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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. I can not wait to see that name on the on the back of of Oregon jersey again!
  2. Could help with player/coach communication. He knows coach Tui's terminology.
  3. Mastro was told to coach his RBs to trust the (supposed) gap. In the past Campbell taught his RBs to find the gap. I think we all have seen which method works better. So glad Locklyn is looking to Campbell for input.
  4. Thank you for clearing that up. Seemed odd he was not listed. Now it makes some since.
  5. The Greatest is missing from the list! Where is LaMike at?
  6. I'm sure Robert Griffin III can make lots of things rhyme with Dan. We should ask him for help. He loves one syllable words.
  7. Were you REALLY expecting they would? The Pac is weak!
  8. I feel Mastro like most of the exiting staff recruited great and yes we have some talent on campus. But, like most all position groups, that talent has not progressed since making it to campus. I hope with this hire we have real coaches who can recruit. Not recruiters who try and coach.
  9. I have to say I'm shocked that he is on that list. He has completely snuck under the radar to great heights. Congrats young man.
  10. To me what Lincoln Riley did to OU feels much more like a Willie Taggart move than what Mario did to UO. I've already forgiven Mario. Willie..... not so much. Please do not get me wrong. I'm happy both left. But, I hope Mario and his family enjoy life back in Miami. I'm hoping Willie ends up the Special Teams Coordinator at Everglades Community College. Go Pelicans! So, yes. May the Ducks help OU out by taking care of USC for the next few decades.
  11. MaiTaiDuck, Thank you for the apology. I started to read the post/rant that I believe you feel the need to apologize for. I recognized it for what it was immediately. Complete frustration. I felt no need to read it, as there is already far to much negativity in this world in which we live. I come to this forum to escape the stresses of daily life, not to add to them. Thank you for the apology and thank you moderators for maintaining this refuge. Go Ducks!
  12. I think we would have a better shot at Riley to Oregon. Ha!
  13. I think it goes without saying that we all appreciate the effort you, and your moderators, put in. This is the ONLY site I comment on... and it is because of that effort. Thank you.
  14. I'm fine with it. As long as we (Duck Nation) go into with the realization that it is a 3-4 year gig. Oregon would be a stepping stone for Lane. It was not intended to be so for Mario.
  15. I say fly to SoCal and hire Riley before he builds any momentum at USC. For him it is obviously about the money. He has no real ties to USC. Two birds... one large check.
  16. Are there any clean underpasses in Eugene? When I moved out of there a couple years ago there were not. But, yes, still cleaner than LA.
  17. That is great news! I was not to worried since Moorhead is shopping his services around. I do not feel he would be if he felt there was a chance of Mario leaving. Now, who can we get as OC??? Helfrich?
  18. The first half was very entertaining. I just wish for once the Ducks would keep the pedal down the whole game. I may, or may not have, fallen asleep a few times during the second half.
  19. Mycah comes from a family of receivers. His father and brother have both shown similar selfish traits over the years. Since it was his family who first posted frustration with his usage.... I'd say Mycah was likely talked into believing he was disrespected. Mario did the right thing. Flush the family, focus on this years team. Next years team will have its own issues. But, the Pittman's attitude will not be one of them.
  20. I'm at least 10% as good as he is... I'll do it for 9.5 million over 10 years!
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