biggies... Stanford has more appeal than Oregon? They just want another Northwestern to beat-up on.
  5. And revenue that goes to the football players will not be there to fund the other sports. How do schools later avoid Title 9 lawsuits? Is that when football teams break away from universities and become the NFL "G" League? You better enjoy the next two years of non-revenue sports... Damn Husky is out at Home! The news for Oregon gets worse-and-worse...
  6. My "Big" Prediction: Where ever Oregon goes or stays....we will have to spend as much on football as the others in the bigger conferences, thus from a revenue pie that is smaller--we will have to cut sports to stay competitive in football. As I've written before...we would go from 19 sports to seven; Football, M&W Basketball and M&W Track. (And M&W XC) But we could do well in football, as whether it is Gonzaga in the little WCC, or Clemson rising from their ashes to become an elite program that recruits well, is in Playoffs and wins 'Nattys. Both those programs achieved that in weak conferences and so could we. But I would lose my Beloved Baseball, as well as Volleyball, Beach Volleyball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, M&W Golf and Tennis and Acrobatics and Tumbling.
  7. We are going to have it posted up here for a while, and we will bring it back often. I will later also copy-and-paste it into the "Directions" that are at the top of the forum below the logo. (On mobile, it is the three lateral lines on the upper left) Really great information in that post. And to me, this part of this forum is what makes it a bit more high-brow than other places, as it is so refreshing to read a post that is well written, has great punctuation and has a great opinion offered.
  8. You know....we really needed this, and yours-truly certainly has to take some notes here. Thanks to Axel!
  9. We would be stabbing the rest of the Pac in the back, but it could mean a world of difference for the Ducks over the long-term; how would you feel about that? (We may have to start thinking selfishly for our own survival) Do us all a favor and don't vote for "hate all options!" (Let's see what most think about the others...)
  10. "Autzen Stadium is where great teams go to die." Lloyd Carr, Michigan Coach
  11. They are Tweets, and often take awhile to load—try again and wait…
  12. Oregon is having the Saturday Night Live event for recruits on July 30th, and it is also open to the public. More information next week... Is Junior Adams killing-it in recruiting or what?
  13. Gosh it would be fun for Dan Lanning to shock the college football world!
  14. I heard from someone on the east coast (on the phone) that Arizona announced on Twitter that they were leaving the conference...and below must be what he meant. Jon Wilner thinks it may be a "head-fake?" (Thanks to ICamel for the tweet!)
  15. I will admit, that I don’t want to even see the word “politics” in this forum. Nothing good comes of it… But I also acknowledge that it is pretty hard to avoid with ongoing headlines between Covid in the past, and now the California Board of Regents, etc. It just comes down to if somebody writes something that could generate a political discussion, or if someone is writing something that is a clearly political statement—we disallow it. Splitting hairs is a hassle. And to think when I began the two sites nearly 11 years ago, we had no rules. As I said then, “why should we… aren’t we all adults?”
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