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Charles Fischer

Too Many Articles Posted? Your Feedback PLEASE....

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We have been wrestling with conflicting issues concerning posting all the news articles that you see everyday.  On one hand, they are incredibly handy, and prevents having to go to 20 different sites to see Duck News.


Yet I worry about too many crowding out discussion, of which is THE objective of a forum. I want discussion, and not to become another news source or data aggregator.  It is also a very careful balancing act of how many articles to provide.  Too many and we don't read any of them?


Our objective originally, a year ago was...."bring it all here."  But now we have been thinking of just getting you the majority of the major news per day, which might only be about a dozen articles.  We do have all the major site links up in the "News" page at the top of the site in yellow letters if you want to go check out other sites for news.


So We Need Your Feedback!

--What percentage of articles posted do you read?
--Are there too many posted?
--How many is an ideal amount?  Just the most important?
--Do you even want them at all?  


You can answer below or email me charles@fishduck.com for privacy if you like.  THANK YOU!


Lovely Entrance_Photo by Eric Evans of Oregon Football X Account.jpg


Mr. FishDuck

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It's great to read the articles but I don't read them all, maybe 50-60%


Also, most articles don't illicit/inspire comments. 

I also figure if someone already shared a thought I have, no need to repeat it.


I trust your judgment Charles.

This site has so kept me informed and I've learned so much.

Keep it up.

Also, is too much better than too little?

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I generally skip the news articles in favor of an article written by a forum member, or the thoughts on various subjects by the forum members. But that's just me.

After all, there are no pop quizzes or tests at the end of the week. 😉

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I am a big fan of having ALL the articles in one specific thread. And then for the ones that are really juicy and need a deep dive/discussion to then have their own thread created. 

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I like the forum just the way it is, you can read or skip whatever does or doesn't hold your interest.


I also very much appreciate the efforts of all those who take the time to find them originally.

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On 8/23/2024 at 2:12 PM, DanLduck said:

This site has so kept me informed and I've learned so much.

The BEST compliment, as that makes my-world-go-round.  


Thank you!

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Mr. FishDuck

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Unfortunately, I've been far to busy to read many of the articles posted the last few months.

Having one site to go to is so much simpler than searching on my own. Thanks to all who have been working so hard to post them all. PennsylvaniaDuck set a high standard. You all are doing her proud. Thank you.

However, I will say this. I read everyone's comments more than I read the articles. You my Duck friends are why I come to this forum. I appreciate all of you.

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I believe it’s fine the way it is as each member can choose their path on how they participate within the site.


i have never gone to the news link. I have subscriptions with the other sites and have for years and therefore I haven’t needed to access the link.


I am addicted to our beloved Ducks and have been since 1990. It doesn’t matter Charles honestly for me as I come to the site to read everybody’s posts and comments. I visit this great site at least 5 times a day to see if there is anything new.


It’s great to be a Duck, but, it’s even better to be a FishDuck!



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Charles, first of all, THANK YOU for providing this forum with decorum for like minded OBD fans to have a safe place to read and comment about our beloved Ducks!


I read many, but certainly not all of the articles posted.  I, like many on here, try to read all of the comments posted by this wonderful community.


While I am certainly no football dummy, I have learned an incredible amount of knowledge from the many savvy commenters who post to share their thoughts.


That, to me, is the real value of this fantastic OBD Forum!

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Amen my Duck-Brothers and Sisters, as I learn so much from all of you.


This feedback, frankly, is surprising. My sense was that we were posting too much, so it is good to ask, and great to get responses.




Mr. FishDuck

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I used to use bleacher report as a news aggregator, but they screwed it up. 


I'm not aware of any others so I'm thrilled to be able to use the forum for this while being able to comment.


Keep it coming.

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I flip through the articles to see if there is something new. A lot of articles rehash similar news. While some are worthy of discussion, or comments, I leave the article threads without comment. 

Perhaps that decreases some discussion. 

Otherwise, it is nice to have them available…so thanks for posting.

Plus, many articles have those goofy rabbit holes that you can go down. Such as…The 21 biggest NBA draft busts of all time…I think the Trail Blazers had half of them. ☠️



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One-Stop-Shop for ALL my "Duck Fandom Compulsions"!


All without any of the negativity and bravado;  nor is anyone trying to constantly "sell me" on subscriptions to enjoy "opinions" about our OBD's.


Love the info.  Love the discussions.  Love the FishDuck Forum.  Keep up the good work to all who regularly contribute and participate, especially the forum manager Mr. Charles FishDuck!


GO Ducks!

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This is the best place on planet earth to find Duck information and discussion . . . period.


My favorite aspect of the OBD forum is the DISCUSSION.


I rarely read articles posted here on the site unless it's big-time breaking news or in-depth analysis (e.g., recruiting wins, coaching changes, game breakdowns from our OBD authors or hythloday, etc.) . . . and those types of articles are generally posted by OBD members for discussion. So, organically the most impactful articles always make it to the OBD Forum for discussion.


I also rarely click into the Topics made specifically for new articles by subject (e.g., 2025 Recruiting News, or Ducks in the NFL, etc.).


The OBD Forum originated articles? . . . I always read those.


If I were to give feedback it would be about function/UI more than on the amount of news article content.


For example: Some time ago, I recall starting a Topic I found very interesting and that I thought would generate discussion. After about a 1/2 hour, I came back to the site to see if there were any replies. There were none and it appeared the News article update had happened a few minutes after I created the Topic. Now there were 4-5 News Topics that had pushed my topic down.


Now, maybe the Topic I posted wasn't nearly has interesting to other OBD members as I thought it was, but that was when I realized it might be useful to have two tabs on the site, one for "Discussion" and one for "News"


For example, in the image below, the "Recent Topics" wording in black could be replaced with "Discussion", and just to the right--still in the black row--there could be a new tab with the same presentation called "News" where all the news topics would load.




That way, Discussion and News could be two distinct locations to fulfill all our wildest Duck-loving dreams 🙂


As usual, I wrote WAY too much with WAY too much detail, and probably went WAY beyond what you were asking for.


Just know I love the site, and even if no changes are made, I'll still keeping coming for more. 

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Love this place!


I definitely gravitate to some topics more than others, but like having so much info available. I probably look at under 50% but am free to scroll on by to what I like on a particular day.


Many thanks for the hard work, civil opinions, and all the sifting you save me!

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     Forest for the trees? Perhaps, but without the forest there are no trees. It seems to all come down to the beholder. Exhibit A: it’s like cartm25’s example of what he found interesting and others didn’t.


     Forum article posts are like your lawn; it’s up to you to do the weeding. Otherwise, someone is forced to make a subjective decision about what you like. 

     For now, I think we’re best off keeping the forest.


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I read at least half the articles.  The ones I do not, read for whatever reason, do not hinder my enjoyment or participation.

The comments are more than interesting to me, and the feed back from articles.

I'd say better to many articles than too few.



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XO and analysis are the best

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