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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/32796257/miami-mario-cristobal-discussing-hurricanes-coaching-job-sources-say
  2. Considering the Ducks will probably have a new coach for the game I would think the new HC may want to see his new talent on the field.
  3. 1st off why does Mc have to sign a new contract today? Just so he can settle down a fan base? He can sign when he wants and it really means nothing to anyone but him and the team and recruits. We have no idea what his real intentions are. For all we know he's 100% committed to Oregon and is planning on signing a new contract when he gets off the recruiting trail. Or he is playing both sides as anyone with a tad bit of negotiating skills would do.
  4. So I wonder what recruits living room Mario will be in when he gets the call and says yes to Miami. Then turns to the recruit and asks if he'd like to go to Miami instead.
  5. Right now I'm not believing anything of anyone. Way too much speculation.
  6. MC pretty much showed that while stars count they aren't the only thing that matters.
  7. "The report added, “Brian Kelly and Lincoln Riley dollars, I’m told.’’ I'd rather see those dollars go to a different HC than Mario.
  8. Per MC "I haven't talked to anybody, so let's not create narratives as we sit here in this press conference," Cristobal said after the game. "Oregon's working on some stuff for me, and that's what I have right now, and that's the extent of that conversation. "If there's anything to report, I'd report it. I always have." Are we overreacting?
  9. Last night was a disaster but so was two weeks ago. Different circumstances same outcome. I'm not really sure if distractions were the main reason the Ducks got blowout last night. Maybe it was just the fact that UT is a better team right now. I would give it 70% better-30% distraction.
  10. How many left for HC jobs? Thats not a slight against MC.
  11. Only one team scored less than Oregon against UT. Stanford scored 7 pts. The same as our 1st game with UT. Whats that say about our offence?
  12. After getting out physicality'd twice badly by UT I wonder if MC will dig in even harder on his "Lets get physical" culture? If so what does that mean for the next OC hire? Or is it all moot anyways cause MC may be leaving. So much to ponder.
  13. That type of stubbornness is probably one reason why Oregon has had such terrible 3rd qtr scoring. No 1/2 time adjustments. So is MC stubborn or a slow learner?
  14. Hate to say it but 9-3 coaches don't get fired. At least not that I know of. Especially coaches that have 2 P12 championships, Fiesta and Rose Bowl game appearances all in 4 years. Did anyone really think that this was the year the Ducks would make a run at the final 4? I didn't.
  15. Call me gullible but I kinda think MC's telling the truth. As to last nights game being lost over rumors? Nah, they got their butt handed to them just like the last time when there were no rumors. Simply outcoached and out hustled. Utes saw the egg uni's and thought "I'll have my Duck eggs over easy"
  16. I actually think we were 1 pretty good QB away from the CFP. So many missed opportunities with AB. Injuries were the other reason as well.
  17. Every time Chips Ducks took the field I had complete confidence in him and the team. I've never once had that with MC except for games like Stony Brook where you knew they'd win because the opponent was so much more inferior.
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