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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Jordan...that is a fun read! Highly informative and entertaining as heck--and you certainly make some good points. Anytime you blend the Ducks, Joe Lunardi and Bill Walton...it has to be good!
  2. Ducks pitcher Isaac Ayon has been superb. Six innings with only four hits and one run allowed. These young men HIT the ball, and this is not small ball!
  3. I just read that the Chargers were one of the four teams who could benefit the most in the off-season. They have 56 million in cap-space available and a ton of needs on defense. They were tied for 29th worst defense in the NFL, (Out of 32 teams? Not many were worse!) as they gave up 27 points a game...and that's in the NFL game, not college. They lost SO MANY close games that lowering that number to 20 points could have them winning big? I know very little about the Pro game...anyone know more and can offer some thoughts?
  4. Wow, what a great story from your life. Whew! The conclusion of your story is similar to many of mine and that is, in the end, their misbehavior ends up being MY fault. Yours was so much more serious, but the concept and the mindset is the same. I guess we cannot change human nature! Thanks for feedback…
  5. I do appreciate all that everyone has written, and if you have any solutions to the mystery as to how to deal with those who say, "I did not know the rules," I would be grateful for that feedback. I wrote about it in the opening post of this thread, and...I'm not sure how to contend with it. I cannot let them off, yet if they ignored the rules or quickly signed up and posted without looking... ...I would appear to be, as they said in "Calvin," as an over-bearing bore who thinks he is the Supreme Ruler, the Great Grandiose Dictator-for-Life. (That is kinda catchy) But it all begins with them, and they don't see it. My management style is friendly, but firm on the things that matter. Oh well... Did Somebody call me?
  6. You are very kind, and you summarize what I am trying to achieve. To see that sentence above....makes my heart sing, because YOU are the type of person I wish to have as members on this forum. With hope, the word will get out for the reasonable people to congregate here and have even bigger discussions about Our Beloved Ducks. My sincere thanks for you taking the time to write.
  7. Ducks win 16 to 3, and have scored 60 runs in the past three games to go to 3-3 on the season. At 2 o’clock start tomorrow at PK park or live stream!
  8. The Ducks had two home-runs one being a three run bomb to lead five to nothing after the first inning! At goducks.com, you can watch it live stream, and bring your popcorn! 5-0! 11-0 after two innings! 12-3 after seven innings. Andrew Mosiello pitched five innings and go the win, while RJ Gordon had an excellent four innings to finish it off.
  9. There two posts by Jester and Axel back-to-back....aren't these in the running for the best concurrent posts EVER? Whew! What great stories and so well written... THANK YOU Gentlemen! Revenge is SWEET though...
  10. I'm with McDuck on this one, and I completely agree with his reasons. BTW...nice topic Jon!
  11. It is said that you love him or hate him, but with me? It's both.
  12. For those who enjoy all these sports--today is going to be a blast. Go to GoDucks.com for the schedule and live streams if you do not get the TV. Noon: Womens Basketball versus Utah, on Pac-12 Network and online for those who have the provider set-up. 2:00 PM: Baseball versus St. Johns at PK Park that promises some offense! Live stream or go there! 5:00 PM: Softball vs. Seattle (Live Stream) 7:00 PM: Mens Basketball vs. USC in Eugene and on ESPN2 What is incredible is how they are all spaced out....you could go nearly perfectly from one to the other and watch from noon to 9:00 PM today! An Oregon Sports FEAST! "This team can hit."
  13. This is an incredibly helpful post Haywarduck, a powerful one. On one hand we don't know more, but the truth is....there is always turnover and you need to attract more good people on a regular basis. Thus why I am trying to adjust the standards of how we post titles and linked articles to get Google listings. (More on that another time) Your post was epic as describing what we have here....and I think I might just "borrow" parts of it for the opening communications people get from me when they register. (If you do not mind) Thanks a ton...
