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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Bo showing more mobility in the pocket already and willing to throw long completely changes this game already in a big way for Oregon. Whew!
  2. Here we are my friends, the thread for discussing the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discussion. Rule No. 31d covers GameDay thread conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game!
  3. Somebody took down some Oregon State Architecture?
  4. Good! And you did it the perfect way, a great example to all as to how to "politely disagree" with someone. So all of you reluctant to post--this is how we do it! And it is enforced, as we have your back! This thread is another example, as I did not know Rhule's record at Temple, and what he overcame--thanks to Pennsylvania Duck for that and ALL the work done bringing us the articles!
  5. I agree, and am often amazed at the observations of this community. I just wish more would jump in and give us their views, as none are wrong. We may disagree, but have to do so nicely, and thus we all learn from each other. Civility is highly under-rated...
  6. This was covered extensively in threads after the Stanford game. This is from the 2012 game at USC where Mariota would Zone Read a DE on the left side while meshing with DAT running to the right. If the read defender crashed, then Marcus would pull the ball and follow two pulling blockers to the left. If the defender being read "sat" then he would hand off to DAT would run to the right "naked" side, (no blocking) but you had DAT one-on-one with defenders in the open field. It was good-or-good between who ran the ball. We did this early versus Stanford and really messed them up. Then we flipped it and had the mesh with the RB going to the left and Bo could run the "naked" direction. We ran pass-plays off this, and other sequential plays in that game and the next. I called it the "Mariota" play,....just because it was cool in 2012 to see him run behind two pulling big blockers. "Quarterback in the Clear!"
  7. Dawson Jamarillo doesn't understand why everyone doesn't love the Mullet...
  8. The tougher Rivals rankings have Oregon No. 12 in the nation with 11 of the 4 & 5-Star players, while USC is No. 13 with nine of them. Donte Dowdell
  9. Meh. I think he is a good coach, but could have waited for a better opportunity. Nebraska overcame their recruiting difficulties in the past because of their national reputation, but now is a tough road. He should have waited for a better opening near a major well-funded metro center.
  10. I hope going into every year that Oregon wins 10 games, because if you win 10...you are a respected, good team. You will be nationally ranked, and probably in a good bowl. Ten is my benchmark!
  11. Always fun having a Xs and Ox chat with Dazed, and I agree with his contentions listed in another thread. Defense: Coach Lupoi is not on any chopping block; I believe that when he announced that he wanted an attacking defense at Oregon when hired--he meant it. He also told us another reason for coming to Oregon was due to his admiration of Lanning's brilliance on defense, hence he wanted to learn from Dan and improve his DC expertise. I still refer to earlier articles where both Dazed and I concluded independently in the week after the Washington State game, that Lanning decided that with this high-scoring offense....a Cover-2 Bend-But-Don't-Break defense was in order. As Dazed wrote, you don't look at the usual metrics; the scoreboard is the one that matters. Against Washington, the Cover-2 was exploited, there was not any mixing up the defenses, and a number of other factors had to play out perfectly for the Huskies...and they did. Thus with Utah, Lanning did not take over, but realized that with a defensive reboot in only a week from primarily Cover-2 to Cover-1...it is all-hands-on-deck to help make it happen. Thus why we saw more involvement from Lanning on the sideline assisting Lupoi, and creating a great learning experience for our DC. I agree with many here as well that we will mix it up for the Beavers, but primarily run Cover-1 to slow the Beaver rushing attack, and make the OSU QB try to outscore us through the air. That is an "iffy" proposition for Oregon State. Offense: It has been asked often "why" we did not run the ball well versus Utah, and I point to a couple of factors; the first is the loss of veteran offensive linemen of which may not be the case this week. Rumors of Alex Forsyth returning are being hinted. Ryan Walk and Steven Jones are back at guard, thus run-blocking will be improved a touch. Why just a touch? A massive element in running success has been the introduction nearly each week of new running plays and formations to confuse the opponent. Surprise can work as well as a block, and then as the opponent adjusts--you run sequential plays off the original new play. Pulling out the Jumbo formation, the "I" formation, the Twin Backs, the "Mariota" play, etc. all contributed in a BIG way to our rushing success. But last week the offense could not roll out any new running plays as it was assumed that Ty would be starting, hence the practices were focused upon the basic plays and the new perimeter passing plays used to attack the Utes. There was not enough time to roll anything new out, and you don't do that to a new QB. (Exhibit "A" was the Jet-Sweep Reverse vs. Utah) I believe Dilly has quite a few new surprises up his sleeve, and this will help take tons of pressure off of Bo to make plays on a hobbled ankle. As Dazed and I discussed--we would not be surprised to see some deep passes thrown early along with some bootleg and even Zone Read (to the outside) mild runs by Bo to establish to the Beavers that, "you better not pack the box or we will hurt you." New wrinkles on offense might help make up for lack of complete speed and mobility of Bo. And this is the time for our wide receivers and tight ends to prove their separation talents, and get-open against the sticky Oregon State defensive backs. This could be a superb "step-up" game for them, as there is great pride from beating a great secondary. Setting Things Straight at Reser The majority of this team has a bad taste in their mouth just thinking about being at Reser the last time. A game Oregon should have won, but so many mistakes gave it to OSU in the end. I would like to think the respect factor and the revenge factor is going to be present for many of these veteran players. Unlike many games under a prior coach where the team came out flat--I don't see that happening here. Beat the Beavers! Mr. FishDuck
  12. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! What is your prediction versus Oregon State? Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started, (since the game starts at 12:30 tomorrow--I thought I'd get it started early on Friday) and remember I look for the differential between your predicted points with both teams from the actual points. I will use the tiebreaker information when needed, so provide all the data below! Entries without all the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count as I am not going to hunt them all down. I am no longer going to PM three or four people who don't read directions each week. Please follow directions, as I need all that is below for tiebreakers: --the winner --the score --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My prediction is: Oregon 30-27 1 1 343
  13. He's not leaving. That is my fantasy, and I'm sticking to it! I would like to think he would be here another year for the current players and recruits...
