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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. I think Chip Kelly would've gave TY a shot. MC was too conservative in all aspects as an HC. Two coaches on opposite ends of the coaching spectrum. I would not be surprised to see TY either start or at some point split time with Nix. MC tied everyone's hands so no one had a chance to produce to their maximum ability. Coaches and players.
  2. I wonder if they'll enhance their audio equipment so on 3rd downs you can get a true Dolby Atmos surround sound from the chainsaw?
  3. I don't like the Sea Hawks at all as a loooong time Steeler fan. It would be hard to watch a hawk game with him as QB.
  4. Born and raised in Eugene how could you not be a Duck fan? Wife's mother worked at the UO registration office so we used to get her faculty seats at the 1/3 off discount since she didn't care much for football. Started going to Duck games in the late 70's early 80's.
  5. I'd do it for way way less. I still watch it when it's meaningful to me as I'm a big time Steeler fan. But they're not on that much out here. Into the Chargers some now since JH is QB. Other than that I get into the playoffs and SB. I'd rather watch a good college game between to teams I have no affiliation with than watch a game like the Bears and Hawks play.
  6. This is like trying to date the hot chick but you lose out to someone else then after she finds out she made a mistake you get to be 2nd choice. In the end you still got the hot chick but it doesn't feel the same.
  7. Duck fans are giddy about Lanning who's never been an HC? I see no reason why USC won't be the fav pick to win the P12 in 2023. Heck I'd go as far to say that if the pieces fall right it's USC out of the south and maybe Oregon in the north this year. Oregon was one game away from not making the P12 Champ game last year. Strange things always happen in the P12.
  8. The game was also on the FOX Business channel. I watched the whole game. FWIW I have Dish.
  9. Why ruin a good golf game by keeping score.
  10. The portal is a revolving door. One goes out while another comes in. Ducks will be fine.
  11. It was gone years ago after all the marketing hype took over. Merchandizing, media rights, CFP, BCS etc. It'll never be the same again.
  12. Interesting that the seating will go from 45,000 or so down to a projected 34,000-39,000.
  13. Jayden all day. I was impressed by him. There were a few other QB's that I wished we had but then I saw a post that AB led the P12 in a lot of stats so maybe it was deceiving. They were neck and neck. Of course I guess it doesn't say much when you trail AB.
  14. The 2022 Spring game could be the most watched in years. However I'm not climbing on the Lanning fan train just yet. Yes he seems to check all the right boxes but I want to see him coach a few games 1st. We've BTDT with the last few coaches and things didn't turn out that well.
  15. Certainly going to be an interesting year for Oregon football.
  16. "Acting like punks"? I seem to remember Jimmy lake acting like a punk once this year. That among other things cost him his job. Loser.
  17. 41-27 OU. Stoops is the decider. 0-1-210 I don't think it will be fun for Duck fans to watch.
  18. I'll be rooting for Michigan. I would love to see MI take down GA and AL. Last thing I want is another SEC playoff.
  19. Who are the Ducks playing for? What is actually going to motivate them? Certainly not the coaches as they're all leaving. Each other? Pride? Like the 2nd UT game when they said they were eager to back on the field and show UT what they're really made of. Will playing OU be enough to motivate them? Any effort better than the last two UT games will work for me.
  20. From a fan standpoint on paper the Alamo Bowl looks to be a disaster for both teams. From a players standpoint it's an opportunity to play one last game and for some to get more playing time because some have opted out. I'll be watching the game and not really expecting anything close to what a 100% roster would produce, but it's the Ducks vs the Sooners and that's good enough for me.
  21. Pure speculation as to who starts at QB next year. Odds are Nix starts but I'm in the camp that thinks Lanning's going all CYA here and giving himself a safety net in Nix. Nix gives him the best chance for immediate success. It's hard to say whether the young QB's in waiting are going to be up to speed with Dillys offensive plan. Nix gives the Ducks a head start on the season next year and if TY and Co are all that close then it's entirely possible that one of them passes Nix during the season. Yeah we said the same thing this year but the young QB's have another year of practice to help. The big question is who stays if Nix starts?
  22. If you want respect then you need to win the games. It's this way every year.
  23. I wonder how much MC's stubbornness played a role in Ty not playing? Even if the effort was there it could've been passed over so MC could take the safe route. No one seems to know why Ty didn't start. Bases covered with Nix.
  24. Oh okay yeah I didn't check his eligibility length. Hmmm I guess it's good for the team but maybe tough for some young QB's.
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