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Everything posted by CountryProf

  1. Augduck, I agree. I recall Lanning saying at the time that this wouldn't necessarily be a permanent thing. If future teams can maintain discipline and listen to coaches' instructions, the 'Shout-dancing' would be allowed to resume. I hope it gets to that point---it is very fun to watch, and it fires the crowd up.
  2. That $270mil is for the term of the deal. Payout is only $4-$6 million annually per school. Ouch.
  3. Sorry, I thought I was posting this in an earlier thread re: the fate of the remaining 4 PAC teams.
  4. I looked up some numbers re: how bad OSU and WSU joining the Mountain West might be. Currently, the PAC-12 has a 250 million dollar media deal; OSU and WSU both get a bit under $21 million for that. Currently, the Mountain West actually has a better media deal: $270 million for 12 teams (not sure if media revenue is shared equally in that conference). If they took OSU and WSU and allowed equal shares, that would give OSU and WSU over $19.25 million per year. Not much of a step down. OSU reportedly took in a total of about $35 million in athletic department funding last year, so they have the capability to pull in quite a bit of extra money beyond media deals if boosters and athletic apparel sales keep up. So, maybe it won't be nearly as catastrophic for them as most of us thought--maybe they will be able to continue to have a very good coaching staff and hold on to/continue to recruit good players. But then, how hard will it be to attract very good players in a non Power 5 conference?
  5. Yes, much faster. It was worth the wait to read articles and comments on this site even when it was slow, but it's a joy to have it load this quickly.
  6. A lot of mind boggling, baseless conspiracy theories in there. But the statement that cracked me up the most was regarding Phil Knight/ Nike's support of Oregon: "Market a nothing product with no real advantage to the ignorant masses" Has this guy seen the Nike swooshes on the front of USC's jerseys and athletic apparel licensed by USC??
  7. Blue Bloods have poor circulation. That negatively affects your thinking. A program like Oregon with a roughly 20 year old history of building success has a lot of red blood. That leads to vitality and clear thinking.
  8. Wow, Michigan strikes me as pretty uppity when they state the reason they don't have a mascot is because it's "undignified." Maybe they should consult someone who is attends a more academically rigorous school: Stanford's Tree.
  9. Okay, this really feels like Gallows humor since I feel really bad for Oregon State and Washington State. But, in a discussion thread regarding what to call a merged Pac 4 and Mountain West Conference on a UCLA fan forum, somebody suggested the name Broke Pac Mountain.
  10. From the Duckswire article posted above: "Now, the Ducks will be playing against the best teams in the nation on NBC, CBS, and FOX once they officially make the move next year." No, we will be playing against one of the best teams in the country, namely Ohio State. Our track record against the other Big Ten teams we played for the last 10-15 years is pretty good. It's not like we're going to the SEC, where we'd have to play Georgia, Alabama, and LSU every year. Relatively speaking, most of the blue blood programs in the Big Ten have been bleeding out for the last decade or two. Time for a bunch of red-blooded Ducks to come in and show them what new blood can do. How is it that even a Duckswire reporter has drank the Midwest kool-aid?
  11. Well, I guess they have the right to suck in whatever conference they want to.
  12. So, the "study" was "conducted" by Al.com (an Alabama "news" site) and a marketing research company (were they hired to market Alabama's brand?). I couldn't find any reference to the survey methodology used (how was it conducted, what was the sample size, what cities/towns/states were included in the sample, etc.--all points already made by smart Duck fans on this thread). I thought that the claim that UCLA was the most popular team in the western half of the US was especially laughable. I grew up in Oregon, but graduated from UCLA. Even I am not a UCLA fan.
  13. I can answer a few of your questions from my perspective. I live on the east coast, where I can only access the Pac-12 network through the fubo tv streaming app. I don't like that service ( it's expensive , and I much prefer YouTube TV). So when a PAC 12 Network Oregon game airs, I have to look for a free one week trial of fubotv, or find a pirated website to stream it ( but then I can't record it and I'm held hostage for game start times between 9:00 and 10:30 on the East Coast...... and the FBI has a funny tendency to shut down those sites). So, a streaming service like Amazon or ESPN Plus or even the CW would allow me to surmount those sometimes unsurmountable barriers. And, I'm guessing moving at least some games to streaming would get past that Infamous Pac-12 after Dark phenomena that either forces me to watch a recorded game the next day or go to sleep anywhere between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. ( I used to do that, but I'm getting too old for this). I know this wasn't really one of your questions, but I really hope the Pac-12 doesn't use Apple TV as one of their streaming services. That app works fine on my Roku, and I'm told it works great on Apple devices, but Apple has yet to produce an Android app for Apple TV. That means I'm forced to watch through Apple TV's browser interface if I try to watch it on my tablet in bed (my default strategy for late night games for streaming services I have a dedicated app for). And that is the clunkiest, most frustrating interface of any streaming site I have seen in the last decade. I also agree with your point that Apple TV has a far smaller user base then Amazon Prime or likely ESPN Plus. They just don't have a lot of good content at this point. My family will intermittently subscribe to it for a month to watch shows like Ted Lasso, but there's not much more there that draws us in. I imagine it's relatively low user base indicates that many other people have the same experience.
  14. Nice opportunity for a charity event. I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who would pay good money to watch this.
  15. Wow, another article with a bunch of ignorant fanboys masquerading as journalists. Once again, Oregon seriously underrated, and USC and UCLA(????????!!!!!!!!) overrated. I will take Bo Nix and his stacked offense, and Lanning's revamped defense over any of these teams. I know it's unlikely we will run the table in the Pac-12, but we will do very well.
  16. Happy birthday, Charles! We had steak grilled over hickory, corn on the cob, and asparagus baked with lemon, garlic, parmesan, and Olive oil. And some Rainier cherries and strawberries that weren't up to par in our Eastern Kentucky home. Always be grateful you live in the Pacific Northwest. Things are better there!
  17. I can only imagine being blown off the line every single snap
  18. I'll take Nix over all of them. He is the complete package--taken as a whole, he can lead, scramble, pass, read defenses and make adjustments better than any other PAC quarterback, IMHO. AND, it also looks like he will be surrounded by a complete offensive package.
  19. After playing around with Chat GPT, Bing, and Google Bard for the past several months, I would bet my paycheck that was an AI generated post.
  20. Without their takedowns of Oklahoma and washington, I wouldn't be taking them seriously given their regular season competition. But geez, I'm glad Oregon is facing them at home.
  21. Welcome to academia ( with regards to the " herding a bunch of crazy cats" comment).
  22. Charles, I really hope this works out so you and your moderators can have more well-deserved time to yourselves, If it doesn't work out, well then, shazbot.
  23. Thanks, Charles, for creating this space, and thanks Charles and moderators for keeping it safe. This is absolutely the best place on the internet.
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