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Charles Fischer

'High on Cristobal? This Hype is LAUGHABLE...'

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Look...even with my bias--I can't make this stuff up!  Someone pushes back and gets clobbered by Pate...


How should I feel?  "The evidence is there, as Mari is a great recruiter, but lacking as a Coach."



Sorry Josh...but I don't buy your upside.  Will he improve Miami?  Sure, but like Oregon...the bar was low when he takes over.  


If Cristobal stayed at Oregon this year--there would have been a MASS EXODUS of players, and there already was among offensive linemen and running backs that Lanning saved. The majority of the wide receivers would have entered the portal...


The point is--it is not just now, but after the fourth year--how does everyone feel about the future then?  Mari can elevate them initially as he did with Oregon for which I am grateful, but he is not a big winner over the long term.  I believe this year at Oregon would have been the beginning of a decline that only would have ended with him leaving--one way or another.


I am happy with Lanning, very happy.

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Mr. FishDuck

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Guest Axel

You can’t blame Josh Pate for having a surname that’s a synonym for Nob or Noggin, but he most assuredly was not using the old Noodle when he went on that pro-Mario rant.


Pate is an East Coaster, so he’s probably only seen two Ducks football games in his entire 35 years wandering around on Mother Earth and undoubtedly accounts for his side-splitting statement that Mario was “tearing it up on the West Coast.” Mario, of course, was tearing up, spitting on, and shredding those highly effective Ducks offensive playbooks from prior coaching regimes, but that’s not the context to which Pate was referring.


No, Pate would have you believe that Mario had been crowned the Knute-Rockne-Paul-Bear-Bryant-Amos-Alonzo-Stagg of the far, far, really far West, which to an Easterner is anywhere to the left of Davenport, Iowa. And who wouldn’t be wetting his big-boy fan pants in anticipation of a real-life football god riding home to the rescue of his beloved U? Has the statue of Mario Cristobal been cast yet?


Pate says, “If you live in Coral Gables, if you live in Delray Beach, and you’re a big Miami fan, how should you feel?” Let me interject here and offer: “suicidal?” Okay, maybe that’s just a tad negative, but I would counsel those hapless Hurricanes fans in southeast Florida to lock up any sharp objects for the next, say, three years, after which time Mario will likely be begging Willie Taggart for a job as assistant to the assistant of his special teams.


Meanwhile, someone on the other side of the continent would be wise to inform Pate that Mario wasn’t exactly “tearing it up” in his two most important assignments of 2021, when his Ducks got their tail feathers plucked twice by the same team, a team with inferior-rated talent, a team from a land called Utah, a place that Pate being an East Coaster has probably never, ever heard of.

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Maybe nobody wants to hear this take, but when Utah destroyed the Ducks  a second time in what almost looked like an instant replay of the first game, I told my very good Ducks friend that Mario quit on his team. I had been seeing reports from back East that MC had been negotiating behind the scene to become the  Canes Head Coach. Whatever respect I might have had  for the  guy evaporated upon hearing the rumors.


My poor  friend was so down after the PAC-12 championship that he was threatening to enter the Fan Portal (he wasn't serious) remarking that the Ducks can't seem to keep a coach long enough to build a  roster.  I'm real hopeful  that you guys have now found one to fit that bill.




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I know no one wants to hear this. But MC is going to do fine in Miami. He works to hard to not be. I'm one of those people who doesn't necessarily hate the idea that he had of dominance of both lines of scrimmage and running the ball to set up explosive plays. Not turning the ball over by taking to many chances. Imho this is what we saw up until half way through 2021.


Then we lost CJ Verdel and things became tougher. Constant changes to coordinaters didn't help the players. QBs lost confidence. Every thing seemed to tighten up.


Then in 22, after the biggest ooc win, everything seemed to fall apart. An unexpected amount of season limiting and ending injuries occurred. We lost over 11 starters towards the end of the season. Our QB couldn't hit the broadside of a barn past 20 yards. For the first time in my memory we had fans booing in Autzen. It seems that MC lost himself and the team. Everything became tense and uninspiring Thus the Utah beat downs.


I don't know if the same thing will happen in Miami, but I doubt it will.  I'm not sad he's gone. I don't believe anyone could have lasted after the bitter taste it left in everyone's mouth.


