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Will Lanning/Lupoi Return to the Aliotti Strategy?

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The title above is not meant to be provocative, but something sincere for us to consider once I have laid out my argument. I could not help but think about this upcoming shift in defensive strategy while I was examining the Oregon Ducks Odds and after I took a look at the NCAAB site as well. The Oregon defense has ...


A new defensive strategy at Oregon for 2024?
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Love it, 'never in doubt' and I agree bring on the Havoc! How it happens is up for debate, but I want havoc.

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Mr. FishDuck, you're the man, "…I’ve been quite right before, I’ve been incredibly wrong, but I’m never in doubt!" I love it.  Thanks for the analysis!

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I'll take a supporting cast like NFL champions and pro bowlers TJ Ward, Patrick Chung, Jarius Byrd, And Walter Thurmond with a backup like Cliff Harris anytime.


I hope we are able to speak with the same reverence in the future as these guys when this current crop of defensive backs is retired from the NFL.

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Thanks for the article. The title

might be a bit misleading. Perhaps intentionally to be provocative?


We can only hope that Oregon is able to establish big leads, forcing teams to be one-dimensional and then getting turnovers.  


However, I hope that Lanning and Tupoi being the Georgia and Alabama defensive philosophies to Eugene. Those defenses are stacked with NFL talent (their front sevens just look different), relentless and smothering, trying to get the opposing offense off the field as soon as possible. I’ll take the turnovers but, please, no more bend-but-don’t-break defenses. A stop on defense (especially a 3-and-out) and punt is just as good as a turnover, IMHO.  

NA was also a bit too inflexible and did not adjust his scheme/play calling for the talent on D. I still feel bad for those young corners that he insisted on playing man, who were consistently beat deep series after series (note: they turned into good CBs by their junior/senior seasons, if IIRC).  As you pointed out, Lanning and Tosh already proved that they are adaptable in the first season at Oregon.  

It will be interesting to see how the defense plays this year and if they can continue to make steady progress to Lanning and Lupoi’s vision.  


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On 8/5/2024 at 7:06 AM, OregonDucks said:

Thanks for the article. The title

might be a bit misleading. Perhaps intentionally to be provocative?


We can only hope that Oregon is able to establish big leads, forcing teams to be one-dimensional and then getting turnovers.  


However, I hope that Lanning and Tupoi being the Georgia and Alabama defensive philosophies to Eugene. Those defenses are stacked with NFL talent (their front sevens just look different), relentless and smothering, trying to get the opposing offense off the field as soon as possible. I’ll take the turnovers but, please, no more bend-but-don’t-break defenses. A stop on defense (especially a 3-and-out) and punt is just as good as a turnover, IMHO.  

NA was also a bit too inflexible and did not adjust his scheme/play calling for the talent on D. I still feel bad for those young corners that he insisted on playing man, who were consistently beat deep series after series (note: they turned into good CBs by their junior/senior seasons, if IIRC).  As you pointed out, Lanning and Tosh already proved that they are adaptable in the first season at Oregon.  

It will be interesting to see how the defense plays this year and if they can continue to make steady progress to Lanning and Lupoi’s vision.  


Agree, I don't ever want to see our DB's line up 15 yds deep on a 3rd and 10 again! Some of the elements of the Allioti defense shouldn't be necessary with the talent level we have under Lanning/Lupoi. I don't think this is what Charles is looking for either.


I want Havoc, not have another first down!

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On 8/5/2024 at 7:06 AM, OregonDucks said:

I’ll take the turnovers but, please, no more bend-but-don’t-break defenses.

If you do not have the personnel to completely pull it off--what you get is slowing down the opponent, and making it hard on them to score, while you outscore them.  It works when you have the high-scoring offense, and makes logical sense if you do have the high scoring.


