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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. The sage, savvy coach knows when he has more experience to acquire, and considering how ASU has been a coaches graveyard...he knows he can catch the Sun Devils at the next coaching change! It isn't going to end...
  2. This is not throwing shade on him, but my own personal observation. In my view, he is not ready. He thinks he is, just as he thought he could make a number of 4th downs starting in the Cal game. Yet I feel that at times his game-plans and play-calling were brilliant--I really do. I was going to do an analysis series on them in the off-season...so much for that! But in the end at the crunch moments--his youthful inexperience as an OC almost lost a game or two, and actually did lose two for us. This is why they call it risk, and thus why I truly believe he needed more experience, more seasoning. But then, that would mean it would be at our expense again. Can we find an OC who has already learned this stuff the hard way? Fantastic article today by DazeNconfused with OC candidates and I love three in there....love them. Tomorrow Coach Boles is throwing his OC ideas our way to let us chew further on it. My FishDuck Friends, we are lucky to have the volunteer writers who put in such amazing time, and share their skills. I am always grateful. And that is based on learning the hard way, and now being thankful.
  3. His mother (below) wrote this recently.... In case you do not believe she is his mother.... (below)
  4. I wish some of the Womens Basketball fans here would start threads, as there is a ton to discuss thus far this year. Looks like a really good team emerging...a top-ten maybe? The development of Phillipina Kyei has been great to watch, as she is moving so much better and becoming really confident in her low-post moves. For her to have a double-double of 15 each against Michigan State was amazing. I remember her as tall (6'8") and skinny, but it looks like she has worked hard and has bulk in her shoulders, arms and legs now. This bodes really well because that is the final area this team needs--a dominant post. (IMHO!) There was a time-out and a BIG girl came from the bench to greet the players and cheer them on. She towered above all the little guards she embraced, and she was not just tall--but looked strong with bulk as well. Who is she? I think it was this young lady below...Kennedy Basham, who is out with an injury. I had no idea she was 6'7" with such length and strength!
  5. As for recruits...I don't see any leaving their position coach who recruited them such as Klemm or Adams, thus the only one I worry about is Dante Moore. Yet he is the one who has the most potential to step in and I think he sees that.
  6. This is what I was depressed about last year while the season was sliding...who ARE we going to get? I could not think of a single proven HC who would leave the gig he had to come to Oregon. So to me, Lanning was a great hire out of left field. It sucks to be a "tweener" as Oregon is, but you could be a bottom-feeder school who gets the one great coach taken from you when you finally win. And now with NIL and the portal, the big schools can take your only great players away as well! When you are a smaller school...
  7. Yeah, Joey knows how to call it. Let's bring in Justin Wilcox!
  8. ...BabyJesus615 with a prediction of a 31-24 OSU victory. His delta of 17 was really not very close compared to others in the past, but he WAS the winner. Congrats to him, and thanks to all for playing. Next one will be the bowl game!
  9. Dazed is doing research, and will have an article about candidates in the morning for us all!
  10. So...what else do you do? What message are you sending to the team and the public if you do nothing? If he was not a senior--I'd say suspend him for the bowl game and start anew in spring. No such option here, and I think the public metrics are more important at this point than his feelings.
  11. GREAT article, and the timing is perfect as that is what I and others needed. Thanks Coach!
  12. I am both. We ALL are, as we are all correct often with our assertions, and then can be completely wrong--but nobody remembers. I predicted that Dilly will stay--even placing a friendly bet with people. I am in idiot, a blockhead, a buffoon, but even with that admission I still maintain--he is not ready IMHO. Yet I am not completely stupid, as I thought I called things correctly about Dan Lanning taking on too much unnecessary risk in an article earlier this week. Unfortunately, he proved my premise only too well in the rivalry game, not learning the lessons from the Washington fiasco. My point is--we are all wrong a good bit of the time; if you added up all the surprises you did not foresee coming into the season--you would be humbled a bit. Thus when we have posters who assert with an air of authority that "they know the truth" on a particular topic? I roll my eyes. I think my track record is pretty decent, yet I also thought Oregon's defense would be the surprise of the conference this year. (It was, but not the way I hoped) Ditto with the Dilly prediction. And certainly the weekly game score prediction contest continues to show us all how fallible we are. I am curious...what were your big predictions you voiced or had privately that went way-wrong?
