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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. IMO, the scariest trams in the country are UGA, Oregon and tOSU. I think those 3 get in with FSU being the other. I also think they want a UGA v. Ducks rematch. So perhaps the final rankings would go 1. UGA 2. OSU 3. FSU 4. UO I would love that. I want to see Ducks v. Georgia in a big way. The semi guarantees it.
  2. Thats because Fusky isn't as good as their record and looked like garbage the last 2 games. They got it right with Fusky.
  3. Ohio state has the best wins out of everyone. Whisky, Penn St, ND. Hard not to put them at #1 Fusky has the best win but look like crap. Mich and UGA haven't played anyone. Thats about to change though. I am bias but the Ducks look like the best team in the country right now. Eye test still matters and they have been playing in the prime slot a lot
  4. It has come to that. Congress opened the flood gates. It's not my money so I don't care. Espn and fox are making a killing, Bo might as well get some.
  5. If so, Addison will be fine. He is a good player.
  6. Ducks are right where they should be. Best 1 loss team and right in striking distance. tOSU at #1 and Mich at #3 is concerning. If Mich beats tOSU close in Ann Arbor. They flip? Kinda stacking the deck on that one. But win out and Ducks should be in.
  7. I think there is a big difference between the 2014 Ducks and the 2023 Ducks. I think that difference is glaring. In 2014 Oregon had the 89th ranked total defense. This years total defense sits at 16th I think. 2014, Oregon ranked 4th in total offense and sit at #2 in the country in total offense. I could be wrong but that seems like a large gap. To me, this is a better team on paper. But the games have yet to be played out. So thats me putting cart before horse. I also think Bo is a better all around QB than Mariota was. Probably an unpopular statement. But it's just one mans opinion on a fan board. This is a super fun year. Hopefully Ducks take care of business because I think this team can win the whole damn thing
  8. UGA hasn't lost in almost 3 years.they are the reigning b2b champs. I know they "don't " consider past seasons, for good reason, but... UGA #1
  9. Early on CGD there was a sign that read "Bryson Barnes farms Bo Nix's mom". It was super low class. I think espn felt that way too because the sign disappeared after the first few segments. Utes fan can be as nasty as any fan base. But this was a super low blow. I lost a ton of respect for Utes fan. By the way, whats with the Harley out of the tunnel Utes? Sheesh!
  10. The difference between 6th and 1st is razor thin. The talent in any top 10 class is legit and with the right coaching and development can become elite. It's when you stack top 10's that championships are within your grasp. Ducks are on the cusp of back to back top 10's
  11. I might be over thinking this and completely wrong but I think the Husky game has elevated this Duck team to a team that could actually win a national championship. On at least one 4th down attempt v. Fusky, the execution on the play lands squarely on Nix. He missed a wide open reciever (Holden I think) and his pre snap reads were poorly executed. Man this was hard to write, made me relive it one more time. I commented after that game that this was a good loss and might just propel the Ducks to much greater heights. Partly this comment was my way of coping with a tough loss. Partly because I believed it true. I think that loss has changed the way Nix sees the game real time. This one play seems to confirm this. The entire team just looks different the past couple weeks. Like I said, I could be compleatly wrong, but that experience on Oct 11 just might have elevated this Duck team and coaching staff to a level they might not otherwise reached. We will see but I am super excited to see this season play out. I really think we are watching this team truly become elite.
  12. I thought the same thing when I saw it. I had to do a double take. I wasn't sure I saw what I think I saw. I mentioned this in another post. Thanks for confirming it. That right there is Bo's Heisman moment. I don't know if I have ever seen that at the college level. I was all in with Bo coming to Oregon but I had no idea that what we were going to get was this good. Just an amazing player. The best QB in college football by far. And that play affirms it in my mind
  13. Lupoi's stock just went through the roof the past 3 days. What a great pick up. Hopefully this snowballs into top 5 class. Still some dudes that are warm on Oregon. And lets all remember what happened last years signing day. This could be beyond anything we thought could happen
  14. This Oregon v. Oregon seems to have legs. Ducks went in a destroyed the Utes defense, a defense that ranks near the top of college football. I don't know if anyone would have beaten the Ducks Saturday. O was playing O at every level. Lanning talks about 1%. We have seen growth every week. The Ducks have gotten better week in week out. I have also heard Lanning talk about being elite. He talks about it in a way that transcends the whole of ones life. From parenting and being a husband to being academically elite. being an elite teammate and on and on. That is foundational. You can trace these attributes through all of Lannings life. Elite athletes will want to play for this man. Kids will be linning up to be a Duck. I won't be surprised if Oregon is playing as a top 5 team year after year. These are just my thoughts on what Lanning has transformed this Oregon progr'm into. He says he is a Duck for to years to come, I have no reason to question him. I truly believe Dan Lanning is the best young coach in college football. And Oregon will be playing for a trophy (top 5-10) every year. These are just one mans opinions. Right or wrong.
  15. I could be wrong but I seem to remember one play where Nix changed the play twice at the line of scrimage. It has to be deflating for a defense to make adjustments, hide those adjustments and have a qb cerebraly shred everything you are trying to do in real time. I would love to hear in depth what KW thought of that single moment. He had to be impressed. Not only was KW out coached by DL and WS, but he was out coached by Nix as well. As good as Whit is, thats saying something. I only watched the game in real time so maybe I saw it wrong. I haven't gotten a rewatch so maybe you guys can confirm what I think I saw. I remember Lanning saying last week that prep for the game was elite at both the coaching and player level. This article shows exactly that imo.
  16. None of the top four AP poll leaders have as an impressive win as 7-0 Washington. So I question whether there is still a anti Pac bias or not. Only guarantee of a Pac team getting in is if Fusky runs the table and wins the conference title. Chances of anyone else getting in is slim imo. Ducks lost control of their own destiny when they lost on Mont Lake.
  17. Just my opinion. Not saying it is right or wrong. I don't think your assesment is wrong either. There is risk involved for sure. I would love to see this offense with a running Bo Nix. They would be unstoppable. I would be laughing all the way to the cfp.
  18. Maybe he does. Mostly I think he had a "Mariø developed these players" problem. But that seems to be behind him now so no worries
  19. I hope he runs more. I hope he pulls the ball and trucks defenders and stays healthy doing it. I love that part of his game. He is good at it.
  20. I hope both those teams play super crappy to a 2-2 draw. Beat the hell out of each other and limp home knowing they suck. I hope each QB throws 3 picks apiece and gets sacked a bunch. Get benched and spend the 4th quarter watching through a towel draped over their heads to hide the shame. Then I hope their girlfriends break up with them, their cars run out of gas, a family of mice move into their basements and they get a UTI.
  21. Here is a narrative shift by espn from the disrespect CGD has shown Lanning and the Ducks. ESPN updates FPI Top 25 rankings after crazy Week 9 of college football - On3 WWW.ON3.COM ESPN has updated its Football Power Index (FPI) Top 25 after a loaded Week 9 Saturday of... Looks like espn is jumping on the band wagon.
  22. The Utes are hamstrung with injury. After pondering some things said over the past several hours, I am not so sure the Ducks are who I think I see they are. I am going to have to temper my jubilation and put more weight into some things that just might be factors in why the Utes were thrashed so convincingly. I am a fan boy homer for sure. But someone much wiser than me once said "you are never as good as you think you are, and never as bad as you think you were". Or something to that effect. The season will play out so I guess we will find out who this team is in due time.
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