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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. They just got the illegal forward pass right!
  2. Or, they could say, "See, we got it right with 4"
  3. And that's where Oregon has set itself. A 10 win season can legitimately be viewed as mediocre, because they didn't win the conference title. David, I would refer you back to one of your articles I believe where you wrote about the different standards teams have. OSU finished their season thrilled to be Bowl eligible, and then went out and had a terrible game. But it doesn't matter, the Beavs will be going for that 8 win season next!
  4. Hey Cincy, you want 'Bama? The Committee gave them to you, and the ESPNers spent the pregame saying, "It had to happen", the G5 needed to get a chance!. I say, no it did not. I think Cincy is going to be blown out. If Cincy wins? I never won the Duck Predict a score contest. Alabama got the opening kickoff, 10 straight runs, and a touchdown pass. 7-0 Alabama.
  5. I'm not on board with that. Next thing they'll want poles in the locker room. And we don't want this
  6. I love this coming from Huskyville Since 2007, the Huskies are 101-86 .541%, they haven't left mediocrity. They have one 12 win season, and one 12 loss season. Meanwhile, since 2007, the Ducks are 144-49, .746% Nine seasons of 10 or more wins Six seasons of 11 or more wins Five seasons of 12 or more wins
  7. Willie Mays was the "Say Hey Kid", Lou Gehrig, "The Iron Horse" But Alex Rodiguez? The best that could be come up with is A-Rod? King James is actually kind of clever for Lebron. Wilt the Stilt worked for Chamberlain The baseball Cardinals had Stan the Man, and of course, The Wizard of Oz for hall of fame shortstop, Ozzie Smith, A while back, it wasn't his nickname particularly but latracey came up with The Lanning Strip. Very good one I think.
  8. This is what separates our Forum from anyplace else. The bunch who feel that any rules on how or what they post inhibits them are right. But the Boards where people just post whatever, however they want, don't have discussion. There is no need for articles or topics, it's just a board full of rants. Our old buddy, impulse control. Is a good guy. As a Seahawks fan, when Pete called for a pass on the 2 yard line, with Beast Mode in the backfield, I was WTH!!! But what I wrote in the board I was active in at the time was, "If that had worked it would have been one of the best calls in Super Bowl history."
  9. Looking back, Taggart's introductory press conference was a performance by a stand -up comic. "I just flew into Eugene, and boy are my arms tired" He stayed until his agent told him that his dream gig was open, and off he went. Mario was a longer running production, with some big time talent. But it was booooring!. Year after year, the same lines, delivered in the same monotonous pattern. When he got a call to move on, it was a relief to close the curtain. Now Lanning is here. His cast of coaches is almost complete, He's kept quite a few of the players we've come to know, and anticipate seeing in their new roles, along with some new ones that will be added by opening day, when Lanning leads his new team against his old one, in what is sure to be a blockbuster!!!
  10. One of the best I've ever seen. The concentration, awareness, body control. It was Jeff Maehl worthy.
  11. This is a bunch of highlights, including Hutson's incredible sideline catch, that wasn't ruled a catch!!!!
  12. So, the Huskies drain the Lake, and now their best D player is transferring, the Fresno St. QB, won't come to UW with his coach to be a Mutt on Montlake. Good times!
  13. Except, look what happened against Utah, 76-17. Miami wanted Mario, didn't care what his record was.
  14. More and more reason why Oregon and USC should both join the Big 12. Autzen's crowds are the best in the Pac-12, while they're winning, the Coliseum is a showplace for USC, The Big12 just lost Texas & Oklahoma.
  15. Yeah, and what is there to think over. On the old fashioned "Plus & Negative" sheet, what are the Plus points for staying at Oklahoma? Get ready, with Williams, SC will have the best QB in the Pac-12 since Marcus Mariota.
  16. Cristobal's weekly mantra's sounded like quotes from a Navy Seal's handbook Exactly, He read them, but didn't understand them. Empty rhetoric, that apparently worked in recruit's living rooms, but not to a locker room of players. We all saw Lanning's Presser, and who knows for sure. But he seemed authentic, the words sounded genuine coming from his heart. Lanning has been working overtime for Oregon, while he's finishing up at Georgia, contacting recruits to finish up this class, attacking the portal, assembling a coaching staff. I think he has a definite identity in mind for his Oregon Ducks team. I don't think there is a better opponent possible for the Ducks than what they have in Georgia to start the Lanning era. He's knowledgeable about the Bulldogs, and his Ducks will be fired up. I can't wait.
  17. SC fans are stoked with Riley, they see the Carroll days coming back. But, if the Trojans don't win like Riley was doing at Oklahoma, Trojan fan will be elsewhere. UCLA football fan?
  18. Yeah, he can go now. But, a year in Lanning's defense won't move him down, and could jump him up to the 2nd round.
  19. 18 carries 153 yards, 1 TD, 5 receptions 28 yards.
  20. I agree, especially with the way it started. It had horror show all over it, but the Ducks came back. The D, as in depleted, showed up on defense for the Ducks, but the offense got it going in the 2nd half, It left me with a positive attitude looking towards the Lanning era.
  21. Because it's Oklahoma, if the Ducks get another touchdown they have to try an onside kick.
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