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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. I think the endzones are north and south. Should be some shade on the west sideline being that late in the day. Not sure what side the visitor sideline is though.
  2. I think it fun, creative and so ething kids will love. Pays homage to PK and Nike. Sure beats a FisherPrice chain saw.
  3. Maybe Lanning has the "candy bar" dilemma. So many options and all of them so delicious. Maybe it was a little cat and mouse. A little 3D chess to throw off TT in preparation to playing the Ducks. Maybe those are his best players. That doesn't seem right. For the casual fan that would be the conclusion but for the dug in fan? I think something else is at play. Maybe "it was Portland State". Grr, I hate saying that. Lanning new PSU wasn't going to be competitive. Perhaps it was just about development and getting guys in in spots we wont have an opportunity to in the future. Bottom line... I have no idea!
  4. V. BYU last year Ducks were up big. Tt was inserted and went 1/2 5 yds 1 int. That was 2nd unit. Then Bo was reinserted. V. Eastern Washington TT went 5/7 for 63 yards. You have a valid point. But TT looked different. He, for the most part, passed the eye test. Hopefully Ducks can get a sizable lead in the Tech game. Get Ty some reps on an away game with better competition.
  5. Mike Leach was fun. Love having him coach in the Pac. I am boycotting Zano. Stopped listening ro his radio show years ago. Only read a few articles from time to time.
  6. Ducks 48-24 2 1 372 I should be lower on passing yards. Can get pretty breezy at TT. Still think Ducks put up 600ish yards of offense.
  7. Thanks Alex. How are Duck fans going to react to sack numbers? I think the sack stat is a poor stat to grade a defensive front by. V. PSU, Ducks got zero sacks. They got some throw aways, some hurries and some knock downs. Considering how few pass attempts for PSU and ultimately PSU compleatly giving up on the passing game, I think Ducks did a great job defending the pass. But no sacks. What will that look like v. TT. Tech is air raid. 50 pass plays a game. Oregon is going to be challenged in the sack stat. That ball is going to come out quick. If Ducks don't log a sack, I don't think thats going to be a tell on how good the front seven are. I think shutting down the intermediate passing game, especially between the hash, will be a much better tell on the quality of this defensive front. Defensively: shut down the run, protect middle of the field and hold Tech to 3 yrds or less on the perimeter will result in a dominate win for OBD. Make twch take shots over the top. And we will see the sack stat go up. Otherwise I don't anticipate a big stat line in sacks. Hurries, knockdowns and throw aways are a much more valuable stat in the grand scheme of things IMO.
  8. I can get behind Irving for Heisman. Dude is an absolute beast. To his advantage, he has a whole herd in the stable to keep him fresh all season. What a nightmare for opposing DCs to defend the RPO. Ducks have 3-5 backs that can turn any play into points. Throw in Bo as a runner and forget about it
  9. I remember when Bo first announced he was coming to play at Oregon. Most Duck fans where very vocal about their displeasure. The main argument was we have TT. Highest rated QB Ducks have ever signed. Put Ty in and develope him. What if Ty transfers. So on and so forth. After Bo started winning, Duck fans were elated. For good reason. Dudes a gamer. Bo Nix was a Dude at Auburn. He just needed a supporting cast and the right coach. But Bo was a competitor. Back to TT, when he was inserted into games last year it was obvious he was in way over his head. He had been in the progr'm for a while and can't perform on Saturdays. Ty looked lost. Deer in the headlights was a common descriptor. Passes thrown to the feet of his reciever, fumbles, int. Shoot... the kid could barely corral the snap. It was bad. Duck fans, including me were hard on the kid. Understandable, we are fans. for whatever reason we seemed to be heavily invested in Ty emotionally. And then Saturday happened. Development showed up. Ty Thompson looked like a legit college QB. Ty was Making pre snap reads, progressions, check downs, RPO, corralled bad snaps. 7-8 with a TD. Super encouraging. Leading up to this game many commented they just want to see development of Ty Thompason. Well thats exactly what we saw. Ty becoming a college football quarterback. What confuses me is that how some are moving the goal posts on this kid. "It was Portland State, let see him against better competition when the game matters" is a common statement. For me... I saw exactly what I was hoping to see. Ty has a rocket arm, snipers accuracy and a big body and good legs. And now his mind is starting to catch up. I think Ty is our future. Imo TT is going to be a very good college QB. Might even surprise us all and be great. I really think TT will be ready to start his jr year. With the talent and coaching around him, I believe Ty will win a ton of games. Who know, maybe the B1G title and an NC. Stetson did it, what not Ty.
