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Everything posted by DrJacksPlaidPants

  1. Sounds like your yellow ones should be able to cut the mustard. You shouldn’t be wearing white after Labor Day anyway.
  2. Bama is ranked that high to salvage any missteps by UGA and save the day for ESECPN. Their hope is that Bama beats UGA in the SEC championship game so that both teams get in. However if Bama loses to Auburn then they can justify ranking Auburn in the top 6 because they beat the #2 team (We all can appreciate that a great win trumps any bad loss). That way, if UGA loses to Auburn in the conference championship game then they would easily remain in the top 4. If A&M beats Auburn this weekend and Auburn beats Bama then A&M would move into the top 6 and face UGA in the conference championship game (if they can win out). Once again, the justification for keeping UGA in the playoff if they slip up against A&M in Atlanta. Bama’s #2 ranking is the only reason why Ole Miss, MSU and A&M have their current rankings. If Bama was ranked 8th or so then A&M would be out of the top 20 and Ole Miss and MSU would be unranked. The SEC is nothing more than a big “self-licking ice cream cone”.
  3. The funny thing about this scenario is the #1 seed would have the tougher out. Also, if the committee puts 12-1 OSU above 12-1 Oregon because of the better loss then I am declaring the 2012 Notre Dame team the national champions because they had a better loss than Bama.
  4. This makes sense for two reasons. This team can’t to play a complete game on both sides of the ball and they lose too many players to injury or targeting penalties. This bit them against Stanford and it will likely bite them again. It could happen this weekend in Seattle. The one thing uw does well is play defense. If they can keep it close at home then anything can happen. Especially with Pac 12 refs.
  5. The team that started this year’s trend of calling for the backup QB is Oklahoma. The thing is, it worked. Williams replaced Rattler and became an instant legend. So, naturally, every other fan base thinks it will work for them.
  6. He lives in Fayetteville and he wants his family to be able to see him play. I would rather he flip now than pull a Kingsley.
  7. Jimmy Lake can recruit all the Sheldon Cooper’s and Howard Wolowicz’s he wants. We’ll keep going after the Kayvon Thibadeaux’s and Noah Sewell’s.
  8. The comments section is ridiculous. I thought Aggies were delusional, but these guys take the cake.
  9. This is good because Santegna is flipping to the Hogs and we lost another WR to OU. However, If Moorhead stays a while then Oregon will be a desirable place for WR’s.
  10. Pac12 refs: “Sweet, our conference has a team in the top 4” Also Pac 12 refs: “Let’s see how bad we can hose them and keep them from the playoffs”.
  11. Oklahoma still has two top 15 opponents left on their schedule and likely a championship game. I wonder how far that will carry them if they win out?
  12. His brother plays for OU according to the article. I’m sure that was a factor.
  13. I don’t think MC would be so inclined to jump on the Miami job. The team gets no support from the administration. Their stadium is a 45 minute drive from campus and is never even half full. They also make their students athletes qualify academically which isn’t easy for a top 50 university. Long story short, the glory days of “The U” are long gone and are never coming back.
  14. There are still 4 conference games left. Oregon could easily lose any of these. No more cupcakes left on the schedule. I trust that they will take them all seriously. The Buckeyes also have some very tough games ahead. It’s win or no playoffs for both teams.
  15. Hello all, I guess this is as good a place as any for a first post. I’ll have to watch the interception again, but my first thought when I saw the slow motion replay on Fox was that TT was trying to throw it behind him a bit. It looked as though he would’ve led him right into a DB and possibly a punishing hit had he thrown it out front. A lot of good QB’s will do that to protect their WR’s. I could be wrong, but that was my first impression.
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