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Everything posted by OregonDucks

  1. I was hoping that they were saving these unis for the Oregon State game, since it could be the last Civil War for awhile.
  2. The offensive line was one of the question marks coming into the season, given the number of new starters, and the only question mark on offense, which returned its QB and most of its skilled positions from last year. They have exceeded all expectations and I'm happy that they are getting national recognition.
  3. “I think we’re able to recruit at a high level because people see the direction we’re headed and what this program is really all about when they get to see us on center stage,” Lanning said This is precisely why Oregon could not afford to accept the Pac-12's Apple streaming-only media option, IMO. We would no longer have the opportunity to be on "center stage" unless we were playing a big OOC opponent or in the post season. The majority of people, including recruits and voters, would only see Oregon highlights during the regular season.
  4. Colin Cowherd is such a USC/LA honk. I can't listen to him anymore. Hope he didn't break his leg jumping off of the USC bandwagon...
  5. He’d be a great coach, after his NFL playing days are over. Perhaps here at Oregon for Coach Dan Lanning after our program has won multiple B1G and national championships…
  6. Josh Pate had a good point on his Oregon/Washington post-game podcast. First time head coaches used to start at smaller programs, outside of the national spotlight (e.g., Nick Saban at Toledo, Urban Meyer at Bowling Green), where they could make mistakes and learn from them, away from the national spotlight. Many of the top coaches would slowly step their way up to elite programs over a number of years. Now big time programs are hiring first time head coaches (e.g., Kirby Smart at Georgia, Ryan Day at Ohio State, Dan Lanning at Oregon). These first time coaches are bound to make mistakes early in their careers but the difference now is that they are doing so on national television with millions watching. Anyway, I thought that it was an interesting take. The great ones will learn from their mistakes and grow.
  7. I love the 12:30pm kickoffs! It's how college football used to be before they added all of these cable (and now streaming) sports channels that need to fill content from 9am to 11:30pm Pacific.
  8. There were reports that the B1G originally wanted Oregon and USC but FOX wanted UCLA and the LA television market. Kevin Warren was in favor of adding Oregon and Washington sooner but most in the B1G didn't want to be the ones that were viewed as blowing up the Pac-12 (even though they were directly responsible for the first dominoes).
  9. Oregon State could give Washington all they can handle (same with Utah), especially since it's in Corvallas. Both those teams play tough defense and run the ball.
  10. I think that Johnathan Smith, as a OSU alumni and legend, will be loyal to Oregon State for at least a couple of years. Perhaps they should look northward to Seattle for their next head coach…
  11. Phil Knight (PK) is highly competitive, fully vested in the success of the University of Oregon and did not build a Fortune 100 company from nothing with passive leadership (I highly recommend reading “Shoe Dog”). For example, Nike hired an outside CEO, after PK retired, and quickly made a change when it was apparent that the new CEO did not fit the company’s culture. Please note, I am not suggesting that Phil does not have full faith in Dan Lanning and the direction that the program is headed. However, like others, he may be a little disappointed that Dan Lanning did not seem to learn from his in-game management mistakes, which arguably cost Oregon 2 games last season, to our most hated rivals. Depending on his relationship with Lanning, he could offer a subtle hint/suggestion or speak with Rob Mullens about his concerns. Mullens sits down with each of the Oregon head coaches after the season. This is how you mentor and develop a young leader. Lanning preaches a growth mindset (i.e., the 1%). We will likely never know what happens but I hope that Dan Lanning at least has a small group of trusted mentors that he goes to for feedback and advice. In terms of the playoffs, the loss eliminated any margin of error from now to the Pac-12 Championship Game, and Oregon may need some of the other one loss and undefeated teams to lose another game or two to pave a playoff path for Oregon. There are some big time programs, with national championships, right in front and behind Oregon in the polls today (e.g., Georgia, Michigan, Ohio State, Florida State, Bama, Texas, Oklahoma, Penn State). As an Oregon football fan, I am hoping for pandemonium the rest of the season!
  12. Another thing that I have a question about from the last 4th down is - why call a play where all of the receivers are running 10 yard routes, when we only needed 3 yards (to the Washington 44) for the first down? I believe that the play took 3-4 seconds to set up, which seems like an eternity in that situation.
  13. Yes, but the point is, unlike the rest of us, Phil Knight can do something about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a conversation after the game with Dan Lanning or Rob Mullens. I’m sure that PK doesn’t like to see the same mistakes happening again and again, especially against our rivals, potentially costing us a shot at the playoffs (the margin of error is now zero the rest of the way).
  14. If Oregon converted one of the three fourth downs, Oregon likely would have won the game on Saturday. Heck, if our kicker made a straight ahead 42 yarder, it would have been anyone’s game in OT. That’s how close we were to winning in Seattle.
  15. You really don’t believe this do you? Phil Knight has access and influence that the average fan can only dream of. The AD didn’t consult with me about joining the B1G…
  16. The last 4th down attempt also showed that the middle receiver was open. I don't love this particular play design since the receivers on the left are in the same area. As an OC, it seems like you'd have a few short yardage options that scheme a player wide open or you have some quick options B and C. I'm sure that the coaches will watch the film with Bo and, hopefully, he'll make adjustments for future games. https://twitter.com/zacharycneel/status/1713627406228226415/photo/2 https://twitter.com/zacharycneel/status/1713645844837323258/photo/3
  17. As I mentioned during the game, I disagreed with the call to go for the second 4th and short because a field goal would have cut the lead to a one possession game (TD + 2 point conversion). That aside, there have been some talk about Nix staring down his primary (perhaps Bo is overly confident/reliant on Franklin) and not progressing through his reads against Washington. Below is a screenshot that shows Holden wide open in the middle of the field on the second 4th and short that we did not convert. Holden was jumping up and down after the play, as he knew he was WIDE OPEN. I'm sure that Nix would love to have this one back, as only the official is in position to make a play on the ball...
  18. With as well as Bridges played in Oregon's bowl game, I'm surprised that he has not played more this season.
  19. As much as it pains me to admit, perhaps Penix should win the Heisman this season. What would the score have been yesterday (or last year) without him? Overall, Washington would be a middle of the Pac team without Penix.
  20. I'm in the minority here but I didn't mind Dan Lanning going for it on 4th and short at the end of the first half. We received a "free possession" from a gift interception (i.e., playing with house money) and a TD would have given Oregon a lead heading into halftime and we were going to receive the ball to start the second half. As someone mentioned, Oregon was converting ~80% of fourth down heading into this game. The play calls on fourth downs were head scratching in both design and execution.
  21. Anything less is a disappointing season, IMO. Will Dan Lanning have a better team than he has this year, with an experienced, Heisman caliber QB running the offense?
  22. Although not traditional, I agree with the decision to go for it on 4th and short at the end of the fourth quarter. Oregon's odds of picking up the first down (and running out the clock) were probably higher than the odds of stopping Penix & Washington from scoring a go-ahead TD, which was proven when they scored in 2 plays and 30-something seconds. It also preserved some time for Oregon to have the final possession to tie or win the game. The only 4th down decision that didn't make sense to me was the second 4th and short. A field goal there would have made it a one possession game (TD + 2 point conversion), which is much better than a 2 or 3 possession game in the second half.
  23. How were those other programs before those coaches took over? Dan Lanning was handed the keys to a pretty successful program. That is usually not the case with a head coaching change.
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