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Everything posted by DuckIt

  1. That's the only points in the last four minutes. Oregon's offense is stalling. Richardson needs to take over. Young playing a little out of control.
  2. Trojans making a run. Ducks better maintain their focus.
  3. Williams made that 30 footer, step back three at end the half, look so effortless.
  4. Ducks playing well and keeping Mobley in check for the most part. Richardson is shooting the threes lights out in this game. Gotta stay home with Boogie.
  5. Rogers was clutch the last two possessions of OT, but Sedona the Savior breathed new life into the Ducks. She brought the infectious energy on both ends of the court.
  6. No offense to Verdell, but Dye makes the Ducks better. He is faster, better vision, more patient, waiting for his blocks to set up, and more versatile, catching the ball. Plus, he's fun and exciting to watch which reminds us more of the good old days. Whereas, Verdell just tries to shoot through the gap as quickly as he can. Unless the O-Line, creates a big hole for Verdell to run through, with an empty backfield, he is not racking up a whole lot of explosive plays. He's more north-south, power running, straight into the mouth of the defense. And how often does Verdell juke defenders into missing? If given a choice as to whom I would prefer to have the ball in the hands of, in open space, I would pick Dye over Verdell. Unlike Verdell, Dye will improvise and bounce it to the outside, if the hole is closing up and even spin a couple times. He's so slippery that he can create something out of nothing. When Verdell went down, Dye proved that he could be that dependable workhorse. Verdell just seems to get hurt every season which may indicate that he is injury prone. It could have something to do with the predictable way that MC had the Ducks run the ball, with no vertical attack, against a stacked box. Regardless, Dye showed that he could handle the workload this season. If he goes, he will be missed. He was one of the more dynamic Ducks during the MC era.
  7. Dye spoke so highly of Benson, saying he was going be one of the best RBs that Oregon has EVER seen. So I can't understand how Cardwell got the nod over Benson, while Benson rode the bench for most of the season. Did the coaches get it wrong or did Dye? I would hate for the coaches to let one of the best RBs to slip through their fingers and then play for another team.
  8. While KT was exciting to watch, you can't help but feel that he underperformed, given that his goal was to get 13 sacks this season. I believe Bama's Will Anderson Jr. recorded the most sacks with 17.5 sacks. Injury did play a part, and KT isn't entirely to blame for falling short of his goal. Many times, this season, he was either being double teamed, or the opposing team designed the run or play away from him. The D-line as a whole was undermanned, in most cases, rushing only three or four. It was up to the coaches to make adjustments and put him in a position to make a play, which they failed to do. How many times this season, I saw KT drop back into coverage. By doing so, DeRuyter just neutralized our best pass rusher, weapon on defense, and perhaps, our best chance at winning the game. We needed more pressure on the QB, not less. When the Ducks gave the opposing QBs more time to survey the field, they were able to pick our defense apart. It was a tall order to ask KT or any DE to cover a RB or receiver in full stride and in space. Rather than playing to his strengths, DeRuyter made KT look average during those plays, which I hated to watch. I realize that DeRuyter was the DC and not Mario, but a smarter HC would have intervened and recognized that it was the least effective way to utilize KT's talents. Mario is definitely not a smart, X's and O's type of coach, which I learned early on. So if this is type of leadership or lack thereof that Cyrus Moss wants to play for, then by all means. He better pray that Miami's DC is the real deal. If not, he will be another underperforming, top DE under Mario's watch. Despite all that, KT, on his own merits and under the tutelage of Big Joe, may still become the #1 overall draft pick.
  9. Yeah, nice teaser. I look forward to reading it. It's hard to get a fix on what to expect from reading the comments on the Georgia boards. Some of them say we got a good one, as a leader, person and a recruiter. Others claim, he was overrated as a recruiter and hasn't done any noteworthy recruiting in past year or two. It could be just sour grapes. After watching Mario operate and struggle on the field, I embrace change. And I can't wait to see what Lanning has in store for this team.
