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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. I have to give the Ducks a lot of credit. I was seeing a final of 66-3. But they have come back, defense can't stop Oklahoma. but the offense has not shut it down,
  2. There is no Mercy Rule like in softball. But McClendon can show Brown, and us some mercy, by bringing Thompson in,
  3. The team's biggest win under Mario was achieved in spite of him. This was a case of Ryan Day not having his Buckeyes prepared at all and the Ducks pulled a win out of the air. We know this because of what the teams did for the rest of the season. Under Day, Ohio State let loose the most explosive offense the Buckeyes have had in years. Meanwhile under Mario, the Ducks struggled against Stony Brook and lost to Stanford. Not once, did Mario make an in game adjustment, much less, a quarterback change, even for a half, even during the bye week. Too not be critical of Mario was too be blind. Miami wants him, and when their season is done, and their QB, who threw for 4000 yards last season, puts up, 2800, next season, they'll know what Prevent Offense looks like.
  4. Okay, I know it's hard to get too excited about the Ducks playing in the Alamo Bowl. But take a moment and consider what it's like for Clemson fans. They're used to seeing the Tigers in the CFP. Tonight, Clemson is playing in the Cheez-it Bowl.
  5. I think KT would play in this one, and Lanning would be on the other side of the field for the 1st game of next season. Alas.
  6. This makes so much sense. Unfortunately the ESECPN is actively against anything that would benefit everybody and the NCAA is feckless.
  7. Tough and a sign of life in UCLA that heretofore hasn't existed. UCLA is basketball, and hoops is going well. If the AD takes notice of how the football team is doing at all would be surprising, if they go to the trouble of firing/hiring a new coach, surprising. Big bro, USC has a shiny new coach, and its fans are of course thinking national championships again. This seems like the situation that would push UCLA to make a move. But I don't see it.
  8. Is this what it's come too? Could the Alamo Bowl have offered enough to KT to get him to play?
  9. Michigan is on a roll, got past the Buckeyes, and have a good D, Georgia is going to have to get up after being knocked back by 'Bama. I'll take Michigan here, 27-20 and Lanning will be done at Georgia. All the people who wanted Cincy, have fun with this. I'm seeing Alabama 49-10
  10. For now the 2nd Utah slaughter is the final note to the season. The team didn't have any spark, So what I'm looking for is a Ducks team with energy and spirit. A positive end to this season and momentum for the next.
  11. Yeah, not sure if he played above Cristobal. But all season he was just what Cristobal wanted, and by no means was this a phenomenal season for Oregon football.
  12. This really does seem to be a "Who wants it more" game. OK didn't get slammed twice in 3 weeks by the same team, but their season definitely didn't end like they wanted it too. We aren't really all that upset that our coach left. Not many in Okie saying, "This is good, Venables will get us that Playoff win!" The Sooners do have Williams at QB, and he had a phenomenal season too.
  13. And, this is why the sport is where it is. 3/4 of the Pac-12 Presidents wouldn't know the coach of the football team if he walked by him. The greed of the SEC against the apathy of the Pac-12.
  14. Not only that, at USC, Williams would be the roadblock for Young winning a 2nd Heisman at Alabama. Hopefully he and Venables develop a bond that keeps him at Oklahoma.
  15. I don't think Travis never say Dye played any harder than did Anthony. It didn't seem like he had any delusions about his abilities After every play he picked himself up and went back to the huddle. I don't know if that adds up to a "phenomenal season". But I hope that Anthony looks back on this season as the starting quarterback for the Oregon Ducks with pride.
  16. Yeah, I'm no. Royce Freeman ended his career on top of the yards rushing at Oregon, he caught Mariota's iconic flip against Michigan State. But what I remember most about him is seeing him on the sideline at the Las Vegas Bowl in his civvies. An injured player at the game cheering on his teammates is one thing. The opt-out player already told the team, "Yeah, I'm not interested in this game, but you guys, go for it. Meanwhile my agent is on the phone".
  17. By now, enthusiasm is what it is, and my enthusiasm for this Alamo Bowl, is reflected in the announcing crew ABC is sending. Chris, Herbie and Molly aren't going to be there.
  18. Around here we've seen adjectives other than phenomenal to describe the season Oregon's starting quarterback is finishing up in the Alamo Bowl. Anthony Brown Reflects On Senior Season Duck Territory Matt Prehm
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