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Everything posted by DuckIt

  1. AB looks a little banged up. He was slow getting up on number of runs on that last drive. Ducks need to attack the edges more. I want to see some option play.
  2. After last week's train wreck, I don't think any of us expected the Ducks to put on this type of beating on the Beavs.
  3. All the more reason, the Ducks need to keep this lead. They have nice rhythm to their offense right now.
  4. Glad to see Ohio State and their pompous fans get knocked off their pedestal and bent over by Michigan.
  5. That's what happens, when Oregon has a bunch of transfers and no veteran leadership. They need time to gel, but that's no excuse for the lack of effort. I see Altman is still saving his timeouts for the end. How's that working out? Rather than shooting threes, Richardson needs to get aggressive and attack the rim more. Even if he can't make a shot, he should find opportunities to create easy buckets for others. This is the second game, he scored 0 pts. The body language by the Ducks says it all.
  6. Richardson's confidence is shook. He's 0 -3 shooting and 0 assists at halftime. At what point, does Dana replace him as a starter? He is supposed to be leading this team. He has been struggling the last three games.
  7. Ducks are doing a much better job of crashing the boards.
  8. Richardson off to another terrible start.
  9. Mario is NOT the guy. The fallacy of him delivering a Natty has been long over for me. Like many, I remained cautiously optimistic that we could at least make it to playoffs with the talent that we have, KT, Sewell but who were we kidding? After 4 seasons as Oregon's head coach, just like AB, we knew what we had to work with, going into the game. He wasn't going to suddenly change his stripes overnight which includes all his strengths as well as his glaring weaknesses. Mario knows how to recruit with the best of them, and he may even know something about coaching an OL, but Mario doesn't know DIDDLY SQUAT about managing the team and the clock, on the field. In that sense, he is the WORST coach to have in college football, on game day. I've been calling him an amateur all season and even that, is putting it mildly. He continues to stubbornly defy the norm, with his poor decisions on the field, especially right before halftime and the end of game situations. He's in his what, 6 or 7th year as a head coach of a football program. There is no excuse for him, not to know what to do in these situations. Yet, every game, he appears clueless and inexperienced. He must have watched a ton of football games, but how much knowledge and wisdom has he actually absorbed? He never learns from his mistakes. In fact, I'm not even sure if he realizes that he made any. If we don't learn from our mistakes, how can we expect to see any growth in our professions and as individuals? From his first game to the present, I have seen zero growth and progress from him, on the field. I thought he was making progress, when I saw less penalties on the Ducks, but now, I see that it wasn't him that was growing, it was the players. In two years, these youthful Ducks will be more seasoned and making less penalties. However, Mario will still be shooting himself in the foot, with his lack of knowledge and preparation. Those penalties like delay of game and too many or insufficient players on the field, are on him and play callers, not having a play ready and knowing your opponent. Several times this season, the Ducks got caught with their pants down. While the Ducks were running players on and off the field and looking down at their wristbands, the other team was snapping the ball and using tempo to score. I wish someone close to him, would sit him down and give him a heavy dose of real talk. He must be surrounded by a bunch of YES men and has to be very good at ignoring the criticisms. Don't DeRuyter and Moorhead have a voice? Both of them were head coaches. I can't imagine them not shaking their heads and cringing, every time, MC mismanages the clock.
  10. This is the only the first half, but it feels more like THE END.
  11. Yup, he's a liability. He cost us points on several drives this season.
  12. Why did they bring George Moore back? The coaches were right to replace him.
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