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How Did YOU Become a Ducks Fan?

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On 2/23/2022 at 3:07 PM, Charles Fischer said:

Grew up in Corvallis, and LOVED to hate the Ducks, as my father was a professor at OSU.  Went to a party in Eugene, (a friend was invited and did not want to go alone and dragged me along) and met a girl, dated, fell in love and married her.  She had a great job in Eugene to put me through school, so I went to Oregon.


Found myself becoming an avid fan, bought season tickets in 1986 and had them since.  I am a Platypus, as I do wish the Beavers to victory when they are not playing us, thus some retention of my parents influence!


But have no warmth in my heart for Huskies...


Been on message boards/forum since 1997, and began doing my own "Scrimmage Reports" beginning in about 2003.  Started FishDuck.com in August of 2011, and now...the Our Beloved Ducks forum.


I love my DUCKS!




Everybody....tell us your story as an Oregon fan!

And we love you and this wonderful site and extremely knowledgeable writers!

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I would say it would be on a sunny September day as I witnessed the very first Oregon game in Autzen against Colorado in1967. My father, R.I.P., took me and my two brothers to the game and at 14 years old I became a fan! Through the years I’ve witnessed in person the Kenny Wheaton play and the toilet bowl, and I sat there in the rain watching our Ducks get crucified all through the 70’s and the 80’s, then to see the unbelievable run the U of O has had in the last twenty years it brings tears to my eyes at times Go Ducks 🦆🦆🦆

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In 1945, my recently home from the war uncle gave me a Duck beanie with an “O” and alternating green and yellow panels.  

Two degrees, B.S. ‘65, and J.D. ‘68.  First game at Hayward field about ‘52 saw John Brodie, Stanford, beat the Ducks.  In school those years saw many games at Hayward and watched construction of Autzen.


season ticket holder at Autzen from ‘71 until the second year of alcohol sales.

now, at age 82, I attend only women’s basketball and softball.  For men games, strictly TV fan.


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Guest Axel

"How I became a Ducks fan."


(Please stay tuned to these pages for my future missive, "How I spent my summer vacation.")


I grew up in a Catholic family in the Midwest, and so by papal decree, under threat of Inquisition, I rooted for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish and made devout pilgrimages to South Bend. Many an autumn afternoon, you could find me in the stands beneath the outstretched arms of Touchdown Jesus, clutching onto my St. Knute Rockne rosary beads.


I learned many valuable lessons in those years, chiefly to hate the Ohio State Buckeyes and Michigan Wolverines with all my heart.


At length I grew tired of plaid, leprechauns, and too many popes, so under cover of darkness and interminable miles of cornfields, I escaped the Midwest one summer night, and once I’d crossed the Continental Divide, I detected an egregiously foul stench to the north.


Wisely, I stayed well away of that odious compass direction. With a magnificent yellow star to guide me, I wound up in Duckville, and based solely on my antipathy to the color purple, I was accepted into a graduate degree program at Our Beloved Ducks U.


That was more than 40 lightning fast years ago, and my affection for my Ducks ever grows, nurtured by many memorable mallardly moments.


No longer afflicted with Irish Fever, I am a happy Duck U. alumnus, an open-minded gentleman with welcoming arms for all, except for those detestable louts from Washington, USC, Oregon State, Stanford, Utah, Washington State, Cal, Colorado, Arizona State, UCLA, and Arizona, and oh yeah, Ohio State, Alabama, and Miami.


And notably, I remain faithful to my Catholic roots, spreading the Gospel truth on Sir Charles’ FishDuck Forum.

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On 3/1/2022 at 6:07 PM, Axel said:

And notably, I remain faithful to my Catholic roots, spreading the Gospel truth on Sir Charles’ FishDuck Forum.

Truly...as I read that last line I was taking a sip of water and just about blew it out my nose.  I enjoyed the first part as, I am Catholic too and have no interest in the 'Domers, but the last part got to me...big.


After taking a big gulp, and wiping my nasal area...I admit to liking the last four words....but I shouldn't.  (But I do!)


There so many out there in the community like you, and I'm glad all of you found this forum.  Such fun reading your posts, and that last one was a dandy.