  10. Have these recruits watched the Oregon's games this year and were they paying attention? Why would anyone want to follow that subpar, train wreck of a coach, MC to Miami is beyond me? Unless Big Joe is planning to join MC in Miami and Cyrus Moss has built a strong relationship with Big Joe, I can't see the appeal. Plus, Dan Lanning like others have pointed out, is a defensive guru. I would be more concerned with SC swiping him, even though Miami has been gaining steam.
  11. Can't Lanning talk TJ Dudley, another Bama recruit, back into the mix? It appears Lanning was able to persuade most of the recruits on defense to stay committed to the Ducks but lost all but one recruit on offense. It makes perfect sense for the recruits on defense to be more thrilled with the hiring of Lanning than the recruits playing offense. They know what Lanning is bringing to the table and what kind of defense he wants to run. There however is less certainty of how Oregon's offense will look like and perform.
  12. Unless Lanning takes this program to new heights and then bolts to the NFL, taking any other college coaching job, after leading the Ducks to success, will be viewed as unacceptable. His departure will be met with much fan resentment, if he doesn't make good on this introductory speech promise: If William Jewell College comes calling, I love William Jewell College, but I'm staying at Oregon. I'm gonna stay at Oregon as long as I can stay at Oregon and as long as Oregon will have me. There is no other for me. This is the premier job in the nation, not just in this league, but in the nation. Again, it was gonna take a premier job for me to leave the situation I was in. So I'm thrilled to be here because I know what we can do here. There doesn't have to be a next step for me. This job can be the final step. I will hope for the best but will take what he said with a grain of salt. We shall see...
  13. 2 for 2 today. Just needed the right kicker as did the CK's Ducks during the Maldonado days. Cincy had 6 blocked kicks this season. Other than their FG kicking unit, they look a helluva lot better than the Oregon's special teams.
  14. Can we poach Cincy's special teams coach? Our special teams haven't been special for the last 6 years.
  15. Exactly! New Mexico Lobos team??? Sounds like purgatory, and Oregon could be his Heaven.
  16. I honestly don't know whether we're supposed to get excited over some of these hires. The other day, Lanning is hiring OL coach from Hawaii. Today, he's hiring the RB coach from WKU. Half of the hires, are acquaintances that either Lanning or Dillingham worked with it in the past. Is this the list of possible candidates that Lanning was jotting down in his phone as a GA, dreaming of the day that he would get to lead and assemble his own team and staff? I hope Lanning is hiring these guys for their skill sets and not just to bring the gang back together for one big happy reunion. I also hope that they can do more than just recruit like MC and actually develop the players' talents and help them to reach their full potential sooner than later.
  17. This could have been a much closer game. OU's secondary was suspect. If AB could have only found his footing in the first half, the Ducks might have been able to exploit them more, vertically. Our WRs were winning the footrace, and Dye proved to be too much for the Sooners to handle. Unfortunately, we only have one Dye, and he needed his breaks too. If Ferguson didn't kill Oregon's drive with that false start, Dye would have marched in for 6. And if Franklin bothered to locate that deep pass in the end zone, he would have had two touchdowns instead one. That would have gave the Ducks an additional 11 pts with Camden tacking on the extra points. And if the second half AB showed up in the first half, Ducks would have won this game. The Ducks could have easily folded, being down 30-3 at the half, but they showed some fight in second half which gave us a glimpse of the potential talent we might see next season. I however would have liked to see them win some of those 50-50 balls. The Ducks didn't have any luck last night, and the refs cheated McKinley out of the spoils of his scrum.
  18. Not necessarily. Does anyone really trust our coaching staff and their judgement? I for one don't.
  19. That throw was behind Crocker too. Fortunately, Crocker was able to secure it.
  20. Pull all these coaches along with AB! They all play a part. I'm glad the Ducks' coaching staff are getting a complete overhaul. Aside from Big Joe, GOOD RIDDANCE!
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