In my view, it was the perfect defense to run when you had Chip's offense, and not enough bodies on defense.  That is why it was 52-27, or 48-31 or a score where we won with a sizable margin, but the other team scored more than we all were comfortable with. (Chip was no fool, and allowed Nick to run the defense)


But this year?  We have the players on offense and defense to carry it out much better, IMHO.


Or we can disagree, and that is OK.


Dion Jordan

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Mr. FishDuck

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On 8/5/2024 at 7:06 AM, OregonDucks said:

I still feel bad for those young corners that he insisted on playing man, who were consistently beat deep series after series (note: they turned into good CBs by their junior/senior seasons, if IIRC).

If they are getting burned deep often, then it shows that Oregon did not have the pass rush in the year that happened, but I believe we will this year.  While that happened in the past, I do not believe it happened much during the Chip Kelly high-scoring years, nor in 2014. 


Ifo was good at stopping it...

Ifo Ekpre-Olomu beats Marqise Lee_KC_FP.jpg


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Mr. FishDuck

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On 8/5/2024 at 8:28 AM, Haywarduck said:

I don't ever want to see our DB's line up 15 yds deep on a 3rd and 10 again!

I don't think we'll see that this year!  (Not done during the years I was referring to)



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Mr. FishDuck

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I remember when Lanning first got here. He watched the Super Bowl with the team. They said he was mostly accurate in predicting the plays based on formation all throughout the game.


That’s from observing Super Bowl level schemes and game plans. What Lanning could figure out going against predictable BIG game plans could be mind boggling.


Oregon was top ten in giving up only 17 points a game last year. I believe they also faced five or six of the top ten passing teams last year as well (including Hawaii).


Scores in the 45-6 range may be a real possibility this year. Great article. Can’t wait for the season to begin.

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An uptempo offense that has a veteran QB is always dangerous.

When you add all the other ingredients, top receivers, great RB’s, solid OL, with a QB that is accurate, scrambles well, and runs when necessary…opposing defenses have their hands full. 

Ultimately, our defense, and overall team health, will decide how far we go this year. 

Our defense doesn’t have to be in the top 20 for the team to be successful. The exciting part is that the defense has the potential to be top 20, or top 10.

Can’t wait to see these guys get after it this season. 


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Well thought out article Charles, thank you!


I personally don’t see this defense regressing to a ‘bend don’t break’ mindset.  I think the dudes on this defense will take the mindset of “you ain’t getting squat.”  

I think the defensive and the offensive will play like their hair is on fire each and every play and each and every player.  The offense will score points and the defense will reek havoc on any offense that tries to move the ball on them. 

This defense is so loaded that the 3’s and 4’s will not be much of a let down from the 1’s and 2’s.  The resulting all out attack from fresh player for 4 quarters is going to suck the life out of opposing offenses!


That’s my hope and I’m sticking to it! Go Ducks!

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Allioti did wonders with the personel Oregon was able to recruit (No transfer portal).


I bet he absolutely would have LOVED to coach a defensive team, with the players, that Oregon is able to field now.


We probably would have seen some schemes, from that top defensive mind, that he could never, confidently install during his time here.


But, yes I do believe we will be "surprising" a few teams in the B1G, this year.  When they discover that our defense....bites back!


Go Ducks!

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Nick Aliotti had some pretty good blitzes back-in-the-day!



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Mr. FishDuck

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Perhaps the biggest thing that this Oregon offense has that can really help the defense later in the game isn't it's ability to score. 


But it's ability to score on long brutal physical drives that just chew up clock. This Oregon offense can play slow if they want to. 


That is something that the Kelly and Helfrich teams struggled to do and it was frustrating to watch as a fan. They slowed the game down to bleed the clock and they were often stopped after one or two first downs and forced to punt. 


What made those offenses so deadly was the tempo and just being able to outpace an opponent to score fast. 


But Lanning can smash mouth with this offense. This offensive line will maul a tired opponent late in the game and let Jordan James and Jay Harris just run people over. 


That will keep the defense fresh on the sideline. 

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