Now a fresh start is coming, the excitement is back, and the team feels FB is fun again. Now it's time to put it all together with the talent he left us and go get us a natty.


Go Ducks Fly High!

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On 6/12/2022 at 10:29 PM, Nevada Dawg said:

he was threatening to enter the Fan Portal (he wasn't serious) remarking that the Ducks can't seem to keep a coach




The Fan Portal, now that made my morning, thanks.


Mario, supposedly inherits another elite qb. I think Mario will do alright, but at the elite level, you need more than your strength coach on the sideline next to you when playing big games. You need steely nerves, and shrewd play calling, Mari'no'O has neither of these.


He is like the kid who can throw big heat who moves up the ranks of elite baseball. Unless he develops a change-up and a decent curve, he will never last. It takes more than recruiting and soundbites to win, but he looks impressive right now.


What Charles said is right, after about 4 years his footprint will be all over the canes, and it will be all over as it was at FIU and would have been soon at Oregon. 

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On 6/13/2022 at 1:37 AM, Duck 1972 said:

But MC is going to do fine in Miami.

Defining "fine" is like pornography, you'll know it when you see it.  Are 10 win seasons with an occasional league title and no playoffs fine?


Of course, for the next few years the East/South Coast press will tell us Lanning's wins are all be due to Mari's players.  Except Dan had to re-recruit them and finally give them the coaching they were promised.  


But that's fine as we all saw how Emperor Mari's new clothes weren't the wardrobe for Eugene.


Plus, he might keep the u the ewe dub of the East Coast, living and basking in the past glory.

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     Lost in the rush to crown MC as the next great Hurricane head coach has been any attempt to compare him to those who set the bar. Other than in recruiting, has he exhibited any of the tactical gifts or abilities to shift gears and create on the run that marked the careers of Howard Schnellenberger, Jimmie Johnson and even Dennis Erickson?


    From what I remember, when things got tough for Mari, he didn’t get going, he’d hit his ceiling and call a time out. 


     Rather than showing the adaptive creativity that always marks great coaching, you could sum-up MC’s coaching abilities from the directions on the back of a shampoo bottle: ‘wash, rinse, repeat’.


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Guest Axel
On 6/13/2022 at 7:17 AM, Steven A said:

But MC is going to do fine in Miami.

In the movie "Vacation" on their drive through Arizona, Clark and Ellen disagreed whether Aunt Edna was "fine" as she lay konked out in the back seat, when it was time for her to take her pill.


I think the U. under Mario will be like Aunt Edna.

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On 6/12/2022 at 7:20 PM, Charles Fischer said:

 I believe this year at Oregon would have been the beginning of a decline that only would have ended with him leaving--one way or another.

And, it was awfully nice to get paid for him leaving instead of us having to pay off an expensive contract extension when we finally ran him out of town. Well played!!



On 6/13/2022 at 8:00 AM, Washington Waddler said:

From what I remember, when things got tough for Mari, he didn’t get going, he’d hit his ceiling and call a time out. 

Usually before the game began, as I recall.... LOL!!


Go Ducks!!

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On 6/12/2022 at 10:11 PM, Axel said:

You can’t blame Josh Pate for having a surname that’s a synonym for Nob or Noggin, but he most assuredly was not using the old Noodle when he went on that pro-Mario rant.

I watch Pate's stuff from time to time ... I'll be honest, he is knowledgeable about the SEC, a good chunk of the ACC and Big-12, Ohio State and that's about it. 


He occasionally talks about the PAC but it is rare. Even when he does a run down of how X effects the power five he seems to just talk about what I said was in his wheel house and he typically doesn't even mention the PAC-12. 


I'm not sure if Oregon would have seen an outright decline this year under Cristobal, but we would have at least seen the plateau. 2019 was the high point. 

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I wasn’t as turned off by this take.  Notice what was conspicuously absent throughout that monologue: coaching skills.  

“Tearing it up” perhaps implies a positive view of MC’s skills (and perhaps the ‘not Nick Saban’ comment as well) but he missed a ton of opportunities to explicitly say that.   

Example, wouldn’t ‘good coach’ be on that list of check boxes?


IDK, I saw that video as a total hedge rather than an anointing of a soon to be dominant coaching reign 

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