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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. I wouldn't doubt it if they did a piece on Lannings rise from 13 hr drive to head coach of the Mighty Ducks of Oregon
  2. Sorry cc but us over here on the pond have watched MC the last 4 years. The guy can't coach and many of us have been saying as much for the past 2 years. His first action as HC was to call timeout with 15:00 left in the first Q because the opponent (Boise State) didn't seem ready. He only slightly improved over 4 years. Did you learn nothing from FSU?
  3. I think there are 77 freshman on this team. We can get a little beat up on this cycle until Lanning get his equilibrium. I am not worried about this class but Lanning needs to find success in the portal.
  4. Make no mistake. Oregon is going to get a ton of exposure in the CFP. Georgia's high point is its defense. It will be talked about over and over again. There will be pregame segments that will highlight the Dogs defense solely. If they beat Michigan it will continue to be talked about for another week. Lanning will get entire hype segments and by default Oregon will get valuable exposure. Naysayers will say " But Kirby...". Doesn't matter, Oregon will reap the benefits. The Dogs win the title then it's off to recruiting. The Football gods love Oregon.
  5. Great article, thanks. I am starting to get my football mind back after taking a couple years off from sports for personal reasons. Fishduck and a couple other sites have really helped me to catch up. Duck fans are smart and well informed. Add another layer to the game experience that I really enjoy.
  6. Force a defense overload on run with a qb that can actually throw and skys the limit. These formations are crazy and confuse the defense. TT is a smart kid, hopefully he can make split second decisions correctly. With his arm and ability to run, these formations could be devastating to opposing D. To bad MP left but I can't blame him. MC was stubborn and Brown was horrible.
  7. This is bad. Could possibly destroy collegiate athletics. I can't see anyway this ends well. I fear that this will separate eventually, football and basketball from colleges. It will become so corrupt that some universities will have to separate to avoid legal ramifications. Then what? How does the rest of the athletic department fund itself? Maybe I am wrong but it feels dirty.
  8. A little high for no HC experience but not out of line. Miami picks up the tab for the first 2 years, almost. The buyout should be stronger towards the end but I assume if he is successful the contract will be reworked.
  9. This article on Marion was shared with me from another thread. It's a great article. Shows the kind of outside the box I would like to see at oregon. Some of it is pretty extreme but shows innovation. CK was considered extreme at the time as well.
  10. What do we prefer in a OC hire? Do we go after a seasoned OC? One that has been around the block and has seen it all. If so can he work for a 35 year old man in his first job as HC? A veteran OC could be a steady calming force for a HC with no experience. Could be a huge asset to Lanning to have someone experienced enough to calm the waters when it get choppy, as it definitely will at times. If that's the route, Lanning needs to hit it out of the park with a proven coach that can take over the offense as an almost HCb type. Does Lanning go with inexperienced youth with fresh ideas, energy and desire. Lanning said in the presser he will be cutting edge. I think the Duck powers that be would lose their minds it he goes first time OC as a hire. So I doubt he get the green light on this. I think this team has enough talent to put up 9 or 10 wins with inexperienced staff. A green coaching staff doesn't mean they can't coach. I think Lanning should look at Brennan Marion out of Pitt. I might be crazy but I think a youth movement with a few seasoned consultants could pay off big in a couple years. And this roster is loaded to have great success as Lanning and his staff develop into a great staff.
  11. He has the NFL connection. Not being an NFL fan I don't know much about jags D line.
  12. I think what stood out to me the most was DL's constant use of the concept of being of service to other. That is the single greatest lesson I have learned in my life. Everything flows from there. DL' didn't come off as polished or smooth. The way he spoke (voice inflection)and his body language told me that he is genuine. Really won me over. The last two were smooth talkers. We don't need a salesman, we need a coach. Sure hope he can coach.
  13. He also stated that the best coaches adapt and reassess. He must have been watching MC to feel the need to reassure everyone on that point
  14. Being a quarterback coach is helpful. Also almost 280 yrds passing at Memphis. Memphis numbers look solid. Have a feeling there are going to be a lot of young asst coaches hired on. Not a bad thing. My son is 29 and his knowledge of football is through the roof.
  15. That was my thinking on the pressure and hoopla.
  16. Wilcox would have kept Oregon in mediocrity. Not know what Lanning will do but I love the potential.
  17. I think the Lanning hire puts Oregon in a better position in this game. Lanning is familiar with UGA but UGA has less of clue as to what Oregon will be. UGA loses a lot of talent to the League and Oregon is the youngest team in FBS . Should be an interesting game. Losing hurts Oregon very little. Playing tough and close or winning catapults Oregon into the conversation again. Looking forward to this game. Great scheduling if you ask me.
  18. Not sure on salary but lets hope Cochran and Lanning were best buds at UGA. I have a feeling that what DL wants PK will make available. Feels like Oregon and PK are done playing and will go all in to get to the top of the mountain.
  19. Nice halftime adjustments. MC should hire you as a consultant. Well done
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32848033/former-carolina-panthers-offensive-coordinator-joe-brady-wants-remain-nfl-already-heard-teams-sources-say%3fplatform=amp Looks like Brady wants to stay in the league. But who knows.
  21. The recruits he brought in for the 2022 cycle, If I remember right, is 7 kids. I believe five of them are 5* and two of them are 4*. He is ranked 8th in the country for the 2022 cycle.
  22. I will give it an A. From what I saw with the Bulldogs this year the man can lock down opponents. Recruiting is sales, a good salesman can sell anywhere any time. Oregon is a top product. Going to come down to staff. Shouldn't be a problem at Oregon. Oregon is a place where assistant coaches go to get a promotion. Get 5 years out of Lanning and I am happy with that.
  23. Just with the current defensive roster, with this mans guidance, the Ducks are going to dominate the Pac 12. By year two the rest of the pac might not see the red zone let alone the endzone.
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