  14. Well.....not really. Chip was smart and knew that once you had a big lead--the objective is to limit the number of possessions the other team has so that they cannot possibly come back on you. Thus we saw Chip go into what I called, "Turtle-Time," to burn the clock and yes, a back-up QB was in the game, but they would get up there to the LOS, appear to about to snap the ball, then stop and look at the sideline. They would burn up the full 30 seconds each time--and then run another Inside Zone. At the time, I don't know if you recall how we were all complaining about how the backup QBs were not getting any real game action. "Let them run the full offense," we said. But he would not.
  15. Oregon ties their record for most runs in a game, with it happening last in 1974! 23-5 And 37 degrees outside as the game ended... I've never seen anything like this....the St. Johns pitchers could not pitch strikes and kept walking in runs...something like six in a row? If they didn't walk Ducks, then they plinked OBDs for a base, or gave up hits. The Red Storm must have gone through at least six pitchers, and this will impact the Sunday and Monday games. Get your popcorn!
  16. Some will not complain, but simply say, "I did not know," and that is supposed to excuse it? A few others will push back, and I take note of that since most violations are by repeat offenders--of which I'd rather prune out to reduce my workload. But the vast majority here are very nice people who get it, apologize and we forget about it and move on. Insult me in public like a fellow did the other day? (We caught the post quickly) No discussion...I just banned him. With all I do...I don't need to put up with that nonsense. Got a beef? People can email me, and we'll discuss it like gentlemen. So no sweat, as most everyone here is great. I'm just trying to refine it further to reduce the stress, nonsense, etc.
  17. Oregon scored 12 runs in the 8th inning this last Monday, and today had 13 runs in the 8th inning! Whew! Now to watch the transfer pitcher Oregon has from British Columbia....watch the game on live stream right here. And two double-plays already! The pitcher Maier has a nasty breaking ball...whew!
  18. How about people sending that kind of thing to my email for suggestions instead of hashing it out in public? You don't see any of the conversations I have with people about post violations, banning or anything because I do it privately by email. No need for embarrassment or be a buzz-kill to conversation. Thus I prefer people to email me as well when they have beefs or suggestions. charles@fishduck.com Fair? The Oregon color wheel has had every shade of green is seems, and to get the attention of posters....I cannot use colors in Pinned Posts that blend in. It is tough enough getting people to read stuff, so I departed from Oregon colors a long time ago on the Pinned Posts that I'd like people to read. If you use a variation of green? It is not read... So you will see orange, red, blue but not purple Pinned Posts!
  19. OK...now THAT took me back and made me laugh! Where did they hide it?
  20. I LOVE this, as his speed could be a great help--even as a freshman this fall. Get the learning curve going so he can contribute on the field that much sooner! Love them State of Oregon players! A great last name as Keanon Lowe was a pretty good receiver for us... Thanks to 30Duck for posting!
  21. Many of you out there in this community are attorneys, and perhaps you can tell me how much slack people get with the law when,..."I did not know it was against the law." ?? Would love your thoughts... For the rest of life...how do YOU feel when people say that? I'm not referring to not knowing facts of news events, but of knowing the law, or the rules of how things operate where you work or within the organizations you belong to. When they state "ignorance," how to you feel about it...how do you react? As you can imagine...I run into that a TON here in this forum. I have very clear rules that has taken me over four years to create and refine, and yet someone will sign up and immediately post something that violates two rules right-off-the-bat and they get offended when I bring it to their attention privately by email. (We do not embarrass people in public here) "But I didn't know about your rules!" So you did not notice the reference three times in registration process, the PM and email sent to you about it when you signed up, and it says right up at the top of the site that we are different....you did not notice any of that? So no need to even skim through the rules? Right. As you can imagine....I get this a lot and with all the work and expense I put in--I am not sympathetic at all, and they are shocked at that. Well, I was sympathetic the first one hundred times, but not anymore as it gets old. I'm curious as to how YOU deal with it. Any advice for me? Mr. FishDuck
  22. It is hard for me to deal with all the people still dying from Omicron, as I run into this often and even with those who have been vaccinated and boosted. Happened again yesterday, as a friend had a couple of people in his circle that had died from the disease. So yes....a moment for all of them. And no....this is not a political statement or post and I do not want to see any political commentary from either side. We all can agree that the losses to our family, friends and greater community are tragic.
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