  13. The player has to operate at a higher level than the crazy that confronts him. Do not stoop to his level, you turn and walk away, and that actually does the most damage, because the crazy wants some kind of reaction. We will disagree, and that’s fine. In the end, it is Lanning, who will use his judgment in this matter. Whoops!
  14. It is very disconcerting. I was frustrated with Mario, because it appeared that he would not learn the first time from an error. Now Lanning is the same?
  15. We need two or three teams to be great as a top-heavy conference....not six! (You forgot UCLA)
  16. No...you sell yourself as something magic and get a multi-million dollar contract that sets you and your family up for life. And you don't even have to win! Try your best, get fired, take the buy-out and laugh to the bank. We dis Taggart, but he got 17 million to leave Florida State....whew!
  17. That is your opinion. Let's not tell others what to think or feel. Analytics are not always the right thing to do, and I have coaches on speed-dial that would tell you that. ----------------------- "How do you post correctly? You give your opinion in a polite and respectful way…and that is it. No reference to anyone else, no telling anyone what to think, feel or write. When everyone just posts their opinions in a polite and respectful way, then we learn from each other and have civilized discourse. Bottom line is that we do not throw shade on others for giving their opinion, or starting a post. What we have in the rules works with over 100,000 posts written and the tiny deletion rate of less than half of 1%." ---------------------------------- If you have a response to this--email me.
  18. While I would enjoy saying you're psycho, I won't. But your observation about the defense is close, IMHO. This defense has badly underperformed the experience and talent, IMHO.
  19. Alamo Bowl loss to TCU. Good gosh, are we really going to wallow in negative? This loss was bad....so how bad was it? Let's think about other bad losses!
  20. Yep. I've been told that I need to go to these and, "show-the-flag" for better access. For what? More blah-blah? This is not on Lanning, as they ALL did it. The only difference among them? At least Bellotti was charming, and made you laugh as he told you nothing.
  21. Wrong. You knew what the deal was when you signed up as a college football player. You get nearly two million dollars in benefits the rest of us never get, as well as being incredibly athletically gifted as so many would love to be. He should be dismissed and sent away immediately. Have others pack his stuff and deliver it. There has been so much showboating and nonsense--there has to be an end to it.
  22. Do not "Throw Group-Shade" at other fans who disagree with your view, or who do not match your level of anger or indignation. "How do you post correctly? You give your opinion in a polite and respectful way…and that is it. No reference to anyone else, no telling anyone what to think, feel or write. When everyone just posts their opinions in a polite and respectful way, then we learn from each other and have civilized discourse. Bottom line is that we do not throw shade on others for giving their opinion, or starting a post. What we have in the rules works with over 100,000 posts written and the tiny deletion rate of less than half of 1%." "Do NOT get Personal with the Players or Coaches. You can write anything about anyone in the world in the forum…including former Oregon players and coaches. But you cannot get personal with current Oregon players and coaches. Discussing player performance (errors) and coaching decisions is what we do on a forum, but we don’t get personal with current Oregon players or coaches." I already have four posts to delete today, and an all-time monthly record for this month at 34 total thus far, when the norm is 15. I am losing my patience babysitting adults...for crying out loud, just be nice! Be a GOOD Fan, as that is what most of the OBD members are here...
  23. From the article.... "Begin thinking as a 56-year-old coach versus a 36-year-old; try not to learn the big lessons the hard way as you just did with Bo Nix please?" "Coaches Lanning and Dillingham are building a bank of coaching experience and knowledge while at Oregon, and I just hope that Oregon fans later get to cash that check owed to us for the “learning losses” when they reach coaching maturity."
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