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Everything posted by DrJacksPlaidPants

  1. LOL!!! Yes. Those kind of numbers will get a lot of folks crawling out of the woodwork. “Hi, Mr. Mullens. This is Billie Swaggart down here in Florida. I hear there’s an opening out there in Ory-gone. Is it still paying $8M a year”?
  2. With Oregon’s progressive tax rate, Mario would be giving $700K back to the state. No State income tax in Florida.
  3. It was still a win and that trophy is sitting in Eugene.
  4. Mario won a Rose Bowl, so I would treat him as someone who brought prestige to the football program if he was to make a visit to Autzen.
  5. Miami would fire him if his team performed like Oregon did the PAC 12 CG. Does Mario really think that any administration that treats Manny Diaz this way will suddenly show patience with him? Doubtful. The Curse of the Duck is strong with coaches who exit this program. My guess is it will follow MC to The U.
  6. Brady would only use Oregon as a stepping stone/rehabilitation job before moving on.
  7. Carpenter, Hester and Platt reported that it’s a done deal on ESPNU Radio a little over an hour ago.
  8. He would get the same treatment from Oregon students that Greg Schiano got from Tennessee students.
  9. Canzano Tweeted that he thinks Oregon will go after Chip. To me, that would be like reconnecting with your high school girlfriend at your 20 year reunion and the only thing you have in common is a divorce. Chip doesn’t like to do the things that Mario does well. Recruiting and pressing the flesh with boosters isn’t his thing. However, he would no longer be shackled by just recruiting kids who could qualify academically at UCLA.
  10. Andy Ludwig from Utah. He makes $855K this year. Oregon has a bigger budget for assistant coaches. He also has worked at Oregon under Belotti, but way more experienced now.
  11. If their RB is healthy then I feel for the Duck defense.
  12. Because he’s leaving. His post-game comments told the story. Any Oregon fan who was here during the Taggart era can sniff this garbage out.
  13. Sorry. 2008. The “Masoli Trucks OSU DB” game. Which was repeated the following season, only a different OSU DB.
  14. Ducks can afford him since there is a nine figure pile of cash on the table for Mario. Just have to cater to his ego.
  15. Looks like the Alamo Bowl will be a rematch of the 2009 Holiday Bowl. Let’s hope for the same result.
  16. Chadwell is a good coach, but he doesn’t have the recruiting chops that Kiffin has. Money should be no object if Mullens and PK are serious about winning. Kiffin in the Pac-12 would drive revenue for the entire conference as well as Oregon. I like Mario, but if the Ducks can’t keep him they’re going to need a guy who can bring kids to Eugene. Just my .02.
  17. I know nobody wants to hear this, but could you imagine Riley vs. Kiffin in the Pac-12 on a somewhat regular basis? I know ESPN is married to the SEC, but you can bet that if these two were competing against each other they would be sneaking behind the SEC’s back for a little Pac-12 side action. If Mario leaves and Mullens (and PK) are serious about shelling out $$$ for a head coach then Lane Kiffin is who they should call and offer 9 figures over a long term contract. Now hear me out. Despite his character flaws (although he has matured) he is one of the brightest offensive minds in CFB. He’s also a terrific recruiter who has a ton of connections on the West Coast and in the South. Ole Miss is a small market team and Lane has them competing really well in the toughest division in the toughest conference. They’re likely going to a NY6 bowl game. I think he likes the West Coast and I think he would like to get out from under Saban’s shadow and create his own legacy. The attention that he and the University of Oregon would get would be unprecedented. Oregon has the money, but do they have the maracas to bring in a once hated rival? It could be fun.
  18. One thing about Chip’s Oregon teams is they were never blown out. The came close against LSU but DT got a garbage time TD to make it look respectable. USC came close as well but that team fought back and almost won the game.
  19. Chip is not a great head coach right now. I don’t know what happened. Maybe it’s just a lack of support from the UCLA administration. Mora had great recruiting classes but could win there. I don’t know. That said, Chip needs to change his recruiting philosophy and his attitude toward boosters to be great again.
  20. I’m actually looking forward to Saturday. I think the Big 12 and SEC championship games are going to be really good. As for the Ducks, I’ll watch the Alamo Bowl but I hope TT gets the start.
  21. Miami may want to wait and see what Lane Kiffin has to say. If they just pulled the AD from Clemson then he might be somebody Lane wants to work for. He’s definitely a hotter name in coaching right now.
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