  10. Ouch, thats going to be rough when contending with Bucky, Noah and JJ. The Ducks rushing attack is no joke. Ducks are deep and can throw fresh legs in deep into the game.
  11. Thats where the "Oregon is playing Oregon", "Keep the main thing the main thing", "1/11", "do your job" comes into play. Yea, it always sounds hokey but does go a long way to combat distractions.
  12. Good points on scoreboard. But TCU lost most of the Dudes on last years team. The #17 rank is partly results of last year. TCU personel has changed over defensively as much as Oregons. More so offensively I think its a little premature to crown Buffs after one game. Nice win to start the year for Buffs for sure though.
  13. Coach Sanders knows how to work a room. He has the whole country slobber all over the Buffs. USuC ain't gunna like it, they are the rightful owners of any love fest. Couple of things that are being ignored. Colorado put up a measly 55 yrds on the ground, 1.6 yards a carry. What does that look like going forward? Colorado surrendered 262 yd (7.1 per carry) on the ground and 279 in the air. Over 500 yards total. Buffs D will stop no one. What will the top of the pac do to Buffs D? Won't be pretty. TCU threw 2 pics in the endzone and missed a FG. Credit to Colorado. I only remember one of the pics. Nice diving catch at rhe goal line. TCU QB should have never thrown that ball. Bottom line. Buffs played well. They deserved the win. TCU played below their abilities and made costly mistakes. Happens first game out. Thats football. Congrats to Buffs on matching their win totals from last year. Can we pump the brakes a bit on the "Buffs are the greatest" hype. Lot of football to be played.
  14. The 3rd down conversion rate defensively is nice to see. I don't remember many, if any, conversions 3-7 yards between the hash. Can't really remember PSU attacking middle at any depth. 20 pass attempts is a pretty low stat. Big point of concern heading into the season. Seems to be defended but being PSU, who knows. There is plenty of film Lanning can use as teaching moments regardless of strength of opponent or scoreboard.
  15. It appears the Ducks QB room got better. Perhaps much better. Annoyingly, I have to preface every comment with "it was Portland State". TT was solid. Gone were the throws to the feet of his receivers in the flat. He looked poised and his decision making was almost perfect. Ty was going through progressions with no urgency or panic. He was making plays with his arm and feet. Gone was the panic on his face we have grown accustomed to seeing when he steps out on the field in front of 60k fans. He looked confident, relaxed. It made a difference in performance. It was nice to see Ty corral a couple bad snaps and not panic. In the past he would have panicked and make poor decisions. Instead TT secured the ball and moved on to make a play. Growth. His decisions to pull the ball and run were the right decisions. He ran with aggresion and purpose. I think this success loosened him up a bit more. There were a couple plays that he should have pulled the ball and ran but I get it. The quick slant to Briant Jr was perfect. Throw was very accurate and quick. Result in a +10 chunk. Ty would/could have missed that throw last year. TT also hit Lamar in the flat after scanning (or so it appeared) right to left, the entire field. Thats not something TT has done in the past. Two plays I am sure TT would want back. He under threw Kasper but drew a PI. So that resulted in a positive play. TT missed Lamar (?) Down the middle. He could have put it in the air a bit and it's a TD. Almost picked. Gotta make that play. Love Thompsons skill. Dude has a strong arm and its clear he is very accurate. He is a big strong kid. Best game he has played in a Duck uni. QB room has me a bit more confident in the future if TT's number is called. Hopefully what he showed is not just because of PSU talent level. Can't wait to see him perform v. better competition.
  16. What is this, Lanning's 14 game? 11 wins. How long did it take Kirby to get his D up to the elite level they play at today? Duck could very well have a top five offense. So YES to a matching defense. Probably win the superbowl. Viks aren't talented enough get a read on where this D is at. Pretty bland play calling. PSU threw the ball 20 times. Many v. Ducks 2nd and 3rd team. Not much opportunities for sacs. Especially with a mobile qb. Defensive playbook will be opened up a bit more next week. Ducks front seven should be much more active.
  17. Butterfield looked great for SJSU. Drove it down the fiels in 2 min drill and got a touchdown pass. Well done Butters
  18. Smith is to good of a coach to coach a G5 school. The payout in the Mountain west isn't enough. Even if JS wanted to stay, Beavs wont be able to afford him.
  19. Beavus in a tight contest in San Jose. DJ doesn't look like anything special.
  20. Coaches job is to get his players in position to get better. Dan did that. When he subbed in 2nd and 3rd, he didn't change the game plan or play book. Exactly as he should have.
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