  14. I have been detained today, and did not see things veering political here and apologize for not stepping in. (I would have thought that the dozen mods would have alerted me, but....) Let's all not use terms that are clearly from one side of the political isle, as that is not "polite and respectful" to our fellow Duck friends in this forum. What strikes me as odd is how it really is only a few former players asking for it, yet when I talk/read the fans from both schools--they are against the change. And while many of the names are "OK," none inspire the feelings that the original name does with us. I wonder if the Civil-War would appease those who find it offensive? Adding the hyphen distinguishes it from the actual war...I think? It feels like a "lose-lose" situation, in that the original group will be unhappy with any variation of the original name, and the vast majority will be unhappy with any variation that is not like the original name. And that explains why the name change has not happened; those who made the decision for the change buckled quickly to a few, and what are they going to do with the masses now? Hide
  15. It would appear he has played in two games thus far, with four being the limit to preserve his eligibility for an extra year. (Remember, Google is your friend)
  16. My reaction to that? "Oh boo-hoo." I put a TON of time into creating the article, writing the reply posts and providing the whole platform (for free) to everyone. If they say they cannot wade through the posts--I don't have much sympathy. So they can't read the prior posts, but I am supposed to provide the answers for the third time between once in the article, and twice in the forum? Is that fair? Use the reading marks that I've referred to tons of times and you won't have to do much scrolling. If everyone takes two minutes to read the directions--it will save you hours over time...
  17. Holy Crap! A Rivals 4-Star! Look at the long offer list....sheesh! Besides the two mentioned of Ohio State and Penn State....Florida State, Miami, Michigan, Notre Dame, Tennessee, TAMU, Alabama, Georgia and USC? Whew!
  18. Oregon beat out Oklahoma for him, and Bowens is a Rivals 4-Star, a big recruit for Oregon! A good countenance for the defensive line...
  19. One of the frustrations with writing an article that creates great discussion is how many will not heed what was already written, and bring up the same items covered already. I wrote that there were many ways to run the QB in a higher percentage way, as I detailed in my analysis videos of the Chip Kelly offense viewed over 2 million times. Running a Zone Read down the backside of a defense in open field has sliding and going out of bounds as safe elections. Plays designed to go outside such as what was run this year at Arizona and Cal are also good examples. Scrambling for a first down or more from a pass play, such as at Stanford this year is another. I did not say "NO" running of the quarterback, but when you run him between the tackles often--you are asking for trouble. There is enough risk to the QB just standing back to pass, and touching the ball on nearly every play...no need to add that much more risk. Proof of my percentages contention is what happened to Bo, and Herbert in 2017...when you run that often between the tackles it is when, not if it happens.
  20. You are "Throwing Group-Shade" at those disagree with you, it is a way of denigrating those you disagree with, and will discourage others from posting because they do not want to be shamed, put-down or publicly maligned for an opinion that is different from yours. I normally do not do this in public, but by email, but it is hard to edit your post without dramatically changing the gist of your message. Your tactic is what many coaches would write when they came here, with the intent of, "you don't know as much football as I, so shut-the-hell-up." And that is wrong, as I want all opinions here, and examples such as yours will inhibit others from posting--when I want to see their opinions. This is the rule violated the most because it is an insidious way of diminishing public discussion on a topic. In the early days of the comments at FishDuck, it was a method that some used to funnel who could write what about certain topics, or even which topics could be discussed. While your sentence is not to that degree, it is a violation that can be read about right here that if ignored by the moderators and I--gives a green light to others to begin doing it. How do you post correctly? You give your opinion in a polite and respectful way…and that is it. No reference to anyone else, no telling anyone what to think, feel or write. When everyone just posts their opinions in a polite and respectful way, then we learn from each other and have civilized discourse. Bottom line is that we do not throw shade on others for giving their opinion, or starting a post. What we have in the rules works with over 100,000 posts written and the tiny deletion rate of less than half of 1%. If you have further comments about this rule or anything related to this rule discussion--email me. We've done enough in public.
  21. Yes, I played for a team ranked in the top three in state for most of the season as an offensive tackle, blocking for a Prep-All American QB, an All-State Tailback and a backup tailback/All-State Safety who played in the Pac-8. One of the greatest sounds in my life that I still relish is the "Roosh" of the tailback sprinting past my head on a superbly blocked trap play. At right offensive tackle I would stare at the defensive tackle in front of me and get him all worked up about our upcoming clash of pads. Then I would kick-step inside before he could touch me, and I would absolutely blow-up the inside linebacker. (That DT would be kicked out by the trapping guard) As the linebacker and I would hit the ground, and I could feel the vibration, that stomping of cleats on the turf as the tailback approached our pile. Before I can turn my head and look up...I hear the Roosh past me, and know that the trapping block went well and now the tailback is in the secondary. One of the great sights of my life was looking up to see the tailback putting a jump-cut on the safety and bursting into open field...and then hearing the roar of the crowd when it became obvious he was going to score. The sights and sounds of those plays--knowing they came from my individual effort, and that of the team cohesively working together was a life-molding event for me. Yeah, I played the game.
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