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Mr. FishDuck

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In 1967, As a 12 year old kid living in Sunnyvale CA, before the OREGON vs Stanford football game, my folks told me that we had a visitor coming to the house… it was Jerry Frei… seems that my folks and Jerry (and his wife Marian) all grew up and went/graduated from Stoughton High School in Stoughton Wisconsin. Coach Frei was a very dynamic and powerful presence. From that point on I was a duck. We went to the game and I believe the Ducks lost… But I knew where I was going…. And I did.

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Chip Kelly and his style of ball.

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So, I grew up in Portland in the 50s. I became a sports fanatic despite the fact that my dad--a farm boy--had NO interest in sports. Thankfully, my mom came from a sports family and recognized my passion. For some reason that I can't remember, I was faced with a decision: do I root for the black and orange Beavers or the green and yellow Ducks.

Since neither of my parents had any loyalty to either school, the choice was all mine. In 1963, as an 11-year-old kid, I chose the Ducks. I started following college sports in 1963 as an 11-year-old. My first Duck football heroes were Mel Renfro (has there ever been a more talented Duck?), Bob Berry, Ray Palm, Rich Schwab, Dave Wilcox and Dave Tobey.


I loved hearing Wendy Ray call the Webfoot games. In basketball, it was Jim "Crazy Horse" Barnett, Steve Jones, Dave Kafoury, Bill Jennings, and Gene Brockmeyer. I would sit in my room at my desk at night supposedly doing my homework while being fully engaged in the Duck basketball game playing on my transistor radio. From that point on, my allegiance to the Ducks NEVER wavered. 


As a high school kid, I decided I wanted to be a sports reporter. Thus, the place for me as a college student HAD to be the U of O. I eventually veered off the sportswriter/sportscaster path at the U of O, but I never gave up on being a Duck sports fan. 

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On 3/7/2022 at 9:05 PM, WiseKwacker said:

I chose the Ducks

Wise beyond the normal 11 yo.  Some of us got our wisdom later in life, but at least we all finally got it just like Mr. FishDuck.

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Originally moved to Philomath in 3rd grade, then to Grants Pass, then off to school at UO. I think it all started with sneaking booze into the student section at Autzen. I blame the alcohol and impaired judgement.


I always liked the underdog and UO was certainly always that when I was there.... In some ways I miss the underdog status..... every win was special back then and losses were the expected outcome... We have been utterly spoiled in recent years...

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Been trying to recall since this question was posted.  IDK, I can't remember not being a Duck fan.  Casual fan with a mix of rabid all my life I guess. 

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It all started when I was born at Sacred Heart in Eugene!!! 

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For me... It was my Job that led me to be a Duck fan.  I worked a 12 hour shift, Sat, Sun and Monday staring at computer screens in a network control center for a large bank.

After lunch, staying alert became a challenge.   Bring on the AM radio with Chris Miller, Lew Barnes and Jerry Allen on the call.  The beavers stunk and at least the Ducks had a shot at winning.  To me, Jerry Allen is right up there with the Schonz; one of the best ever.

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My grandfather is a U of O Alumnus and passed the love for the Ducks onto me when he raised me. I became friends with a couple kids who were Beaver Fans when I swam on a club team here in Coos Bay. As I got into high school I didn't really pay attention to sports anymore.

Then around 2017 I got into photography, specifically sports and real estate photography but my love was definitely sports. Became friends with some hardcore Duck fans and my inner Duck re-ignited. 2021 I shot my first Duck game against Arizona and I fell in love.


Shot a second game against Washington State and it was a dream come true to being doing it. I hope to be shooting more games! 

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I grew up in a Duck family, so I had little choice!


My grandfather was a big football fan and supporter followed by my dad. My first game was the first Autzen game in 1967. We had football season tickets for decades up until the Great Recession when it became impossible to maintain. Great memories!


I got really bit by the basketball bug while attending UO during the Kamikaze Kids era. A few of us would get in line very early to get the seats of our choice, and then we waited. First for the JV or Women's game and then for the main event. So much fun!


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5th generation Duck.  It's in the blood.

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When I was 12 in 1965 my former brother-in-law took me to a Duck football game, it was love at first sight! Here I am 66 years later and still a fanatic! 

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