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Everything posted by OregonDucks

  1. I hope that the offense can really work on the run game against Hawaii. The big guys up front should dominate Hawaii’s front 7. Pound Hawaii into submission and then do the same to Colorado!
  2. Josh Conerly, Jr., who had 3 false starts, said it wasn’t the DL stems that caused the penalties but to being too anxious. He calmed down and cleaned it up in the second half. I’m sure he’ll be fine. He is a great OT. Oregon football left tackle Josh Conerly Jr. takes ownership of false start penalties WWW.OREGONLIVE.COM Oregon committed 4 false starts, 3 by left tackle Josh Conerly Jr. and 1 by center Jackson...
  3. There were only 2 penalties in the PSU game. Let’s see how the coaches and team respond going forward. I’m sure that it’ll be a MAJOR point of emphasis this week. That said, there are some players that play out of control. It’s up to the coaches to determine whether the player is doing more harm than good when on the field.
  4. And if you take away the stupid penalties, particularly the ones that resulted in automatic first downs, the defense performance would improve immediately. Let's give the coaches and team a couple of weeks to sort this out. There are quite a bit of new players on the defense and they may need some time to gel... What happened to Jacobs?
  5. LOL. It'll be the first game Oregon has played in Autzen this year, too! Enjoy the game.
  6. Undisciplined. Sloppy. This team has a lot of work to do in all phases of the game before they face the top teams in the Pac-12. Colorado will not be a cakewalk on 9/23 and we'll need to be in top form to have a chance in Seattle on 10/14. As someone else mentioned, Bo carried Oregon to a victory. He is a baller and in the biggest moments, he seems to play the best.
  7. He is talented but plays out of control. Now we know why he no longer plays for a certain coach.
  8. LOL. The funniest thing with the interception return for a TD with 35 seconds left, is that Oregon covered the point spread.
  9. Oregon is officially on upset alert. Dan Lanning and staff are getting completely out coached. Sloppy game all around. Disappointing.
  10. Well researched article (much better than the lazy traditional media and analysts). That’s one of the reasons I love this site.
  11. Let the band play! Save the canned music and fan entertainment for the pro’s.
  12. And it's mind boggling that the Pac-12 could not match the linear broadcast TV dollars and exposure of the Big XII, after they rejected the original offer from ESPN. Something doesn't smell right...
  13. TT looked really good on that drive. Made good decisions and put the ball on the money. Hope that it has clicked for the young man because he has the talent. Needs to learn to slide though...
  14. Is Troy Franklin the best wide receiver to ever play at Oregon?
  15. Oregon's offense picked up right where it left off last season but I want to see how the o-line performs against an evenly matched d-line. While Oregon's defense settled down after the first series, there have been some defensive breakdowns that they'll need to clean up. Like what I saw from Jordan Burch. Hope he can be a real difference maker on D and be selected in the first round of the NFL draft.
  16. I have much respect for Whittingham and the Utah program. I’m sure that they’ll do very well in the Big XII and perhaps our paths will cross in the college football playoffs.
  17. Obviously, Cowherd has never played organized sport and is not a COMPETITOR.
  18. And this is why the B1G will not catch up with the SEC on the football field but at least the presidents can turn up their collective noses and talk about academics and success of Olympic sports. If the SEC adds Clemson and FSU, then the new SEC has won 9 of the past 10 college football national championships. Ohio State is the only outlier.
  19. If the B1G wants to compete with the SEC on the football field, then they should add the strongest football programs. Clemson and FSU have both gone toe-to-toe with the best in the SEC and won national championships. Forget athletic snobbery. Look where it got Stanford and Cal, and by extension the soon to be extinct PAC-12.
  20. What is Fox’s latest game slot? Do they have any weekday games? Seems like ESPN is the one with the crazy times (e.g., 10pm ET, Thursday night).
  21. Yes, it’s too bad that the LA schools bolted for more money, leaving the rest of the Pacific schools hanging. Hope Chip had those conversations with UCLA’s AD during that decision period…
  22. The NFL has a salary cap and splits TV, merchandise and licensing revenues equally. What you are describing is more like MLB. One model creates an unequal playing field for those in the largest cities, while the other promotes parity. If I were in charge of the NCAA, I know which model I would prefer.
  23. Agreed. As of right now, we also have Baylor and Oklahoma State. I'm assuming that this is part of the recruiting pitch...
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