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Washington Waddler

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Everything posted by Washington Waddler

  1. My apologies to Meredith Wilson, but his ‘Iowa Stubborn’ lyrics from “The Music Man” - when imagining what a Trojan will be up against - pretty much sum-up what USC has in store for themselves: And we’re so God stubborn We can stand touchin’ noses For a week at a time And never see eye-to-eye Culture shock for the terminally laid-back? Yo Dude, chill!
  2. The conundrum that USC faces in the mirror every day is you can never catch up to your past. They are like that privileged, neighborhood kid whose daddy buys him the best basketball, and builds him a backyard court where he plays all by himself. And, when he invites his friends over to show them how much better he has become than them, but they don’t understand this by beating him, he pouts, and taking his ball, goes in the house. Like that kid, USC doesn’t seem to understand anymore how to deal in reality as they go chasing after their dreams of the past. All that’s happened is their neighborhood friends have gotten bigger.
  3. Nice to see the perpetrators fighting it out amongst themselves in their own Benjamin-lined hog trough. Greed is its own reward. Maybe they’ll bankrupt each other. Nah, that would be just too lucky!
  4. News alert: UCLA responds to Gov Newsom’s request by having Bill Walton hold a press conference at which he promises to, “share the wealth” with all Caly student-athletes and the UC Berkeley student body by giving free bong hits and skateboards to all. As a parting gesture aimed at those who fail to grasp the nature and generosity of this offering, Bill offered up the last two lines from the final verse of ‘California Soul’ as way of explanation: So just gimme, yeah, just gimme yeah Oh, it’s all a trend
  5. What’s interesting to consider is the trust cable tv corporations are putting in the consistency of traditional, regional tv viewing habits as they lay waste to the very fabric on which those habits are based. If traditional viewing habits falter in the wake of conference realignments, have ESPN and Fox miscalculated the direction in which those tv $$ are going as streaming emerges as a stronger option?Probably not since most homes will most likely fall in line with where ever they sense the ‘winners’ will be. But some viewing resistance based on disillusionment might be expected, tossing a wrench in their almighty plans. Programs like Oregon with a well-established cross-over audience would benefit from such a scenario.
  6. Anything that helps limit the nature of impulsive portal moves is good.
  7. Interesting question. In other words, can the growing power of national cable tv $$ eventually assume control of university athletic policy, and thereby completely undermine and remove whatever is left of conference regional traditions? You could certainly argue that is the direction in which things are headed.
  8. Congrats to both! Always good to see Kelly’s assistants in demand, and moving on and up.
  9. Possibly, there is a 3rd choice: the Gonzaga route. Like Duck FB, Bulldog BB earned its national spurs the hard way. However, unlike the Ducks, they’ve always been member to a lower tier conference. There solution, in order to remain nationally visible, was not to come begging to a bigger conference, but to load the pre-season with highly ranked opponents. Obviously, BB has a big advantage over FB in that regard. But the Ducks - as the price for remaining in the PAC - might consider rewriting their ticket as to how many conference games they would play as opposed to the number of preseason games they’d schedule as a compromise for remaining in the PAC. There would probably be a stiff scheduling price to pay in that elite opponents would see this as an opportunity to schedule a home and done, although media $$ for a home & away might alter that perception. Anyway, it’s a thought.
  10. Unavoidably, the ignored elephant in the room is what would be the affect on the perception of future elite-level southland recruits (and other regions) without the media-driven appearance of being part of an elite-level conference. National exposure gives a big edge to coaches in the living room of these kids. We either accept this recruiting effect on being ‘down-sized’ as result of keeping the PAC intact, or we accept leaving behind our region in pursuit of some national super group that would give us that edge. I’m afraid we can’t have it both ways.
  11. Why do I have to put down my coke and popcorn?
  12. Sometimes it feels like it’s not so much a case of whether a coach - like Mario - has acted honorably or dishonorably as it is a case of us Duck fans having grown so tired of feeling like, and being seen as a stepping-stone program. Duck football has earned the right to be taken on its own merits. So, if you don’t want to be here in the first place, then don’t even bother.
  13. The inappropriate use of technology as a means to sidestep decision making by start line officials who don’t want to shoulder the responsibility for determining disqualifications is simply not acceptable. If you don’t want the responsibility that comes with the job, find something else to do.
  14. Aside from money, it’s hard to fathom what the Trojan brain trust imagined the result would be from making this move. They have effectively put themselves on an island - both physically and psychologically - that makes them more like an independent than the member of a conference. Do they really think they’ll ever be anything more than a money-making, time-zone novelty to a conference that barely accepted Penn St and resists the idea of Notre Dame? They may add some Midwest recruiting clout, but it may be harder than they think convincing SouCal kids that it’s a good idea to play games in November in Minneapolis or Madison, especially with Oregon and others giving them an option. The only thing, aside from money, that I see they’ve gained from this move is the reputation of being a disloyal and utterly untrustworthy institution that’s willing to backstab anyone in pursuit of their delusional dreams of grandeur. No one - including their new conference and UCLA - will ever trust them again.
  15. You can’t help but mourn the loss of those who have survived adversity and transformed themselves. They are always an inspiration - a breath of fresh air. God speed Spencer, you are deeply missed.
  16. Think all the NFL is looking for is any susceptibility to injury. His talent, passion and motor are known, and all that’s required is time in the saddle to eliminate any doubts.
  17. It’s fascinating how, across the board, those fans of schools not being promoted in the media as contenders for top-tier conference membership are sounding the sage-like advice to wait, stay put, or form alliances, while the fans of schools supposedly being courted are channeling Chicken Little’s “the sky is falling!”, afraid of being left behind. It’s like watching a CFB version of 2012.
  18. Agree. What a great read - playing teams that are passionate rivals as opposed to ones who just view you as time zone oddities? What were they thinking? However, I have to draw the line at Oram’s channeling of Jake Taylor. The idea of a cardboard cutout of Larry Scott being peeled a piece at a time with each Duck victory is beyond horrifying.
  19. USC football - and UCLA while I’m at it - is a bit like surfing. So long as you’ve got the momentum of a wave behind you, it’s all good. But once the swells disappear, you’re dead in the water. Both programs have never known (and probably never will) how to create their own momentum. They just feed off the hard work of others, burning through enthusiasm, goodwill and excitement like it had an endless supply until they turn around one day to find the waves have all gone away. Clueless.
  20. That’s got to be the most delightful sentence among all that Troylet drivel.
  21. Makes me drool like a bloodhound just imagining Herbie running Chip’s version of the outside zone read.
  22. With his experience and connections recruiting top-notch event assistants to the new facility should not be a problem.
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